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These fun children’s books about birthdays are perfect for reading with children at school or home, in the lead up to a birthday, attending a birthday party, or any time you are learning about holidays and celebrations.

30 Children's Books About Birthdays

30 Children’s Books About Birthdays

Each book on our Books about Birthdays list is linked to an Amazon page for more information and reviews (these are affiliate links).

10 fun birthday books for kids

I Love Birthdays by Anna Walker: A sweet book for preschoolers and kindergarteners (and a favourite in our house) – join Ollie in celebrating everything that is fabulous about birthdays.

10 fun birthday books for kids

I Am Invited To A Party by Mo Willems: While maybe not exactly a birthday book, we love this wonderful Elephant & Piggie book about parties. A long time hit in our house.

It's My Birthday: Children's picture books about birthdays

It’s My Birthday by Helen Oxenbury: Unlike the poor Little Red Hen, this youngster’s animal friends are delighted to help her make a cake to celebrate her birthday. A lovely birthday story about helping and sharing with friends.

books about birthdays for kids

Birthday Monsters by Sandra Boynton: “You hear your door come crashing down—those birthday monsters are in town!” Boynton’s fabulously popular rhyming text and wonderfully simple illustrations turn to the topic of birthdays in our favorite book about birthdays for toddlers.

books about birthdays for children

The Princess and the Presents by Caryl Hart: Will the world’s most spoiled princess ever learn that birthdays are about so much more than presents!

Happy Birthday Cupcake book for kids

Happy Birthday, Cupcake by Terry Border: As Cupcake and her best friend, Blueberry Muffin, try to plan her birthday party, there is lots to consider. What is the perfect birthday party idea for a group of foods?

10 fun birthday books for kids

Rude Cakes by Rowboat Watkins: Who knew cakes could be so rude! These cakes certainly do NOT have the sweet disposition of their flavoring! A rather ridiculously wonderful story that proves even the rudest cake can learn to change its behavior.

The Birthday Book by Todd Parr book cover

The Birthday Book by Todd Parr: A celebration of every type of birthday shared in Todd Parr’s colorful, signature style. Great birthday story for toddlers and preschoolers.

Happy Birthday Wombat children's birthday book

Happy Birthday Wombat by Jackie French: It’s Mothball, the hilarious wombat’s birthday and you’ll never guess what a birthday is like through the eyes of one very funny wombat!

RELATED: For more like Happy Birthday Wombat, check out this list of 35 Fun Books About Australian Animals.

Scaredy Squirrel Has a Birthday Party

Scaredy Squirrel Has a Birthday Party by Melanie Watt: Scaredy Squirrel is planning his birthday party – for one! The perfect party for a worrywart! But whatever will happen when the other party animals arrive uninvited?

Pete the Cat and the Missing Cupcakes

Pete the Cat and the Missing Cupcakes by James Dean: Pete the Cat and his friends are busy as can be baking cupcakes for a party, and Pete can’t wait to perform with his groovy band. But some of the cupcakes have gone missing! Who could have taken them?

10 fun birthday books for kids

This Is Actually My Party (Charlie and Lola) by Lauren Child: It’s Charlie’s birthday but Lola is so excited that she opens all of Charlie’s birthday cards and even blows out his birthday candles! What will happen when Lola is banned from the party?!

The Night Before My Birthday book for kids

The Night Before My Birthday by Natasha Wing: Part of the popular, ‘The Night Before…’ series, this birthday story book captures all the excitement of an upcoming birthday. But when everything is ready for the special day, what happens when an ice cream emergency occurs?!!

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Happy Birthday Mouse book for preschool

Happy Birthday Mouse by Laura Numeroff: It’s Mouse from If You Give a Mouse a Cookie’s birthday and he needs to choose a birthday treat to eat! A simple birthday story board book for toddler and preschooler fans of the picture book series.

Grug has a birthday book cover

Grug Has a Birthday by Ted Prior: No one knows how old Grug is. Not even Grug. So when he learns about birthday parties, Grug decides to throw a birthday party, with cake and party hats…but something important is missing??!

Puppy Party birthday story book for preschool

Fancy Nancy Puppy Party by Jane O’Connor: When Fancy Nancy decides to give her puppy, Frenchy, the most glamorous, fabulous birthday party ever, she is not sure that her puppy know how to behave at such an elegant event!

Birthday Party Stories for Children
Birthday stories for children list continues below.
Bunny Cakes birthday story book

Bunny Cakes by Rosemary Wells: It’s Grandma’s birthday and Max wants to make her an icky, worm-infested cake. But Ruby intends to make an angel surprise cake with raspberry-fluff icing. Will they both become bunnies who bake?

Grumpy Monkey Party Time birthday book

Grumpy Monkey Party Time by Suzanne Lang: Jim feels a little anxious about Porcupine’s upcoming party – especially when he finds out there will be dancing involved! A great party story teaching kids that it is okay to go against the flow and to speak up when you are not okay.

The Perfect Birthday Recipe

The Perfect Birthday Recipe by Katy Hudson: Beaver is a perfectionist. His latest project is his birthday cake. Not content with anything less, this will be a PERFECT birthday cake! When Beaver’s friends, Tortoise, Rabbit, Bird and Squirrel, decide to help, a Beaver sized temper tantrum ensues. And Beaver must decide what is more important – his friends or his cake?

Cake birthday book for children

Cake by Sue Handra: In this hilarious birthday story book, Cake has been invited to a party. He’s very excited as he’s never been to a birthday party before. But as the candles on his party hat begin to burn and the other party guests start to sing, Cake starts to think that this is one party he’d rather not be at..!

Ollie's Birthday Surprise

Ollie’s Birthday Surprise by Nicola Killen: It is Ollie’s birthday, and she is feeling excited! So when a bunch of colorful balloons float past her window and into the magical woods, Ollie can’t help but follow. But where could they be headed and what magical surprise could be in store?

10 fun birthday books for kids

Box of Tricks by Katie Cleminson: Eva is given a very special birthday present – a box of tricks! She soon discovers that she is a master magician and she conjures up a rather magical party. What happens when it is time for the party to end?!

10 fun birthday books for kids

Fortunately by Remy Charlip: “Fortunately, Ned was invited to a surprise party…Unfortunately, the party was a thousand miles away…Fortunately, a friend loaned Ned an airplane.” Join Ned on his rather wacky adventure to a surprise party. But will he actually make it???

Jimmys Boa Birthday Story Book

Jimmy’s Boa and the Big Bash Birthday Splash by Trinka Hakes Noble: A clever, classic birthday story! When Jimmy’s mother gives him a goldfish, she never imagines the chaos that will ensue when he takes the fish AND his boa to his party at SeaLand!

A Dinosaur Came To My Birthday Party children's book

A Dinosaur Came To My Birthday Party! by Frances Mackay: A fun birthday party story for preschool dinosaur lovers! Which dino would you invite to your birthday party?

Ten Rules of the Birthday Wish: Birthday party stories for children

Ten Rules of the Birthday Wish by Beth Ferry: A ten step guide book to making a successful birthday wish that is perfect for talking about what children enjoy about their own birthday celebrations.

