Free Printable Third Grade Sight Word Worksheets
Working on key sight words during your literacy lessons? These third grade sight word worksheets are the perfect word work activity to add to your plans.
Third Grade Sight Word Worksheets
As students move through the elementary grades, they continue to build their high frequency word knowledge as they move through the different grade level Dolch sight words lists. These free printable 3rd grade sight word worksheets are the perfect way to continue the learning as students enter the middle elementary grades.
Students can use these in a variety of ways, from spiral review to learning new words and as homework. After your students have mastered the words on the second grade sight word list, these third grade worksheets are the perfect way for them to practice.
On each sight word practice worksheet, there are 7 word work activities for students to complete. These activities remain consistent, so students will know what to do to be successful. This makes for a great independent practice activity. The directions are also the same for all of our sight word worksheets, from pre-primer to third grade, so you can find the level that is right for your students.
Each of the 7 activities on the worksheets gives students practice working with words in different ways. This is helpful for touching on all of the learning styles. No matter how your students learn best, they’ll gain confidence and sight word reading fluency as they complete these worksheets.
No Prep Sight Word Activities
Another great characteristic of these sight word worksheets is that they’re no prep! All you have to do is print them and you’re set. Since they’re so fast to get ready, you can print and store a whole month, quarter, or year’s worth at a time. Just use file folders or baskets to organize them for easy grab and go access.
These sight word worksheets come in black and white. Therefore, you can use them even if you don’t have access to colored copies.
If you’re using these sight word worksheets digitally via Google Classroom, Seesaw, etc., you can upload the PDF into your learning platform ahead of time with the words you want your students to work on. Another option is to have the students complete the worksheet and submit a picture to your learning platform. Either way works seamlessly for digital learning.
Differentiated Third Grade Sight Word Activities
By third grade, students are building their reading fluency skills and working on comprehension. Sight words make up a lot of the text in passages, so it’s essential that third grade students get ample practice with these words. A strong sight word fluency foundation allows students to focus their efforts on decoding words and comprehending what is read.
These sight word worksheets use sight words from the Dolch third grade sight words list. However, if you have students in second grade who are ready to take on more challenging words, these worksheets can be used to meet their learning needs. This also goes for students in fourth grade who may need to work on mastering the third grade list before moving on.
These third grade Dolch sight word printable worksheets can be used in a variety of instructional settings, such as:
- Morning work
- When introducing sight words
- Word work
- Literacy centers
- Leveled reading groups
- Small groups
- Spiral review
- Exit ticket
- Spiral review
- Homework
- Distance learning
- Spelling worksheets
If you find that your students have mastered the words on the 3rd grade sight word list, you can easily challenge them by extending the learning. After completing the sight word worksheet, have them read a leveled reader or a story from your curriculum that focuses on that sight word. They can also choose a sight word from the word wall or a stack of flash cards and write complete sentences using the word.
While it’s important to learn sight words and be able to recite them from memory, it’s also important that students practice them in many different ways, such as building the word, reading the word, finding it in a word search, and writing the word. These different opportunities for working with words is exactly what these sight word worksheets provide.
Implementing the Sight Word Worksheets
To implement the free printable third grade sight word worksheets in your classroom, the directions are very simple. Students will begin by reading the sight word of focus. They will move on and trace the word, following the numbers in order to ensure they’re writing the word with proper technique and directionality. Then they’ll write the word independently on the line.
Next, students will use their creativity to color and decorate the word written in bubble letters. They will then find the sight word hidden in the word search and circle it. To make this even more engaging, they can use a highlighter or marker to circle it.
After that, the students will look at the letters of the alphabet and color in the letters that spell the sight word. Finally, they’ll fill in the missing letters in the words at the bottom of the worksheet to spell the word correctly.
As you can see, there are so many great learning opportunities for your students as they practice their sight words with these free printable worksheets.
I can’t wait for your third grade students to master their sight words and really soar as readers this year. Add these third grade sight word worksheets to your literacy lessons and word work stations and watch as your students grow their skills.
Click the button below to get the Third Grade Sight Word Worksheets for your students! I hope you enjoy them!
These sight word worksheets pair perfectly with our Superhero Sight Word Mats for Google Slides and Seesaw! Use the mats online and then add the worksheets for extra practice!