All About Me Activities for Preschool and Kindergarten
These all about me activities are perfect for your all about me theme in preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten. They are low-prep and lots of fun!

All About Me Activities and Printables
One of the most popular themes for the beginning of a new school year is the all about me theme.
It gives kids a chance to introduce themselves to the teacher and the class and to share what makes them special and unique. I just love it!
So I thought it would be fun to create some no-prep printables or very low-prep printables that you could add to your all about me lesson plans.
These printables are fun, hands-on and super easy to use!
All About Me Mini Books
These mini books give kids a chance to introduce themselves, their family, their favorite things and more!
Simply cut the pages in half and staple them together along the left side.
Students and parents can keep this keepsake for years to come!
All About Me Sensory Activities and Crafts
Play Dough Self-Portrait Mats
There are three ways to use these all about me face mats. The first way is with play dough!
Kids will have a blast using play dough to make their face on these fun play dough mats.
There are also full body mats in black and white so that students can make their face and clothing as well.
Dry-Erase Self-Portraits
Slip the face mats into write and wipe pockets and invite the kids to draw their face on with dry-erase markers or dry-erase crayons.
You could also put the full body mats into write and wipe pockets and students can draw their face and favorite clothing style onto the mats.
Collage Self-Portraits
Use the black and white version of the face mats and invite your students to use collage supplies to make their face. Options include googly eyes for their eyes, buttons for the nose, yarn for hair, pipe cleaners or ribbon for their mouth, etc. Multicultural crayons or markers for coloring their face is also highly recommended.
You can also use the full body version of the mats and scraps of cloth or felt to make clothes that can be glued onto the body.
As you can see these simple mats can be used a variety of ways, so that you can pick which activity or activities work best for your students!
All About Me Math Activities
Foot Measurement Math Activity
These simple mats incorporate measurement with non-standard units of measurement for a fun math activity during your all about me theme.
Students will have the bottom of their foot painted and then step onto the mat OR they (or teacher) can simply trace around their foot with a pencil or crayon.
Once the paint is dry, students will measure their foot with counting cubes to see how many cubes long their foot is.
There is a second version with no units of measurement listed so that you can use another manipulative to measure their feet, if you would like.
Family Counting Mats
These mats lend themselves perfectly to an all about me theme or a family theme.
There are a variety of mats with houses on them. There are also number cards for numbers 1-20.
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Students will take a number card and place it in the box on the mat. Then they will use family counters or another manipulative of their choice to count out that many onto the mat.
Family Patterning Strips
These patterning strips go perfectly with the colors on the Learning Resources family counters.
Students will place matching counters onto the spots on the strips and then complete the pattern with a counter.
Graphing Activities
These fun graphing activities give your students a chance to share a little bit more about themselves while creating a graph.
Place the heading cards at the top of chart paper or a pocket chart. Then put the choice labels down the side or bottom of the chart. Students then place votes about their favorites.
Students can then visualize the data and discuss which choices were most popular or least popular.
All of these fun activities come in this fun all about me printable bundle!
Click the button below to get it.
You can also get them on TpT by clicking here —-> All About Me Activities on TpT
Don’t Miss These All About My Name Activities Too!
Check out these editable name writing practice activities that include hands-on name tracing and name building worksheets and games for preschool and kindergarten.
These editable name writing practice activities make learning names lots of fun!
They incorporate lots of fun manipulatives to make learning names a hands-on experience, are editable so you can easily change them up year after year, and are low-prep so that you can save lots of time!
In addition, you will be providing fun, engaging name learning activities for the students you teach.
I am so excited to share these with you!
Click this link to see all of the activities in this name writing practice bundle!