Preschool Math Activities that are Super Fun!

If you are looking for preschool math activities then you're in luck! I gathered my favorite hands-on math activities and math center ideas for preschool and I am sharing them here!

Preschool math activities that are hands-on and perfect for math centers!

Math skills are so important and finding playful and engaging ways to teach those skills to preschoolers is crucial. Whether you teach math to a classroom full of preschoolers or homeschool one or two at home, it's important to use hands-on math experiences.

This is a list of the best preschool math activities that I could find! I hope they will be super helpful to you.

Hands-On Preschool Math Activities

Hands-on math for preschoolers and pre-k students.

1. Roll and Dot the Number is a quick preschool math game that will teach kids to identify numbers and count while learning one to one correspondence! It is one of our favorite preschool math activities!

2. This Build and Measure Block Center is such a neat way for kids to explore measurement!

3. These Counting Bears Number Strips are a hands-on way for toddlers and preschoolers to learn numbers, counting and even colors.

4. These Tree Play Dough Numbers Mats are a great way to work on a number of math skills including counting to 10!

5. Work on color recognition and sorting with these Button Sorting Cups.

6. This Simple Fine Motor Counting Math Tray is super easy to set up and provides excellent fine motor practice too.

7. Grab your craft sticks and make these Colors and Patterns craft sticks for your math center!

8. Teaching Symmetry to Preschoolers with LEGO DUPLO is perfect for teaching symmetry to preschoolers and young kids.

9. Your kids will have a blast learning to count with Bugs in a Jar!

Preschool Math Activities that are Fun and Engaging!

Math activities for preschool math centers.

10. These DIY Tactile Counting Sticks are very easy to make and are perfect for kids who are learning to count.

11. Measuring with Bear Counters is an excellent way to introduce preschoolers to measurement!

12. I love this Play Dough Geometry activity! All you need is play dough and craft sticks!

13. This Pattern Making activity only requires a few common supplies. It's a hands-on way to introduce young preschoolers to patterns.

14. Number learning is really fun with this Car Parking Numbers Game!

15. Your kids will love learning about shapes with this Preschool Shape Scavenger Hunt!

16. This Number Pocket Game is a hands-on way for young preschoolers to learn numbers.

17. This Car Color Sort math activity is a great way for kids to practice sorting while playing with cars.

18. This Smack the Number Counting Game is fun way to practice number recognition and one to one correspondence. This was one of our favorite preschool math activities when my son was younger.

Math Activities for Preschool Math Centers

Math printables for preschool and pre-k.

19. Make counting practice a game with this Race to Fill the Cup activity! This is a must-do when it comes to preschool math activities!

20. Finding shapes with I Spy Shape Glasses is a totally cool idea!

21. Counting and Measuring with LEGO is a fun way to work on counting, ordering and measuring numbers!

22. Take the learning outdoor with this super cool Pool Noodle Abacus!

23. This Button Counting Activity is a hands-on way for preschoolers to learn numbers and practice counting!

24. Work on fine motor skills and counting in this neat Counting beads on pipe cleaners activity!

25. Use clothespins to reinforce fine motor skills, colors and match numbers in this Hickory Dickory Dock Matching Clothespins activity!

26. This Printable Number Puzzle is a great way to work on a variety of ways to represent numbers.

27. This Play Dough Math Invitation is open-ended and will keep preschoolers busy while learning a variety of math skills.

Even More Hands-On Math Activities for Preschoolers

STEM activities for preschool and pre-k.

28. These fun Farm Animal Rainbow Counters activity helps preschoolers learn to count and compare more or less!

29. Your kids will work on direction following, ordinal numbers and important vocabulary in this Matching Paths activity!

30. Your kids will have fun counting with this Ladybug Counting Busy Bag!

31. Counting Nature is a great way to work on counting and explore nature!

32. Your kids will have a ton of fun with Play Dough Addition.

33. Exploring Symmetry with Art is an awesome idea!

34. Use a Numbered Nature Tray to encourage number skill work while exploring nature!

35. This Play Dough Color Match Learning Activity is a fun way for kids to learn colors, matching, and sorting!

36. Your kids will love these 3 Counting Bear Activities for the Balance Scale!

Preschool math activities that are fun!

37. This Counting Math Game for Kids is great for practicing one-to-one correspondence!

38. LEGO and Math combine in these LEGO Pattern Cards. A great activity to work on hands-on pattern building!

39. Counting Blocks While Building Towers is a fun way to learn with numbers!

40. These printable shapes are so inviting and are jam-packed with learning! You definitely have to add this to your list of preschool math activities to try with the kids!

Check out all of our other preschool math activities!

Free printable apple 100 chart and 120 chart math activity for kids.

Apple 100 and 120 Chart Find and Cover the Number Game

Pumpkin theme number math activity for kids in preschool, pre-k and kindergarten.

Pumpkin Roll and Cover Number Mats Free Printable

Free printable apple theme word work activity for kids.

Editable Apple Spin & Build Mats

Free printable apple math activity for kids.

Free Printable Apple Roll and Cover Number Mats

Free printable number formation math and handwriting activity for kids.

Number Formation Cards Free Printable

Back to school word work activity for kids.

Free Printable Back to School Spin and Build Word Work Mats

Back to school four in a row game for kids who are learning letters, numbers, sight words, phonics skill and more!

Editable Back to School Four in a Row Printable Game

Free printable back to school theme number sense math activity for kids. A fun math center idea for kindergarten.

Free Printable Back to School Number Tower Mats

Printable ocean pattern block mats for kids.

Printable Ocean Animal Spin and Cover Pattern Block Mats

Sun theme number composition math activity for kids in preschool, kindergarten and first grade.