Bear Can't Wait: Children’s books about birthdays

Bear Can’t Wait by Karma Wilson: Another fun installment for fans of Wilson’s Bear series, Bear is having a hard time waiting for the wonderful surprise party he and the other animals are planning!

If You Give a Pig a Party

If You Give a Pig a Party by Laura Numeroff: If you give a pig a party – with balloons, a party dress, and guests. The search for guests might just lead to a street fair, a game of hide and seek, a sleepover, and more! Great for fans of this popular picture book series.

A Birthday For Frances birthday party story for children

A Birthday for Frances by Russell Hoban: In this hilarious, heartfelt classic happy birthday story, Frances is not sure whether to give her annoying little sister a birthday present.

RELATED: For more wonderful book classics to share, be sure to check out our collection of 50 Classic Children’s Books.

Starla Jean Takes the Cake

Starla Jean Takes the Cake by Elana K. Arnold: Starla Jean is sure that her chicken, Opal Egg, will lay an egg in time for her to bake a cake for her little sister’s first birthday! As the day draws near, Starla Jean does find something in Opal Egg’s nest – but it’s not an egg! A great picture book to chapter book transition.

RELATED: For more book suggestions for children making the move from picture books to chapter books, be sure to check out our collection of Illustrated Chapter Books for 7-12 Year Olds.

Book Activities for Kids

For more great books and book activities for preschool and kindergarten, check out these related posts;

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21 Story Stones Ideas for Kids https://childhood101.com/nature-play-update-adding-story-stones/ https://childhood101.com/nature-play-update-adding-story-stones/#comments Sat, 08 Jun 2024 02:00:34 +0000 https://childhood101.com/?p=430 Learn all about story stones – how to make them, why they are such a great learning tool and 21 fun story stones ideas for storytelling and more! Some people are born storytellers. They command the attention of their fellow guests at a dinner party or social event with stories of their experiences shared with...

The post 21 Story Stones Ideas for Kids appeared first on Childhood101.

Learn all about story stones – how to make them, why they are such a great learning tool and 21 fun story stones ideas for storytelling and more!

Story Stones Ideas for Kids

Some people are born storytellers. They command the attention of their fellow guests at a dinner party or social event with stories of their experiences shared with enthusiasm, a touch of the dramatic or humor, and an innate sense of rhythm and timing. Natural storytellers are often effective communicators and networkers, with the story acting as a vehicle for engaging others or sharing ideas.

Storytelling, the process of sharing stories without the aid of a book, is an effective way to engage children with the development of strong communication skills. And story stones are a wonderful tool for encouraging storytelling – and provide a heap of other learning opportunities too!

Story Stones for Kids

What is a story stone?

Story stones are small, flat stones or rocks with pictures on them that act as storytelling prompts.

What are the benefits of story stones?

  • Oral storytelling exposes children to the important elements of narrative such as setting, character and plot. This is important for learning to write stories of their own, and for reading comprehension.
  • Using story stones encourages children to use new vocabulary and apply existing vocabulary within a new context.
  • Creating stories of their own encourages a child to use their imagination, to think symbolically and to organize their thoughts in order to communicate them verbally. These are important first steps towards abstract thinking.
  • Creating stories with story stones can help children to process new experiences or emotions, expanding their understanding of the social world and interactions.
  • Storytelling with story stones can help children to learn to listen more effectively to others, developing receptive listening skills.
  • Collaborative storytelling with story stones encourages turn taking.
  • It is much easier for a child to remember the important elements of a story than it is for them to recall an abstract concept or series of ideas. In this way story stones can be used as a creative technique to help children learn.

How to Make Homemade Story Stones

Homemade story stones are simply the best. To make a set of DIY story stones you will need some smooth, flat rocks or stones.

NOTE: For those working with children who still mouth objects please choose stones that are at least 1 1/4″/3cm in diameter to reduce the chocking hazard.

Pictures can be added to your story stones in many different ways, including;

  • Painting with acrylic paint pens
  • Drawing with permanent markers
  • Sticking on stickers. A protective layer of clear glue, sealant or Mod Podge can help to keep the stickers in place.
  • Using pictures cut from paper or fabric and gluing them onto the stone. A protective layer of clear glue, sealant or Mod Podge will help to keep the pictures in place.

What to draw on story stones

Ideas for what to draw or paint onto your set of story stones are limited only by your imagination. You might like to include;

  • vehicles,
  • traffic signs,
  • animals,
  • buildings,
  • food items,
  • household items,
  • sporting equipment,
  • school or art supplies,
  • elements of nature, e.g. sun, moon, rainbow, trees, rain, waves
  • elements representing different story settings, e.g. mountain, cityscape, beach,
  • human figurines in different positions,
  • faces representing a range of emotions,
  • emoji,
  • elements from traditional stories, e.g. porridge bowls, chairs and beds,
  • numbers and letters,
  • abstract symbols.
Story stones ideas for the classroom

21 Story Stones Ideas

Be inspired by the following collection of 21 ideas for using story stones in the classroom or at home, across a number of grade levels from preschool through to elementary classrooms.

1. Mystery storytelling: Lay a collection of story stones face down on a table top. Students work individually turning over a stone and adding a sentence to a verbal story.

2. Collaborative mystery storytelling: Create a small bag or basket of story stones containing at least one stone for each student. These can be a random collection of stones or related to a learning theme.

Seat students in a circle. The teacher or first student may start the story saying, “Long long ago…” Pass the bag around the circle, allowing each student to choose a stone at random and use their selected stone to add a sentence or short idea to a collaborative verbal story.

3. Story stones on a story map: Draw a simple scene or map on a large sheet of paper and place it on a tabletop with a basket of stones as an invitation to create stories during free time or literary center time.

4. Story maps outdoors: Draw a simple scene or map with chalk on the pavement. Add a basket of stones and additional chalk as an invitation to create stories during outdoor play time.

5. Story stone hunt: This idea works well with individuals or pairs of children. Hide a small set of story stones around the room or an outdoor play space. Encourage the child/ren to find each of the stones and use it as a prompt to create a story that continues with the discovery of each subsequent stone.

6. Story Element Sorting: Invite students to sort story stones according to whether the image represents a character, setting or object from a story. Ask them to justify why they chose the relevant grouping for each story stone.

Story stones ideas for preschool

7. Story retelling: Use a set of story stones representing a familiar story, for example, The Three Little Pigs, and encourage younger students to retell the story – using the stones as prompts and ordering the stones according to the story sequence as they go. Afterwards (or alternatively), leave the stones with a copy of the related story book as an invitation to play during free time.

8. Twisted tales: Use a set of story stones representing a familiar story along with an additional collection of stones, or replace some of the familiar items with alternative items – for example, replace the fruit and food items included in the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar with different food items or (depending upon the age of the children) something completely different, like clothing items. Encourage children to create new versions of the story using these alternative items.

9. Writing stone stories: Have students choose a stone from a small bag and write a stone story inspired by their choice. The stone may represent a character, setting or object for the story.

10. Three part story sequence: Invite students to each choose three stones to represent what happens first, next and last in a story. Students may use each of the three stones as inspiration for a sentence or a paragraph for their stone stories, dependent upon grade level.

