Digital Evergreen Tree CVC Word Building Phonics Activity
Are you ready to make word work “snow” much fun? This digital evergreen tree CVC word building activity will bring the fun all winter long!

Digital Evergreen Tree CVC Word Building Activity
We are loving this digital evergreen tree CVC word building activity this winter season! It is a fun and effective way for students to work on CVC words with short vowel sounds. This activity challenges students to not only sound out CVC words, but spell them too!
This activity is perfect for in-class or distance learning as it can be used with Google Slides and Seesaw. It’s easy for teachers to set up and simple for students to access and work with.
This evergreen tree CVC word building activity will allow students to work with multiple short vowel words and sharpen their knowledge of letter names and sounds. They will apply this knowledge to blend the sounds as they build words in this fun winter learning game.
In this activity, students will determine what each picture is as they build the word that matches it. Students will work on several key literacy skills all with one engaging digital activity!
Setting Up the Evergreen Tree CVC Activity in Google Slides
Students may use Google Slides™ to do this activity.
The download file includes a detailed guide with instructions and pictures on how to use this activity with your students, but it is quite simple to do.
If you are a instructor or teacher, you will want to copy the Google Slides assignment to your Google Drive and save it as a master copy.
Make sure that you click the dropdown next to the attachment. Pick the “Make a copy for each student” option.
Setting Up the Evergreen Tree Word Building Activity in Seesaw
Students can also use this activity in Seesaw, if you would like.
You will click the Seesaw specific link in the download file. When you arrive at the activity, you will need to click the “Save Activity” button. Then you will assign the activity to your students.
Building CVC Words
Your students are going to have a winter-themed blast using this digital CVC word resource as they practice building CVC words using their letter names and sounds skills. There are 17 different slides of pictures for your students to work with, giving them ample opportunities to learn with different short vowel sounds.
To use this activity, students will look at the picture on the striped pole beside the evergreen tree. Then, they will decide what the picture is and find the correct evergreen letter trees to put in order to build the word. After they drag and drop the trees in the correct order, they will decode the CVC word.
The students will repeat this on each slide until all of them are complete. This activity allows for easy differentiation in order to meet the needs of all students. Some students may need to start with fewer slides or work on specific short vowel sounds. Other students may be ready to work on all short vowel sounds and use all 17 slides. You can easily adjust this by deleting or reordering slides.
To make planning for small groups a breeze, you can assign small groups of students a certain set of slides. As they gain confidence with their skills, you can assign more until they complete them all in a mixed order.
To offer a challenge for students, you can have them write the CVC word on a recording sheet, in a sentence, or write other words that belong in the same word family. There are so many ways to extend this activity with just a simple pencil and paper.
This activity is perfect for students in kindergarten and first grade. It could even be used as a second grade intervention activity.
Different Ways to Use the Activity
This activity can be used in a variety of ways in the classroom and at home. Since it is digital, it is very versatile and can easily be done at various times of the day.
Here are some different ideas for implementing this digital evergreen tree CVC activity into your lesson plans.
- Whole group CVC word building activity.
- Mini-lesson practice activity.
- Small group word work.
- Winter literacy center activity.
- Independent practice.
- Morning work.
- Early finisher activity.
- Assessment activity.
- Digital centers.
- Homework.
- Distance learning activity.
- Winter break challenge activity.
I am so excited for your students to get their hands on this digital evergreen tree CVC word building activity! They are going to gain more confidence in their CVC skills all while having a ton of fun working with words.
If you are wanting to incorporate more engaging, hands-on learning activities for literacy and math into your lessons, you’re in the right place! Check out these digital activities and add them to your post-holiday plans!
Click the button below to get the Evergreen Tree CVC Word Building activity for Google Slides and Seesaw.
Here are some more winter activities for you!
Paperless Snowball Letter Sounds Activity
Paperless and Editable Snowman Word Building Mats