Digital Gingerbread Mixed Blends Phonics Activity
Working on mixed blends this holiday season? Add some fun to your literacy lessons with this digital gingerbread mixed blends activity!

Gingerbread Mixed Blends Word Building Activity
The month of December is a pivotal time of year for young readers! Their literacy skills are growing and they are beginning to master CVC words and sound isolation. The next step in their literacy journey is working with beginning and ending blends!
This digital gingerbread mixed blends activity is a fun way for students to begin working on this skill. This gingerbread-themed word building activity is developmentally appropriate for kindergarten, first, and even second-grade students. It serves as a great bridge between working with CVC words and more complicated words.
Students will have many opportunities to practice key beginning and ending blends as well as use decoding skills to sound out the words altogether. They will catch on to short vowel and long vowel word spelling patterns and word families as well. They may even identify a few rhyming words within the activity!
This digital gingerbread man word building activity is an interactive way for students to practice identifying, sounding out, and reading words with blends fluently. They will also get more letter-sound practice as they build and spell the words. There are so many great literacy skills covered in this fun, holiday-inspired activity!
Setting Up the Gingerbread Mixed Blends Activity in Google Slides
Students may use Google Slides™ to do this activity.
The download file includes a detailed guide with instructions and pictures on how to use this activity with your students, but it is quite simple to do.
If you are a instructor or teacher, you will want to copy the Google Slides assignment to your Google Drive and save it as a master copy.
Make sure that you click the dropdown next to the attachment. Pick the “Make a copy for each student” option.
Setting Up the Gingerbread Word Building Activity in Seesaw
Students can also use this activity in Seesaw, if you would like.
You will click the Seesaw specific link in the download file. When you arrive at the activity, you will need to click the “Save Activity” button. Then you will assign the activity to your students.
Working With Mixed Blends
This digital gingerbread mixed blends word building activity is a fun addition to your Christmas lesson plans. This time of year, students are so excited about the holidays and all the fun around them. It is important to provide them with meaningful, yet exciting learning opportunities!
This word building activity uses gingerbread men to bring the holiday spirit! Students will enjoy learning different beginning and ending blends and building words with this digital game-like activity.
Students will look at the picture on each gingerbread man slide and determine what the word is. Then, they will look at the 3 blends to determine which one matches the beginning or ending sound of the word. They must also make sure that it makes sense with the rest of the word. Finally, they will drag the correct blend into the box to complete the word.
There are 20 different slides, giving students several opportunities to work with mixed blends and word building. There are 15 slides focusing on beginning blends and 5 slides focusing on ending blends. Students will expand their vocabulary and become more familiarized with longer words as well. The words include short vowel and long vowel middle sounds.
Students will use a hands-on approach with technology to build words using the mixed blend pieces. This gingerbread activity allows students to work on a variety of literacy skills, such as phonemic awareness, phonics, isolating sounds, beginning blends, ending blends, short vowels, long vowels, decoding, letter-sound recognition, and spelling. They must determine if the picture and word is a match, which brings in critical thinking skills as well!
Differentiating With Gingerbread Words
Students in grades kindergarten through second-grade may have a vast range of skills. Some may be reading words with blends fluently while others need more structured practice and modeling. This gingerbread-themed mixed blends activity can be used to serve students at all levels.
Here are some ideas for differentiating this word building activity based on your students’ skills and needs:
- Assign fewer slides to make this activity a bit easier.
- Challenge students to complete all slides if they are ready.
- Target short or long vowel words by assigning certain slides.
- Focus on either beginning or ending blends by assigning certain slides.
- Reorder the slides to give students practice with certain vowel sounds or mix them up for a challenge.
- Mix up the beginning and ending blend word slides for a challenge.
- Have students point to each blend and sound as they say it, sliding their finger across the word to blend the sounds.
- Have students who are ready for more of a challenge write a sentence using the word and sight words.
- Identify a rhyming word.
- Tell the word family.
Different Ways to Use This Activity
You can also differentiate the way in which you use this activity in your classroom and with your students. Here are several different ways that you can work this digital gingerbread mixed blends activity into your day and lesson plans:
- Whole group activity.
- Mini-lesson activity.
- Small group work.
- Guided reading groups.
- Christmas literacy centers.
- Independent practice.
- Morning work.
- Early finishers.
- Distance learning.
- Assessment.
- Technology center.
- At-home learning.
- Gingerbread unit.
- Time-filler activity.
I hope your students have a blast with this digital gingerbread mixed blends word building activity! They’ll be growing their literacy skills and having a ton of holiday fun all month long!
Do you want to use more fun, hands-on learning activities for literacy and math in your lessons? Check out these digital activities and add them to your plans!
Click the button below to get the Digital Gingerbread Mixed Blends Word Building activity for Google Slides and Seesaw.
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