Digital Spider Web CVC Word Building Activity
CVC word work is going to get even more fun and interactive with this free digital spider web CVC word building activity, perfect for literacy learning this fall!

Spider Web CVC Word Building Activity
Working with CVC words is key for building a strong reading foundation. Students will work hard to master their letter sounds, blend the sounds, and decode CVC words. Working with consonant vowel consonant words helps students build these beginning reading skills.
This digital spider web CVC word building activity gives students an interactive and engaging experience as they practice reading CVC words. They will begin to identify spelling patterns in short vowel words throughout this activity.
Since this activity is digital, students can use it in a variety of ways using both Seesaw and Google Slides. This activity would be perfect for learning at home, at school, in small groups, literacy centers, or independently.
In this spider web activity, students will look at the picture on the screen and determine what the word is. Then, they will sound out the word and drag the spider letters into the web in the correct order to spell the word.
This activity gives students great practice with phonemic awareness skills as they are sounding out each sound and blending them together to decode and read the word. As students work their way through the slides, they will even begin to pick up on rhyming words that they find in this activity.
Setting Up the Spider Web CVC Activity in Google Slides
Students may use Google Slides™ to do this activity.
The download file includes a detailed guide with instructions and pictures on how to use this activity with your students, but it is quite simple to do.
If you are a instructor or teacher, you will want to copy the Google Slides assignment to your Google Drive and save it as a master copy.
Make sure that you click the dropdown next to the attachment. Pick the “Make a copy for each student” option.
Setting Up the Spider Web Word Building Activity in Seesaw
Students can also use this activity in Seesaw, if you would like.
You will click the Seesaw specific link in the download file. When you arrive at the activity, you will need to click the “Save Activity” button. Then you will assign the activity to your students.
Working on CVC Words
This digital spider web CVC activity is the perfect way to create a fun and engaging learning experience for your students. This activity can be used with students in kindergarten through 2nd grade.
Students love building whether that be with blocks or spider letters! They will enjoy matching the words to the pictures as they manipulate the letters to build CVC words.
They will use their phonemic awareness and problem-solving skills to determine which letter makes the beginning, middle, and ending sound. As they build the word, they will be blending sounds and decoding the final word. So many key literacy skills are involved in this fun, fall activity.
Not only does this activity help students practice reading CVC words, but it will familiarize them with word families, rhyming words, and short vowel sounds. The more they practice, the better their CVC word fluency will be!
Literacy skills aren’t the only skills students will gain from this activity. It is also important for students to be proficient when using technology and different styles of activities. This activity will help students learn more about using technology for learning.
Differentiated Word Building
Differentiating learning activities to meet the needs of your students is the key to their success. This activity provides many options and ways to differentiate, making it a versatile digital learning tool.
Here are several different ideas that you can use to differentiate this spider web CVC word building activity to fit into your schedule and lesson plans:
- Whole group activity.
- Small group work.
- Fall literacy centers.
- Halloween centers.
- Spider unit learning activity.
- Independent practice.
- Morning work.
- Early finishers.
- Distance learning.
- Assessment.
- Technology center.
There are also different ways to differentiate based on skill level. Some students may need more support while others are ready for more of a challenge.
Here are some ideas for differentiating based on level of difficulty:
- Assign students all of the slides to challenge them.
- Assign students fewer slides or certain slides to make it a bit easier.
- Reorder the slides to give students practice with certain vowel sounds.
- Have students point to each sound as they say it and then slide their finger to blend the word.
- Have students who are ready for more of a challenge write a sentence using the word and sight words.
- Identify a rhyming word.
- Identify the word family.
I hope you and your students enjoy this fall/Halloween-themed CVC word building activity! Keep up the hard word work and your students will be mastering their CVC words and beginning reading skills in no time!
For more ideas and digital activities to incorporate into your lesson plans, check out these digital activities for both literacy and math. No matter where your students are learning, these activities have you covered!
Click the button below to get the Spider Web CVC Word Building activity for Google Slides and Seesaw.
Here are some more October activities!
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