Digital Candy Corn Letter Sound Matching Literacy Activity
Working on beginning, middle, and ending sounds this fall? Your students will have fun practicing isolating letter sounds in words with this digital candy corn letter sound matching activity.

Candy Corn Letter Sound Matching Activity
As students are learning letter recognition and letter sound recognition, it is important for them to practice isolating the beginning, middle, and ending sounds in words. This allows them to start blending the sounds together to decode CVC words.
This digital candy corn letter sound matching activity is the perfect way for students to practice this literacy skill with a fall-themed twist.
These digital candy corn mats allow students to practice listening for and isolating either the beginning, middle, or ending sound in words. There are separate mats for each of the three types of sounds. This allows students to work solely on one type of sound at a time without getting confused.
They will develop a strong understanding of this phonics skill as they match the correct candy corn letter tile to the picture that matches that sound.
This digital literacy activity would be perfect for a whole group practice activity, during literacy centers, in small groups, or as an independent activity or assessment tool.
This letter sound matching candy corn activity is great for students in kindergarten, first, and second grade.
Setting Up the Candy Corn Letter Sound Matching Activity in Google Slides
Students may use Google Slides™ to do this activity.
The download file includes a detailed guide with instructions and pictures on how to use this activity with your students, but it is quite simple to do.
If you are an instructor or teacher, you will want to copy the Google Slides assignment to your Google Drive and save it as a master copy.
Make sure that you click the dropdown next to the attachment. Pick the “Make a copy for each student” option.
Setting Up the Letter Sounds Activity in Seesaw
Students can also use this activity in Seesaw, if you would like.
You will click the Seesaw specific link in the download file. When you arrive at the activity, you will need to click the “Save Activity” button. Then you will assign the activity to your students.
Mastering Sound Isolation
Mastering the isolation of initial sounds, middle sounds, and ending sounds is the first step on the road to reading. This candy corn letter sound matching activity will allow your students to work on each set of sounds in an interactive way. This activity will give them extra practice with letter recognition as well.
To use the activity, students will look at the picture on the digital mat. The mat will either be focusing on beginning, middle, or ending sounds. They will determine what the sound of focus is for each picture. Then, they will drag the candy corn letter tile to cover the matching picture.
Differentiating With The Candy Corn Letter Sound Matching Activity
These digital letter sound matching mats can be used in a variety of ways. They are perfect for any of the following scenarios during the fall season:
- Independent learning activity
- Small groups
- Literacy centers
- Whole group activity
- Early finisher task
- At home practice
- Digital homework
- Distance learning
- Choice board activity
- Intervention
- Guided reading groups
- Assessment
- Technology center
- Halloween learning activity
This candy corn letter sounds activity encourages students to use their letter and sound knowledge as well as letter recognition skills as they search amongst the candy corns for the correct letter.
This activity can be differentiated to meet the various needs of your students. There are 3 beginning sounds mats, 1 middle sound mat, and 1 ending sound mat. You can scaffold the learning by starting with the beginning sounds mats and then incorporating the other mats.
You can assign only beginning sound mats to students working on that skill and leave out the other mats. If the students need to work on a particular sound isolation skill, you can assign that particular style of mat.
For students who are ready for a challenge, assign all letter sound matching mats so they can put all of their skills to the test. You can even mix them up so they work on beginning sounds, then middle sounds, beginning sounds again, then ending sounds, etc.
The opportunities for using this activity are endless and your students will benefit anyway you choose to use it.
This candy corn digital activity will help your students grow their beginning reading skills this fall. This is a great activity to use to transition students from working on recognizing letters and sounds into decoding and sounding out CVC words.
Does your class love using digital activities with Google Slides and Seesaw? Check out more digital activities for both math and literacy to incorporate into your teaching and learning!
Click the button below to get the Candy Corn Letter Sound Matching activity for Google Slides and Seesaw.
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