11. Beginning Sounds Search: Create a set of story stones with pictures representing the most common initial sound for each letter of the alphabet, for example, a=apple, b=bird, c=cat. Invite students to choose a stone and say the beginning sound the picture on the stone represents. Or challenge the student to find a stone with a picture representing a given initial sound.

RELATED: For more fun matching initial sounds check out this Printable Letter Sound Matching Game.

12. Alphabetical Order: Using the set of alphabet story stones described above, challenge students to order the stones into alphabetical order. This is a great collaborative activity for pairs of children to work together on. You can also pair the pictures with a set of alphabet letter stones for an extra matching challenge.

RELATED: Check out our collection of 9 Games to Play with Alphabet Rocks.

13. I Went to Market Memory Game: The aim of this game is to remember as many of the items in the shopping basket as possible.

The first player begins by choosing a story stone randomly from a small bag and saying, “I went to market and bought a ___ ,” adding the name of the item chosen from the bag. For example, “I went to market and bought an apple.” The next player in line continues with, “I went to market and bought (insert the first player’s item) and a (adding a new item chosen from the story stone bag).” For example, “I went to market and bought an apple and a candy bar.”

Player three adds to the chain of items, “I went to market and bought an apple, a candy bar and a book.” Players continue to take turns. Any player who makes a mistake is eliminated until only one winner is left.

Add an element of humor to the game by including all sorts of story stones in the bag – random letters, numbers, setting elements (e.g. I bought a mountain!), etc.

Increase the level of difficulty of the game by having each student turn their stone face down once the item has been added to the game.

14. What’s Missing? Memory Game: Place a collection of story stones onto a tray (the more items, the more challenging the game so for younger children start with just 3-4 items and increase from there).

Tell your child to have a close look at the items on the tray. Ask them to name them. Note, the more you discuss the items, the more likely the child is to remember them so you could ask them what color or shape each item is, or what it is used for.

Cover the items with a tea towel. Ask your child to close their eyes as you remove one item from under the cloth. Ask them to open their eyes and tell you what’s missing!

15. Memory Tray Game: For older students, place a collection of story stones onto a tray and allow them to study them for a full minute. Then cover the stones and ask students to write a list of or draw as many of the items that they can remember.

16. The Way I Feel Stories: Spread out a set of story stones featuring faces expressing a range of emotions. Invite students to choose a stone, identify the emotion or feeling they see and share a short story about a time they felt like the expression represented on the stone.

Story stones ideas for classrooms

17. Grouping Story Stones: Help develop vocabulary by inviting your child to sort a set of story stones into groups and then labeling each group to identify what the items in each group have in common. Challenge your child to sort the same group of stones again in a different way. Discuss their choices. There are many different ways to sort a set of stones – by color, shape, type, use, size, etc.

18. Odd One Out Game: This game is fun for preschoolers.  Collect groups of four story stones, three of which have similar, common properties the same and one which is different. For example, three with animal pictures and one with a human figurine. Ask the child to identify which object doesn’t belong in the group and why it doesn’t. Start with very obvious differences and make the differences more subtle as the child understands the concept of the game.

19. Imaginative play: Add a basket of stones related to a current book study or learning theme in your literacy center, or to the block play or pretend play area of an early years classroom.

20. Small world play: Add a set of story stones to a small world setting for free play. For more about small worlds, check out these related posts – 7 Book Inspired Small Worlds and 18 Small Worlds for Imaginative Play.

21. Holiday stories: Create a set of story stones with images representing an upcoming holiday and use them for any of the storytelling, story writing or games shared above.

want more ideas?

Love these ideas? We know you’ll also love the hands-on language learning ideas included in our Alphabet Fun ebook.

Alphabet learning ebook

Additional Tips for Using Story Stones

For those new to storytelling with story stones, introduce them to students by modeling a story yourself. Remember it is the tone of your voice, facial expressions and gestures which engage children with a story. Call on your inner actor to create interest and enthusiasm for sharing stories by varying the accent, volume and tone of your voice to suit the story and its characters.

When using the stones with younger students choose a quiet time without distractions so you aren’t competing to capture the child’s attention and imagination. Initially choose familiar stories or shorten the story to suit the child’s concentration span.

Toddlers and preschoolers particularly love stories about themselves, their friends and families, and the activities they enjoy doing so try including your children or students as characters in a story.

More Language Learning Resources

For more language learning tools and resources, check out these related posts;

The post 21 Story Stones Ideas for Kids appeared first on Childhood101.

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30 Best Summer Picture Books https://childhood101.com/picture-books-summer/ https://childhood101.com/picture-books-summer/#respond Fri, 24 May 2024 09:30:17 +0000 https://childhood101.com/?p=27907 Building sandcastles, camping, swimming, watermelon – it must be Summer! This fun list of summer picture books includes lots of fun titles to enjoy with your preschool or kindergarten age children. There are so many wonderful themes to enjoy in Summer and the summer picture books on our list are perfect for inspiring your choice...

The post 30 Best Summer Picture Books appeared first on Childhood101.

Building sandcastles, camping, swimming, watermelon – it must be Summer! This fun list of summer picture books includes lots of fun titles to enjoy with your preschool or kindergarten age children.

Summer Picture Books

There are so many wonderful themes to enjoy in Summer and the summer picture books on our list are perfect for inspiring your choice of summer activities. Or, alternatively, slow down to enjoy a title or two with your children while sharing a cooler moment in the shade… or the air conditioning!

30 Best Summer Picture Books for Summer Vacation

As with all of the lists in our Best Books for Kids collection, each title in this list of Summer picture books links to an Amazon page (these are affiliate links and I may earn a small commission at no cost to you) where you can find more information and reviews for titles you might not be personally familiar with.

Summer Picture Books for Kids

Uh-Oh! by Shutta Crum
A beautiful summer board book for the littlest readers – What does a toddler say when she drops her sunglasses in the sand? “Uh-Oh!” What does she say when a seagull lands on her sandcastle? “Uh-Oh!” But what is the biggest Uh-Oh of all??

Swim Little Wombat Swim

Swim, Little Wombat, Swim by Charles Fuge
One day, out in the forest, Little Wombat encounters Platypus and is instantly drawn to the curious critter’s squeaky voice, unusual face, and waddling way of walking. It turns out that Platypus is also an excellent swimmer and teacher but can Wombat actually learn to swim?

The Mosquito Burrito: Funny Summer Books for Kids

The Mosquito Burrito by Didi Dragon
When a mosquito finds himself stuck in a burrito, hilarious chaos ensues. Silly rhymes and a clever punchline make this a fabulous read aloud book and one of the BEST summer picture books for kids! We also love the sprinkling of Spanish words incorporated into the tale.

The Deep

The Deep by Tim Winton
Alice is not afraid of many things but she is afraid of swimming in the deep ocean water with her family. Will she find a way to overcome her fear?

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RELATED: For more like this, be sure to check out our list of picture books about facing fears.

