Snowman Free Printable Alphabet Writing Mats
These free printable snowman alphabet mats are a fun way to learn letter formation and practice handwriting this winter season. Great for Christmas too!

Snowman Alphabet Writing Mats
If you are looking for a simple way to introduce letter formation and letter writing to students in preschool and kindergarten, these snowman alphabet writing mats are going to be so helpful.
Lay these out on a table with some theme appropriate manipulatives and invite your little friends to explore letter formation and handwriting.
Students will explore letter formation by tracing around the bubble letters on the mat with manipulatives like mini erasers or play dough.
Then they will practice tracing the letters with a dry-erase marker.
The other way you could use these is to print them in black and white and make a mini book out of them. Students could color or decorate the bubble letters and then trace them below.
It would also be fun if each student was responsible for one or two letters and then you put them all together into a class book.
Setting Up the Snowman Handwriting Activity
Supplies Needed:
- The snowman alphabet writing mats (button to download at the bottom of this post)
- Write and wipe pockets or a laminator
- Dry-erase markers
- Mini erasers, play dough, pom poms, counting chips or any other manipulative you want to use to trace the bubble letters.
- Put a full sheet (two mats) into a write and wipe pocket. OR, laminate each page and cut apart the mats.
- Gather manipulatives and dry-erase markers for tracing.
Using the Snowman Alphabet Mats
Students will use manipulatives of your choice to trace the bubble letters on the mats.
Then they will use a dry-erase marker to trace the letters on the handwriting lines below.
Change up the manipulatives used on the mat for increased engagement. For these snowman mats, things like white sparkly play dough, white and light blue pom poms, blue buttons, snowflake mini erasers, foam snowflake stickers without the backing peeled off, etc. would be perfect!
These snowman alphabet writing mats are super easy to implement in your classroom and very simple for the kids to use independently.
I hope they enjoy them during your winter theme this year!
Click the button below to get the FREE snowman alphabet mats!
Here are some more winter activities for kids!
Snowman Find and Cover the Letters Mats
Snow Globe Roll and Cover Mats
Winter Fine Motor Pom Pom Mats