Editable Summer Four in a Row Games Free Printables

These editable summer theme four in a row games are a fun way to practice math and literacy skills like sight words and math facts!

Free editable summer theme games pack for math and literacy skills.

Summer Four in a Row Games

With so many math and literacy skills to practice this summer, you have to keep the learning engaging and fun for your students. These editable summer themed four in a row games are going to be the perfect way to engage them as we head into summer. These editable four in a row games are so versatile, as you can add any skill you want to it. You can create different game boards all at once so that you’re prepared for the rest of the year and into summer, if need be.

Practice different skills such as sight words, CVC words, phonics skills, spelling words, vocabulary words, letters, numbers, math facts, number sense, and more. The only limit with this game is your creativity! With so many skills you can practice, this game is perfect for preschool and kindergarten learners all the way through first and second grade.

To make these summer four in a row game boards, the process is simple. All you have to do is decide what skill you’re focusing on and type the words, numbers, math facts, etc., into the table on the first page of the activity file. You’ll have a total of 12 spaces to fill. Once you’ve filled the spaces, the game board will auto-populate for you. Then all you need to do is save the file, print, and go!

One of the great aspects of this activity is that students will be practicing math and literacy skills along with critical thinking skills. As they read the word, number, or solve the problem on each space, they’ll also have to think critically about which space they want to go for as they work to get four in a row and prevent their opponent from getting four in a row first.

Free four in a row editable games for math and literacy skills.

Prep Once, Play All Summer

These editable summer four in a row board games are super quick and easy to prep, making it efficient to prep multiple game boards to use through the end of the school year and all summer long. After you type in the words, letters, numbers, math problems, etc., onto the first page of the activity template, all you need to do is save the game board file to your computer with the skill listed in the description, print, and play.

Repeat this process for any math or literacy skill you want to practice. In just a few minutes, you can be prepped for months at a time so you can save major time later on. You can create different board games for different skills and board games of the same skill, but at different levels to differentiate for your students.

These printable four in a row games also come in color AND black and white so you can use it even if you don’t have access to color printing.

To stay organized, store your game boards in labeled file folders, large baggies, or colorful trays so that you can easily access the summer theme board games whenever you need them!

Editable games printables with fun summer themes. Type in any words or math facts!

Setting Up the Editable Summer Board Games

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  1. Type in letters, numbers, sight words, spelling words, math facts, or any skill into the first page of the PDF file. There are 12 spaces to type in.
  2. Name and save the file to your computer.
  3. Print the game board and slide into write and wipe pockets for durability OR laminate them.

That’s it! You’re ready to play!

Free editable summer games for word work, phonics skills, math facts and more!

How to Play the Editable Four in a Row Games

Your students will catch on to the directions for this game very fast, especially if they have experience playing Connect 4! The object of the game is to be the first player to get four spaces in a row filled first either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. This requires critical thinking and strategy.

Students will take turns choosing a space on the game board and solving the problem, reading the word, etc. If the student solves the problem or reads the word correctly, they’ll cover the space with their manipulative. Then it’s the next player’s turn.

They must think strategically in order to keep their opponent from achieving four in a row all while working to achieve four in a row themselves.

The first player to successfully get four game pieces in a row is the winner of that round. Students can then clear their game board and play again or switch partners. You can even use this as a review game and have them switch game boards to work on a different skill.

Along with math and literacy skill and critical thinking practice, students will also work on social skills such as cooperative learning and sportsmanship as they play the game with different partners.

Free editable games pack for summer themed math and literacy centers.

Differentiating the Summer Games

Since these summer-themed four in a row games are editable, differentiation is simple. You can use the same game board for all of your students but tailor the skills to fit the level they’re at. This helps all students feel equal. Once they know how to play the game, they’ll be successful in playing with different skills in the future.

You can also add a different element of fun to this game by having students use different types of game markers on the game board. You can use items such as mini-erasers, pom-poms, clear game markers, manipulatives, marshmallows, cereal, dry-erase markers, bingo dabbers, etc. (If using bingo dabbers, you will not be able to reuse the board).

I can’t wait for your students to play these summer four in a row board games as they master key math and literacy skills! Get creative and add this game to your learning stations, free choice activities, math and literacy centers, small group activities, and partner game time!

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