Sun Number Towers Printable Math Activity

Free printable ocean theme word work activity for kids in kindergarten, first grade and even preschool.

Editable Feed the Fish Spin and Build Mats Printable

Ocean fish math activity for kids.

Fish Roll and Cover Number Mats Free Printable

Flower number sense activity for kids.

Flower Number Towers Free Printable Math Activity

Easter egg number sense activity for kids in preschool and kindergarten.

Free Printable Easter Egg Number Towers Math Activity

A fun frog theme word work activity for kids.

Editable Frog Spin and Build Mats Word Work Printable

A free printable St. Patrick's Day learning activity for kids.

Editable Shamrock Spin and Build Mats Free Printable

Rainbow math activity for kids in preschool, pre-k and kindergarten.

Rainbow Number Towers Free Printable Math Activity

Community helpers theme number sense learning activity for kids.

Construction Number Towers Free Printable Math Activity

Valentine's Day editable word work learning activity for kids.

Editable Valentine’s Day Spin and Build Word Work Mats

Valentine's Day theme fun learning activity for kids.

Editable Valentine’s Day Four in a Row Printable Literacy Game

Free printable Groundhog Day editable board game for kids.

Groundhog Day Free Printable Editable Board Game

A fun editable winter theme bump game for word work practice.

Editable Winter Bump Game Printable for Word Work

Snowman count the room math activity.

Snowman Count the Room Free Printable Math Activity

A fun snowball number tower mats for learning math in a fun way.

Snowball Number Towers Free Printable Math Activity

Snowman 100 and 120 Chart Find and Cover Printable Number Mats

Fun, hands-on learning activity for kids to use this winter!

Editable Snowman Spin and Build Word Work Mats

Snowman comparing numbers winter math activity for kids.

Free Printable Snowman Comparing Sets Clip Cards

Gingerbread number sense activity for kids.

Gingerbread Number Towers Free Printable Math Activity

Gingerbread theme fun learning game for word work.

Editable Gingerbread Bump Game for Word Work Printable

A fun editable gingerbread word work activity for kids.

Editable Gingerbread Spin and Build Word Work Mats Printable

Gingerbread addition and subtraction math activity.

Gingerbread Addition and Subtraction Mats Free Printable

Free editable Christmas board games.

Free Printable Christmas Editable Board Game

Fall theme number tower mats math activity.

Fall Leaf Number Towers Free Printable Math Activity

A fun silly monster theme math activity for kids.

Silly Monster Number Towers Free Printable Math Activity

A fun spider count the room counting activity.

Spider Count the Room Free Printable Math Activity

Free printable pumpkin number towers math activity.

Pumpkin Number Towers Free Printable Math Activity

A fun teen numbers math game for developing number sense.

Pumpkin Teen Numbers Bump Game Free Printable

Pumpkin 100 and 120 chart find and cover the numbers mats.

Pumpkin 100 & 120 Chart Printable Find and Cover Number Mats

Pumpkin theme comparing numbers math activity for kids.

Pumpkin Comparing Sets Clip Cards for Preschool and Kindergarten

Apple theme making ten math activity for Seesaw and Google Slides.

Digital Apple Tree Making 10 Activity for Kindergarten

Apple number sense teen numbers game for kindergarten and first grade.

Apple Teen Numbers Bump Game Free Printable

Apple theme number sense math activity.

Apple Number Towers Free Printable Math Activity

Apple theme number identification and counting activity for learning number sense.

Free Digital Apple Tree Number Sense Find and Cover Activity

Back to school making ten math activity.

Digital Back to School Making 10 Math Activity

Back to school theme count the room math activity.

Back to School Count the Room Free Printable Math Activity

Back to school teen numbers math activity for Google Slides and Seesaw.

Digital Back to School Teen Numbers Math Activity

Pirate Counting Activity for Google Slides and Seesaw.

Pirate Treasure Counting Activity for Google Slides and Seesaw

Bug jar counting activity for Seesaw and Google Slides.

Bug Jar Counting Activity for Google Slides and Seesaw

Non-standard measurement for Google Slides and Seesaw.

Non-standard Measurement Activity for Google Slides and Seesaw

Shapes activity for Google Slides and Seesaw.

2D Shapes Activity for Google Classroom and Seesaw

Flower count the room printables for spring math centers.

Flower Count the Room Printables for Preschool

Rainbow Roll and Cover math activity for preschool and kindergarten.

Rainbow Roll and Cover Math Game Printable for Preschool

Valentine's Day pattern block mats math activity.

Printable Valentine’s Day Pattern Block Mats

Free printable Valentine's Day count the room activities that are differentiated and easy to use.

Valentine’s Day Count the Room Printable for Preschool

Dental health theme math activity.

Dental Health Count and Match Counting Activity for Preschool

Snowman counting activity for winter math centers.

Snowman Count and Cover Math Activity Printable for Preschool

Snowman theme math activities

Snow Globe Roll and Cover Math Game Printable

Gingerbread counting activity.

Gingerbread Theme Count the Room Printables for Preschool

Dinosaur counting activity

Dinosaur Count and Cover Numbers Activity for Preschool

Turkey math game

Turkey Roll and Cover Printable Math Game

And because I LOVE combining literacy and math, here are 60 fantastic Math Picture Books for Preschool. Swap these in and out of your math center all year-long!

I hope this list will help you plan preschool math activities for the year ahead. I am really excited to do so many fun and engaging math activities with my kids this year!

I would love for you to share your favorite math activities for preschoolers in the comments!

List of math activities for preschoolers that are fun and engaging!