Hot Dog Summer Books for Kids

Hot Dog by Doug Salati 
One hot dog has had enough of summer in the city! Enough of sizzling sidewalks, wailing sirens, people’s feet right in his face! When he plops down in the middle of a crosswalk, his owner endeavors to get him the breath of fresh air he needs. A to the beach – here, a pup can run! A wonderful reminder of the importance of finding calm and enjoying small joys.

The Sandcastle That Lola Built Summer Books for Kids

The Sandcastle That Lola Built by Megan Maynor
A sweet, summery spin on the classic The House That Jack Built rhyme this is a fun children’s book about the beach in which Lola spends the day at the beach building a giant sandcastle, and makes a host of new friends in the process.

The Watermelon Seed

The Watermelon Seed by Greg Pizzoli
One very funny crocodile has a big fear- swallowing a watermelon seed. What will he do when his greatest fear is realised? Will vines sprout out his ears? Will his skin turn pink?

Duck and Goose Go To The Beach

Duck and Goose Go To The Beach by Tad Hills
Duck wants to go on an adventure. But Goose isn’t so sure. Together, the two best friends set off on a walk that takes them through the meadow, past a shady thicket, and over a distant hill, all the way to a place they’ve never been before—the beach! Turns out, Goose loves the ocean. But guess who doesn’t?

Harry by the Sea

Harry By the Sea by Gene Zion
Harry and the family have gone to the beach but it’s too sunny and he’s one hot dog! There’s nowhere else for him to get some shade than under a pile of seaweed! The only problem is that now everyone thinks he’s a sea monster and he can’t find his family.

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Who Sank the Boat?

Who Sank the Boat? by Pamela Allen
This is the delightful story of five animal friends who one warm, sunny day decide to go for a row on the bay. Do you know who sank the boat?

The Truth About My Unbelievable Summer

The Truth About My Unbelievable Summer by Davide Cali
What starts out as a day at the beach turns into a globe-spanning treasure hunt with high-flying hijinks, exotic detours, an outrageous cast of characters, and one very mischievous bird!

Barnacle is Bored book about summer

Barnacle is Bored by Jonathan Fenske
Barnacle is stuck on the underside of a pier, wishing he had something to do. Every day is exactly the same. The tide comes in and Barnacle gets wet. The tide goes out and Barnacle dries off. Boring! Barnacle wants something EXCITING to happen. Then one day Barnacle learns that exciting is not always better!

Magic Beach

Magic Beach by Alison Lester
Visit a perfect beach where you can swim, surf, splash through the waves, build sandcastles, beachcomb, explore rock-pools, muck about in boats, fish from the jetty, and build a bonfire under the stars. Visit Magic Beach, where adventure begins!

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RELATED: For more like this, be sure to check out our list of Ocean Books for Kids.


Flotsam by David Wiesner
A young beachcomber finds a camera washed up on the beach and the photos it contains are astonishing, as is the story contained in this fabulous wordless book.

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Noni the Pony Goes to the Beach

Noni the Pony Goes to the Beach by Alison Lester
Noni the Pony is friendly and funny. She loves going down to the beach when it’s sunny. With her two very best friends Dave Dog and Coco the Cat, and the cows from next door, it’s going to be a wonderful day.

Scaredy Squirrel at the Beach

Scaredy Squirrel At the Beach by Melanie Watts
Even though the sun is shining and it’s time for a vacation, Scaredy Squirrel does not want to go to the beach – that vast, frightening place where a squirrel could get stranded (Not to mention the other hazards such as sea monsters, falling coconuts, pirates and lobsters). How will Scaredy enjoy a beach vacation without a visit to the beach?

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Seashells by the Seashore Summer Books for Kids

Seashells by the Seashore by Marianne Berkes
This sweet counting book, shared in rhyming prose, introduces children to the unique features of twelve different types of seashells, and the fact that shells are homes to sea creatures.

Mabel A Mermaid Fable

Mabel: A Mermaid Fable by Rowboat Watkins
A gorgeous, funny tale for young readers about Mabel – mermaid who isn’t like the other mermaids, and Lucky – an octopus who isn’t like the other octopuses and their discovery that true friendship isn’t at all about how you look.

The SInging Mermaid

The Singing Mermaid by Julia Donaldson
The singing mermaid is tricked by the greedy circus owner into joining the circus and soon dreams of returning to the sea. How will she escape and how will she make it back to her beloved silver sands?

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How to Catch a Mermaid book cover

How to Catch a Mermaid by Adam Wallace  
A clever mermaid tries to avoid being captured by two clever kids and their dog. The elusive mermaid keeps escaping their carefully laid traps set to lure her in, but when the friends find themselves in danger, the mermaid herself shows up to save the day.

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Beach Day

Beach Day by Karen Roosa
A cheerful family tumbles out of the car and onto the beach, ready for a perfect day. Buoyant verse and bright, playful illustrations capture the feeling of a hazy, lazy day by the ocean, complete with a ball game with new friends, water-skiers and sailboats, and a picnic lunch of fried chicken.

The Camping Trip book cover

The Camping Trip by Jennifer K. Mann
A wonderful tale about the anticipation, excitement and challenges of a first camping trip – a much loved Summer activity for families. Ernestine is beyond excited to go camping. She follows the packing list carefully so she knows she is ready. But she quickly realizes that nothing could have prepared her for how hard it is to set up a tent, never mind fall asleep in it, or that swimming in a lake means that there will be fish — eek!

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A Camping Spree With Mr Magee

A Camping Spree With Mr Magee by Chris Van Dusen
Mr. Magee and his trusty dog, Dee, are enjoying a peaceful camping trip when all of a sudden they find themselves plunging down a mountain and teetering on the edge of a huge waterfall! How will they find their way out of this slippery situation?!

Maisy Goes Camping

Maisy Goes Camping by Lucy Cousins
When Maisy sets off to go camping in the country it’s only natural that her friends come along, too. But they soon find that pitching a tent is not an easy thing to do. And even if they do manage to keep the tent up, there’s the matter of fitting them all in!

My Awesome Summer books for kids

My Awesome Summer by P. Mantis by Paul Meisel 
This awesome summer diary of a praying mantis is a fabulous, engaging way for children to learn about this interesting insect – how they hatch, eat, grow and survive.

And Then Comes Summer Book

And Then Comes Summer by Tom Brenner
A joyful celebration of all the wonderful fun of Summer – from flip-flops to fireworks, lemonade stands to later bedtimes, told as a lovely, lyrical piece and sweet illustrations that evoke the feelings of the long, lazy days.

Summer Song books for kids

Summer Song by Kevin Henkes 
Capturing the magic of summer through lyrical text and colorful illustrations, Summer Song is an ode to the sounds and colors of Summer – from the green of lily-pads and the frogs upon them to the buzz of air conditioners and lawn mowers, and so much more.

Froggy's Lemonade Stand

Froggy’s Lemonade Stand by Jonathan London 
In this funny tale, Froggy decides to set up a lemonade stand on a very hot day. He has to be reminded to make the lemonade (he forgot that part), to set up a stand and make a sign – which he also had forgotten. And while he sits waiting for customers he drinks all of the lemonade himself! Luckily, Froggy has good friends who help him to find a solution.

When Grandma Gives You a Lemon Tree

When Grandma Gives You a Lemon Tree by Jamie L.B. Deenihan
What do you do when Grandma gives you a lemon tree for your birthday instead of the electronics you wish for? You act excited. You say something polite. And then… A funny story with a relatable protagonist who finds an ingenious solution.

The Boy Who Invented the Popsicle

The Boy Who Invented the Popsicle by Anne Renoud 
What would Summer be without popsicles??! Frank William Epperson is a curious boy who wants to be an inventor when he grows up and what Frank loves most is experimenting with liquids. When he invents his own yummy flavored soda water drink, his friends love it! This gets him thinking: “I wonder what this drink would taste like frozen?”

Looking for more screen free summer fun for your family?

More fun Summer play resources;

For more fun ideas to do this Summer, check out these related posts;

The post 30 Best Summer Picture Books appeared first on Childhood101.

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The Secret Birthday Message by Eric Carle: Picture Book Study https://childhood101.com/secret-birthday-message-book-eric-carle/ Mon, 12 Jun 2023 01:17:12 +0000 https://childhood101.com/?p=31640 In the interactive story The Secret Birthday Message by Eric Carle we meet a young boy who is on the hunt for a birthday surprise! I invite you to read The Secret Birthday Message by Eric Carle and then give one (or more) of the matching book activities below a try. They are a great...

The post The Secret Birthday Message by Eric Carle: Picture Book Study appeared first on Childhood101.

In the interactive story The Secret Birthday Message by Eric Carle we meet a young boy who is on the hunt for a birthday surprise! I invite you to read The Secret Birthday Message by Eric Carle and then give one (or more) of the matching book activities below a try. They are a great way to continue the fun and learning long after the story is done!

The Secret Birthday Message by Eric Carle Book Enrichment Activities

The Secret Birthday Message by Eric Carle: Picture Book Study

About The Secret Birthday Message

A message in code starts a young boy off on an exciting treasure hunt that takes him through a dark cave, an underground tunnel, and more – until, at the end, he finds a happy birthday surprise.

Get a Copy: The Secret Birthday Message by Eric Carle (this is an Amazon link)

The Secret Birthday Message book by Eric Carle Book Enrichment Activities

Book Activity #1: Scavenger Hunt

In this story, we read about a boy enjoy a scavenger hunt with a series of cool clues in order to find his birthday surprise. Set up your own scavenger hunt using the book as an inspiration.

Supplies needed:

  • Note cards
  • Markers or pens


1. Create a scavenger hunt using places and items within your own home or classroom. Identify an item in each room to use as a basis for a clue. You will want to create 8-10 clues all together. Each clues should describe an item in each room – for example, a fridge, a desk, a decorative piece, lamp, etc. A sample clue could be, “I am what keeps your juice cold.” The answer would be the fridge, so you would set the next clue card on the fridge to be found.

2. Write one clue on each note cards.

3. Once the clues are written, place each in the appropriate room and on the appropriate item. Hide a small prize at the end of the hunt so your child will know the hunt is completed.

4. After you have placed all of the note cards,  give your child/ren the first clue to kick off the scavenger hunt.

5. Let children read the clues and start searching. Assist younger children by reading the clues to them.

6. After the final clue is collected, celebrate!

Book Activity #2: Eric Carle Inspired Paperscape

Eric Carle is beloved for his beautiful collages – he is a master at combining paper, paint and patterns to make the most wonderfully detailed illustrations! Make your own Eric Carle inspired paperscape, just like one of the illustrations you see in The Secret Birthday Message.

Supplies needed:

  • Assorted colored construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Craft glue


1. Begin by looking through the book paying extra attention to the illustrations. Notice the colors, the shapes used in construction of each image, and how Eric Carle uses the illustrations to help tell the story.

2. Take your construction paper and discuss how you will use the construction paper to make the house, the sky and the stars.

3. Using the pages for inspiration, take your scissors and begin cutting out each of the elements by hand – the house, the sky, and the stars. These can be very basic and raw, they definitely don’t need to be perfect.

The Secret Birthday Message by Eric Carle Book Activities

4. Once you have the paper stars, sky, and house (don’t forget the glowing window and roof!) assemble them to create your own version of the illustration in the book.

The Secret Birthday Message Book Activities

5. Use craft glue to secure your pieces in place.

Once your paperscape is complete, it is ready for display and discussion!

The Secret Birthday Message Activities

RELATED: For another creative book activity, be sure to check out this Windblown Book Activity for Preschool & Kindergarten.

Activity #3: Extending the Text

One way of showing understanding of a story is thinking about what may have happened next if the story continued. This activity can help children use their prediction skills to create a continuing conversation based the text.

Supplies needed:

  • Pencils or markers
  • Paper


1. After you read the text, take a few minutes to talk about the ending, where the young boy receives a puppy for his birthday.

2. Prompt children to think more about the story with questioning. You could ask;

  • What do you think the name of the puppy is?
  • Is it a boy or girl?
  • Where does the puppy sleep?
  • What sorts of adventures do the boy and the puppy have together?

There are no right or wrong answers as the story ends when the puppy is found.

3. Depending upon the age of your child, ask them to draw or write their own extended ending to the story, starting with the information they have already gleaned from reading the book. They know it is the boy’s birthday, they knew he was given a dog, now what? What happens next? For pre-writers, add to their completed drawing by scribe their oral response.

RELATED: Check out our collection of the best children’s books about birthdays, perfect for reading with children in the lead up to a birthday, attending a birthday party, or any time you are learning about holidays and celebrations.

For more fun book activities, check out these related ideas;

Free printable Three Little Pigs Puppets for Storytelling
Over the rainbow book activities
Graeme Base Books and Activities Author Study Ideas

More fun read alouds for kids of all ages;

150 Best Read Aloud Picture Books
50 Classic Children's Books from the 1920s to the 1970s
50 great read aloud chapter books for 6 to 12 year olds

The post The Secret Birthday Message by Eric Carle: Picture Book Study appeared first on Childhood101.

Best Field Guides For Kids: Using Nature Guides to Make Reading Fun https://childhood101.com/field-guides-for-kids/ https://childhood101.com/field-guides-for-kids/#comments Mon, 29 May 2023 21:30:58 +0000 https://childhood101.com/?p=13862 Inside: Our pick of the best field guides for kids and tips for using field guides to make reading fun. My 5 ½-year-old is slowly beginning to discover the joy of reading. It hasn’t always been easy to engage him with books. In fact, just a few months ago he was anything but interested. It...

The post Best Field Guides For Kids: Using Nature Guides to Make Reading Fun appeared first on Childhood101.

Inside: Our pick of the best field guides for kids and tips for using field guides to make reading fun.

Best field guides for children

My 5 ½-year-old is slowly beginning to discover the joy of reading. It hasn’t always been easy to engage him with books. In fact, just a few months ago he was anything but interested. It seemed the books that had engaged his older brother – both the classics and some personal favorites – didn’t excite our youngest in the least.

Being an outdoorsy mom, I decided to try combining reading with something he loves about our outside time – animals. What I discovered is that it wasn’t the fictional stories he connected with; it was the animal encyclopedias and nature field guides that he most enjoyed.

What is a Field Guide?

A field guide combines color pictures or drawings with descriptions and details about living things, such as trees, wildflowers, birds, amphibians, fish, mammals and insects. They are used to help identify a species you aren’t familiar with. Field guides can be very detailed or more general. There are even field guides made just for kids.

How can field guides be used to help make reading fun for kids?

1. Start with a good book. Look for field guides with quality photos or drawings and simple facts relevant to your geographical area. Smaller, pocket-sized books are easier for little hands than bigger, heavier ones.

2. Focus on your child’s interests. Pick a guide that covers a topic of most interest to your child. Since my son loves animals, we explored bird and mammal books first. After that, we moved on to field guides for local tide pools and trees.

Field guides for children

3. Put their observation skills to work. Even pre-readers can use simple field guides to identify common critters and plants. Observation skills come in handy when comparing features such as shape, color and size to make identifications. These are the same tools future readers will need for recognizing letters and words.

4. Match items in nature to pictures or words on a page. Can your child match what you’ve discovered in your backyard (or beyond) with what’s in your field guide? This was my son’s favorite way to discover new words (animal names, that is). He now uses this same skill – looking at pictures and illustrations to determine words and context – as he begins learning to read on his own.

5. Uncover more details. Putting a name to an animal or plant is just the beginning. Next comes learning more about an item of interest. A field guide can provide details about what animals eat and where they live, or where plants grow, or how to identify the bird calls a bird makes, and more. Some of this information can be gleaned from photos or illustrations; other details you’ll discover by reading together.

Using field guides to motivate reluctant readers

6. Create your own field guide. Pre-readers can practice drawing, letter writing and more as they create their own backyard field guide. You can add details together, or you can leave the creating completely up to your child. The finished product becomes something that you can read together as your child grows.

RELATED: For more nature books for children, check out our collections of

want more ideas?

For more great nature books for kids be sure to check out these collections;
25 Fascinating Frog Books for Kids
30 Best Summer Picture Books
25+ Ocean Books for Kids
21 Kids Books About Sharks

Best Field Guides for Kids

Below you will find a collection of highly rated field guides, each covering a different type of living thing and specific to North America and Australia. Whilst some of these have been developed specifically for children, others are a complete field guide for adults and your child may require assistance when researching using these guides. Each is linked to Amazon for more information and reviews. These are affiliate links and I may earn a small commission on qualifying purchases, at no cost to you.

Field Guides for North America for Use with Children

Petersen’s Field Guide to the Mammals of North America by Fiona Reid Mammals of North America Field GUide
A comprehensive and in-depth guide to North American mammals, this guide covers the mammals found in North America north of Mexico, including those that live in near-shore waters. It includes paintings and photographs of the animals, as well as photographs of mammal skulls.
Available: Amazon
Ultimate Explorer Field Guide: Reptiles and Amphibians by Patricia Daniels Reptiles and Amphibians Ultimate Explorer Field Guide
This photo-filled and fact-packed guide to reptiles and amphibians will make kids stop and look for all kinds of scaly and slimy creatures right in their own backyards. From turtles to geckos, red cornsnakes to toads, kids will learn how, where, and when to spot these animals all over the United States.
Available: Amazon
My Awesome Field Guides to Bugs by Krystal Monique Toney My Awesome Field Guide to Bugs
Meet 140 bugs native to the U.S. and Canada, and explore step-by-step instructions for how to tell them apart, with detailed pictures plus fun trivia about what bugs eat, how they behave, and more.
Available: Amazon
Seashells, Crabs and Sea Stars: Take-Along Guide by Christiane Kump Tibbitts Seashells crabs and sea stars field guide
Invite young naturalists to the world of seashells, crabs, and sea stars including identification information for commonly found specimens, educational activities, and fun facts.
Available: Amazon
Bird Watch Book for Kids by Dylanna Press Bird Watch Book for Kids
With this colorful guide kids will learn how to get started with bird watching and how to find and identify the 25 most popular North American bird species. Includes tips for seeing the most birds, useful items for birdwatching, fun facts, and bird journal pages for recording their own sightings.
Available: Amazon
National Geographic Kids Bird Guide of North America by Jonathan Alderfer Bird Guide of North America
This kid friendly guide features profiles of 50 of North America’s most popular birds–including how and where they live and tips about how to spot, hear, and attract them–as well as mini-profiles of another 100 birds.
Available: Amazon
National Geographic Pocket Guide to Rocks and Minerals of North America by Sarah Garlick Rocks and Minerals of North America Field Guide
Identify common rocks, minerals, gems, fossils, and land formations with this beginner’s field guide to North American geology. Offers key facts about dozens of rocks and minerals, how to hunt and identify them, where and how to go looking.
Available: Amazon
Ultimate Explorer Field Guide: Trees by Patricia Daniels Ultimate Explorer Field Guide Trees
From maple to birch, pine to cherry, kids will learn how and where to spot common trees all over the United States. With tons of information and interactive prompts, it’s the perfect companion for field trips, camping or vacation.
Available: Amazon

Kids Field Guides for Australia

Wild Australian Life by Leonard Cronin Wild Australian Life
More than one million animal species make their homes in Australia – from the deepest oceans to the tops of mountains and the harshest deserts. But just how do they survive? Discover the remarkable stories behind some of the country’s most extraordinary animals.
Available: Amazon
A Naturalist’s Guide to the Reptiles of Australia by Chris Farrell Reptiles of Australia field guide
An easy-to-use identification guide to the 280 reptile species most commonly seen in Australia.
Available: Amazon
Plantastic! A to Z of Australian Plants by Catherine Clowes Plantastic Field Guide
A beautifully illustrated collection of twenty six of Australia’s most unique and incredible native plants to help children identify the native plants found in your local park, bushland, or even in your very own backyard.
Available: Amazon
100 Australian Butterflies, Bees, Beetles and Bugs by Georgia Angus Australian Butterflies Beetles and Bugs
No matter where you are across the continent, nature enthusiast Georgia Angus has taken the guesswork out of wondering what’s wriggling and buzzing in your back garden. From bogong moths to witjuti grubs, this book will share how to find and identify 100 of Australia’s key native species.
Available: Amazon
A Naturalist’s Guide to the Insects of Australia by Peter Rowland & Rachel Witlock Insects of Australia
A fabulous photographic guide to 292 species of insects commonly found in Australia.
Available: Amazon
Butterflies of Australia field guideThe Complete Field Guide to Butterflies of Australia by Michael F. Braby

Stunningly illustrated with color photographs of each of the 435 currently recognised species of butterfly in Australia, this comprehensive guide includes information on similar species, variation, behaviour, habitat, status, and larval food plants.
Available: Amazon

Rocks, Minerals and Gems by John Farndon Rocks Minerals and Gems field guide
A complete guide to identifying rocks and minerals and everything you need to know to start building a collection.
Available: Amazon

Using field guides to help reluctant readers is just one way to connect literacy and the great outdoors. There is so much waiting to be discovered right outside your back door!

For more ways to get outdoors loving kids engaging with literacy, check out these related articles;

Earth Day Picture Books for Kids
Nature journals for beginning writers
5 Ways To Make the Most of Nature Inspired Learning

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15 Fabulous Short Movies from Children’s Books https://childhood101.com/6-fabulous-short-films-from-childrens-books/ https://childhood101.com/6-fabulous-short-films-from-childrens-books/#comments Tue, 16 May 2023 06:25:21 +0000 https://childhood101.com/?p=21555 Inside: Fifteen fabulous short movies from children’s books – awesome kids short films that every age will love! When our three year old first discovered the short film of Room on the Broom (based on the book by Julia Donaldson) it was love at first sight. And her love of the movie led to a...

The post 15 Fabulous Short Movies from Children’s Books appeared first on Childhood101.

Inside: Fifteen fabulous short movies from children’s books – awesome kids short films that every age will love!

When our three year old first discovered the short film of Room on the Broom (based on the book by Julia Donaldson) it was love at first sight. And her love of the movie led to a love for the book and then a whole lot more love for all things Julia Donaldson.

For us, as a family, it also opened up the world of short films for kids. I am now a bit of a lover of these small movies as they are especially wonderful  for children who are not yet ready for a full length feature film but the great ones are enjoyable for all ages to watch.

Short movies from kids books

15 Fabulous Short Movies from Children’s Books

There are some great short films out there and this collection showcases fifteen wonderful bite sized movies (each film is between 7 and 35 minutes) based on FABULOUS children’s books.

Each book and movie listed below is linked to an Amazon or similar store page – these are affiliate links and I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases at no cost to you.

1. Room on the Broom

Room on the Broom follows a witch and her cat as they encounter various animals who would love to join them on their travels on their broomstick. The friendly witch is welcoming while her cat is more than a little skeptical. The story also features a dragon who wants to eat the witch. She is saved thanks to the ingenuity of her collection of animal friends but the dragon may be a little scary for sensitive children or those not familiar with the storybook version.

Duration: 27 minutes

Get the book: Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson

Get the movie: Room on the Broom

Watch the trailer:

2. The Gruffalo

A very clever mouse outwits three scary predators – a Snake, an Owl and a Fox, as he walks through the forest, telling them that he is on his way to meet a Gruffalo – a terrible, imaginary creature that he is shocked to discover actually exists! Mouse proves to the Gruffalo that he is the fiercest creature in the forest by using the frightenened predators to trick him too!

Duration: 30 minutes

Get the book: The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson

Get the movie: The Gruffalo

Watch the trailer:

3. The Gruffalo’s Child

In this sequel to The Gruffalo, the Gruffalo’s daughter sets off into the forest to find the Big Bad Mouse that her father has warned her about. On her travels she meets Snake, Owl and Fox and then discovers that the mouse of her father’s tales is not in fact at all big or bad! The little mouse has to think quickly to devise a plan to scare her off.

Duration: 30 minutes

Get the book: The Gruffalo’s Child by Julia Donaldson

Get the movie: The Gruffalo’s Child

Watch the trailer:

4. Lost and Found

A boy discovers a penguin on his doorstep and figuring the penguin must be lost sets out to find the penguin’s home. As no one seems to be missing a penguin, the boy determines that the penguin must be returned home to the South pole, beginning a journey of determination and friendship that asks the question whether everything that is lost indeed needs to be found.

Duration: 24 minutes

Get the book: Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers

Get the movie: Lost and Found

Watch the trailer:

5. Hair Love

This Oscar-winning animated short film tells the heartfelt story of an African American father learning to do his daughter’s hair for the first time.

Duration: 7 minutes

Get the book: Hair Love by Matthew A Cherry

Watch the Movie:

6. The Most Magnificent Thing

When she receives her very own tool kit, a little girl sets out to make the most magnificent thing for her best friend – but it’s not as easy as she thinks! A great lesson in perseverance and hard work, the power of love, and selflessness.

Duration: 22 minutes

Get the book: The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires

Get the movie: The Most Magnificent Thing

Watch the trailer:

7. Harry the Dirty Dog

Harry hates bathtime so he buries the bathtub scrubber and runs away from home. When he returns home, Harry is so dirty that his family does not recognize him. How will he get them to realize it is him?

Duration: 10 minutes

Get the book: Harry the Dirty Dog by Gene Zion

Get the movie: Harry, the Dirty Dog

8. Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth

Well, hello. And welcome to this Planet. We call it Earth. Let’s explore what makes our planet and how we live on it. From land and sky, to people and time, these notes can be your guide and start you on your journey!

Duration: 35 minutes

Get the book: Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth by Oliver Jeffers

Get the movie: Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth

Watch the trailer:

9. We’re Going on a Bear Hunt

This beautiful production of the classic tale of a family headed off on a bear hunt is just as engaging as the wonderful prose we have enjoyed for generations.

Duration: 25 minutes

Get the book: We’re Going On a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen

Get the movie: We’re Going on a Bear Hunt

Watch the trailer:

10. The Very Hungry Caterpillar

A newly hatched caterpillar with a voracious appetite eats his way through the days of the week before changing into a beautiful butterfly.

Duration: 25 minutes

Get the book: The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

Get the movie: The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Other Stories

Watch the trailer:

11. Stick Man

One day Stick Man is carried away from home by a mischievous dog who wants to play. Things go from bad to worse as Stick Man is carried farther and farther away from home. How will he ever make it back to his family?

Duration: 27 minutes

Get the book: Stick Man by Julia Donaldson

Get the movie: Stick Man

Watch the trailer:

12. Corduroy

A small, soft toy bear named Corduroy is left on the shelf by a discerning buyer due being mistaken as ‘used.’ That night Corduroy decides to search the store to find his missing button in the hope that he can be repaired and find a forever home.

Duration: 18 minutes

Get the book: Corduroy by Don Freeman

Get the movie: Corduroy

13. The Smeds and the Smoos

Alien Smeds and Smoos are absolutely not allowed to play with each other, so what happens when Janet the Smed becomes friends with Bill the Smoo? A wonderful story exploring difference, kindness, acceptance, friendship and teamwork

Duration: 27 minutes

Get the book: The Smeds and the Smoos by Julia Donaldson

Get the movie: The Smeds and the Smoos

Watch the trailer:

14. The Snowman

A magical Christmas adventure that is enjoyable at any time of year, a snowman comes to life in the middle of the night to enjoy an adventure with the young boy that made him. Their adventures begin exploring the wonders of the boy’s home at night and then the two head outdoors for a magical flight over the snow to enjoy a festive gathering with Santa and a gathering of snowmen. The story is told through picture and sound, with no speaking or narration at all.

Duration: 27 minutes

Get the book: The Snowman by Raymond Briggs

Get the movie: The Snowman

Watch the trailer:

15. The Lost Thing

The Lost Thing tells the story of a boy who discovers a strange creature one day while out collecting bottle tops. The boy realizes the creature is lost and when he attempts to find its owner he is met with indifference by everyone around him. This captivating story invites us to reflect upon society’s tendency to become so involved and busy with our own lives to notice the small details in the world around us.

Duration: 15 minutes

Get the book: The Lost Thing by Shaun Tan

Get the movie: The Lost Thing

Watch the trailer:

For even more movie suggestions based on children’s books, be sure to check out our lists of full length feature films – 50 Kids Books That Are Movies and 50 Tween and Teen Books Made Into Movies.

For more book based activities for kids, be sure to check out these related articles;

Free printable Three Little Pigs Puppets for Storytelling
We're Going On a Bear Hunt story sensory bin
Brown Bear sensory play book activity

The post 15 Fabulous Short Movies from Children’s Books appeared first on Childhood101.

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Get Reading with this Printable Book Bingo for Kids https://childhood101.com/printable-book-bingo/ Mon, 08 May 2023 22:00:00 +0000 https://childhood101.com/?p=33666 Inside: Get reading with this fun printable book bingo for kids template. A game of book bingo is a great way to encourage children to try a variety of new books, genres and text types. Our easy print book bingo is available as a free printable template for teachers and families (download and printing instructions...

The post Get Reading with this Printable Book Bingo for Kids appeared first on Childhood101.

Inside: Get reading with this fun printable book bingo for kids template.

A game of book bingo is a great way to encourage children to try a variety of new books, genres and text types. Our easy print book bingo is available as a free printable template for teachers and families (download and printing instructions below) and makes a great reading challenge for home or school.

Printable Book Bingo for Kids

How to Use the Book Bingo for Kids Template

Which column or row will you fill first? Can you fill an entire line diagonally? Can you fill the entire grid?!

Playing book bingo is super simple! Print a copy of the bingo board template for each of your students.

Whenever a child completes one of the reading challenges on the card they get to mark that square by recording the title of the item they read in the corresponding box on the book bingo grid.

The reading challenges include ideas for what to read – for example, a graphic novel or a non-fiction title, as well as fun suggestions for where to read – who wouldn’t love to make a blanket fort to read in!, and some reading response ideas like writing a new blurb for a book you’ve just read.

Every child who completes a set challenge is a winner. The challenge could be to fill all of the squares in one column or row on the grid. Or to fill a diagonal line. Or who can fill the most squares in a fortnight of reading?

Of course, the ultimate challenge is to fill the entire grid so once you have completed one or two smaller challenges to engage your students, then set them the task of trying to fill the entire grid.

What if my child is not reading independently?

Don’t worry if your child does not yet read aloud independently, or is a very early reader, you can always use the Book Bingo grid as a family wide or classroom read aloud challenge.

If you are looking for new book suggestions for your children to use in the challenge, check out our best picture books picks in our Best Books for Kids collection, or chapter book suggestions in the Best Chapter books for Kids of All Ages set.

Kids Book Bingo Printable

Where to Find Books for your Book Bingo challenge

If you are looking for books and other reading materials to complete your book bingo board and visiting a local library or bookstore isn’t an option, why not try;

• Rediscovering the titles in your home library.

• Swapping books you’ve already read with a friend or neighbor

• Checking out our online book collection recommendations in these articles, Online Books for Kids and Online Books for Tweens & Teens.

• For the poetry prompt, try reading some of the children’s poems shared at poetryfoundation.org. My children are particularly fond of poems that contain an element of humor!

• For picture books you can also check out Youtube as there are lots of channels offering read aloud time featuring a wide range of picture books.

How to Download & Print Your Book Bingo Template

Click here to download: Printable Book Bingo for Kids & Families . Save the PDF to your computer. Open the PDF and print the pages you require. When printing, select “Fit to printable area” (or similar) to ensure the page fits with your printer type and local paper size.
Having trouble accessing or downloading the file? Please try a different internet browser.
Please note: All Childhood 101 printables are for personal use only, you may not use any part of this content for commercial purposes-that includes selling the document, giving it away to promote your business or website, or printing the file to sell. You may not share, loan or redistribute these documents. Teachers may use multiple copies for students in their own classroom.

For more fun book activities, check out these related suggestions;

Writing prompts for kids printable: 30 day writing challenge
26 Alphabet Cooking with Kids Recipes from A to Z
Free printable Three Little Pigs Puppets for Storytelling

The post Get Reading with this Printable Book Bingo for Kids appeared first on Childhood101.

Printable Alphabet Pattern Block Mats https://childhood101.com/printable-alphabet-pattern-block-mats/ Tue, 02 May 2023 04:58:01 +0000 https://childhood101.com/?p=41971 These printable Alphabet Pattern Block Mats are a great tool for hands-on learning about letters and shapes in your classroom or homeschool room. Pair them with a set of pattern blocks and you’re ready to build! In fact, these mats would make a great addition to our Alphabet Fun: Hands-On Games for 3-6 Year Olds...

The post Printable Alphabet Pattern Block Mats appeared first on Childhood101.

These printable Alphabet Pattern Block Mats are a great tool for hands-on learning about letters and shapes in your classroom or homeschool room. Pair them with a set of pattern blocks and you’re ready to build!

In fact, these mats would make a great addition to our Alphabet Fun: Hands-On Games for 3-6 Year Olds activity pack, so be sure to check that out too.

Printable Alphabet Pattern Block Mats

Printable Alphabet Pattern Block Mats

Easy to download, print and play (full instructions for downloading and printing can be found below), this printable pack includes one page for each of the twenty six letters of the alphabet.

Protect your printed mats by laminating them or placing each into a protective, plastic sleeve.

How to Use the Alphabet Pattern Block Mats

Each alphabet pattern block mat includes a visual guide for the child to use as a pattern to create the letter featured with pattern blocks. Secondly, there is invitation to trace the letter and finally, space to indicate which shapes from the pattern block set they used to create the letter.

Present each laminated pattern block mat with set of pattern blocks and a whiteboard marker (this can be easily removed from laminated mats or plastic sleeves so that the same set of mats can be re-used over and over) as an independent work table activity in your classroom or homeschool space.

It’s a great activity to follow up an alphabet circle time – be sure to check out our 15 Fun Versions of the Alphabet Song and collection of the Best Alphabet Picture Books to assist your lesson planning, as well as our entire collection of Alphabet Activities and Games for more useful alphabet resources.

Alternatively these mats make a great addition to literacy or math stations or rotations within the classroom, or can be used as a quiet activity for early finishers.

Alphabet pattern block mats

Printing Your Alphabet Pattern Block Mats

Click here to download: Alphabet Pattern Block Mats . Save the PDF to your computer. Open the PDF and print the page you require. When printing, select “Fit to printable area” (or similar) to ensure the page fits with your printer type and local paper size (these have been created at A4 size). I suggest printing onto card stock or matte photo paper. Laminate the printed cards for durability.

Having trouble accessing or downloading the file? Please try a different internet browser.
Please note: All Childhood 101 printables are for personal use only, you may not use any part of this content for  commercial purposes-that includes selling the document, giving it away to promote your business or website, or printing the file to sell. You may not share, loan or redistribute these documents. Teachers may use multiple copies for students in their own classroom.

More free, printable Alphabet Activities;

Alphabots Matching Game
Free printable alphabet mazes
Hands On Alphabet Games for Preschoolers

The post Printable Alphabet Pattern Block Mats appeared first on Childhood101.
