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The post 21 Starting School Books to Help Ease the Transition appeared first on Childhood101.

Regular visitor to the site will know that I believe books act as a perfect tool for introducing children to new life experiences, and today I am sharing some of the best starting school books that I hope will help your child, as they have helped mine, in their transition to big school!

As there are many different considerations for different children (and families) as they start school for the year, I’ve divided the books into a number of different sections, including books on starting school for kindergarteners and first graders, books for children feeling worried or anxious (including separation anxiety), and more! See each section below for further explanation.

Starting School Books for Kids

21 Best Picture Books About Starting School

Each title is linked to Amazon (these are affiliate links) where you will find reviews and more information about each book.

For those with children starting preschool, daycare or another early education service, check out our list of 10 Books About Starting Preschool.

Children’s Books on Starting School

Stories can provide a positive, low stress way of introducing information about the new experience of going to school to children. The following children’s books on starting school are great for those moving into school for the first time.

First Day picture book about starting school

First Day by Andrew Daddo
We love this book! The first day can be challenging for children…and for parents! The book explores all of the things children need to do each day to get ready for school and reinforces the message that Mum or Dad will be back – “the best bit about waving goodbye is the next wave will be hello” – with a fun twist..

The Wild Guide to Starting School

The Wild Guide to Starting School by Laura Bunting
The most lighthearted, fun starting school book to help prepare children for a move into kindergarten or first grade. You’ll not find better advice for starting school (for both children and adults!) than the very funny suggestions offered by a group of Australian animals!

The Pigeon Has to Go to School

The Pigeon HAS to Go to School by Mo Willems
Fans of Pigeon and anyone looking for a new addition to their books on starting school will love this hilarious take on the genre. Pigeon absolutely does not want to go to school – after all, he already know everything! And it is hard to read with one big eye! This one will have children laughing out loud.

The Things I Love About School

The Things I Love About School by Trace Moroney
In The Things I Love About School, Trace Moroney focuses on the interesting aspects of being at school  including learning lots of new things and trying new things, as well as playing and making new friends. I love that it ends, “I wonder what I will learn tomorrow. I love school!”

Chu's First Day of School Starting School Books for Kids

Chu’s First Day of School by Neil Gaiman
Chu, the panda with the big sneeze, is heading off to school for the first time. He hopes the other boys and girls will be nice. Will they like him? What will happen at this strange new place called school? And what will happen if Chu sneezes?

I Am Too Absolutely Small for School

I Am Too Absolutely Small for School by Lauren Child
We are long time Charlie and Lola fans. With Lola (or rather her imaginary friend, Soren Lorenson) feeling nervous about starting school – after all, why does one even need to know how to count to 100 when one never eats more than 10 biscuits at a time? –  Charlie does his best to reassure her that it will be lots of fun and she will make friends. And on her very first day she does indeed make a very special friend.

Going to School starting school books

Going to School by Anna Civardi
Percy and Polly Peach are starting school and we get to spend the first day with them. A simple story, this book walks children through many of the experiences they will enjoy in a play-based, first years program – with the story taking us from the time the twins are getting up and getting ready, through to meeting the teacher and having a parent stay for a little while, with lots of play, making things, music and story time before it’s time to head home again.

Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten

Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten by Joseph Slate
My girls have both loved the audio version of this story and I am pretty sure it is because of the lovely rhythm of the text. As Miss Bindergarten gets ready for her children to come to class, the kindergarten students are also preparing for their big first day.

Countdown to Kindergarten

Countdown to Kindergarten by Alison McGhee
There are lots of rules in school. But what if you can’t tie your shoelaces? Because that’s a rule too. Countdown to Kindergarten explores the anxieties of a little girl who is about to start kindergarten in the ten days before class starts. Will she be the only one who can’t tie her shoes?

Books for Kids Feeling Worried or Anxious

The thought of starting school can be very exciting for both child and family but for many children there is a fine line between excited and over-excited or anxious. These starting school books are great for children who are feeling worried or anxious.

The Color Monster Goes to School

The Color Monster Goes to School by Anna Llenas
The Color Monster is feeling nervous – it’s his first day of school and he does not know what to expect! A great starting school book for fans of The Color Monster who are feeling nervous about their first day.

Buy : Amazon

RELATED: If you are a fan of The Color Monster be sure to check out our Color Monster Emotions Jar Activity.

Wemberly Worried

Wemberly Worried by Kevin Henkes
Wemberly has many worries – big and small! But her very biggest worries are about starting school. With the help of her family, new teacher and a new friend, Wemberly manages to make it through her very first day.

Butterflies on the First Day of School

Butterflies on the First Day of School by Annie Silvestro
Rosie’s been excited about starting school but on the morning of the first day she’s feeling unwell. ‘You have butterflies in your belly,’ her mama tells her. Rosie is startled when a butterfly flies out of her mouth whilst talking to a new friend on the school bus! As the day goes on, Rosie frees all her butterflies and even helps another shy student let go of hers.

Back to School Books

This collection of books offers a fun, often amusing look at being back at school for a new year.

Mae's First Day of School

Mae’s First Day of School by Kate Berube
As Mae’s first day of school approaches she declares that she is NOT going! A reassuring, gentle and amusing story for children who are nervous about school starting.

Buy : Amazon
First Day Jitters

First Day Jitters by Julie Danneburg
A super fun story about Sarah Jane Hartwell who doesn’t want to get out of bed for school on the first day. In a fun twist, it turns out Sarah Jane is the teacher! A wonderful way to connect the feelings of students and teachers alike as a new school year begins on the very first day.

Chairs On Strike picture book for the first day of school

Chairs On Strike by Jennifer Jones
A fun rhyming story about a set of school chairs in despair of how they are treated going on strike! Great back to school book as setting behavioral expectations.

This is a School

This Is a School by John Schu
A joyful celebration of the nurturing, inclusive community a school can be.

Books About Being Yourself

Doubts about school can come in many forms, including worries about the ways a child might be different from, or less able than, their classmates. Parents and teachers can support children experiencing these feelings with a story (or two!) about learning to be yourself.

We Don't Eat Our Classmates books on starting school

We Don’t Eat Our Classmates by Ryan T. Higgins
Penelope Rex the dinosaur is about to start her first day of school. The problem is Penelope is a carnivorous dinosaur, and her classmates are all children! The book humorously addresses Penelope’s struggle to resist the urge to eat her classmates, as well as the challenges she faces in making friends and fitting in.

The Smart Cookie Back to School books for kids

The Smart Cookie by Jory John
Cookie never feels as smart as her friends, no matter how hard she tries! A lovely story exploring the different ways in which children learn, a great choice for children who feel a little nervous about not being as smart as the other children at school.

Chrysanthemum book on starting school

Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes
Chrysanthemum, adores her name. Why wouldn’t she? Her parents chose it especially for her. When she finally gets to go to school though, the experience isn’t all that she’d hoped for. Her peers tease Chrysanthemum because of her beautiful and unique name. How will she handle this unexpected problem?

RELATED: For more books that help children to both accept themselves and learn to respect differences in others, check out our collection of Books About Diversity and Difference.

Books for Children With Separation Anxiety

The following books offer extra support for children experiencing separation anxiety from a primary caregiver.

The Kissing Hand: Books about starting school

The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn
Chester Racoon is sad about starting school, worried that he will miss his Mummy and his toys and all of the things he loves to do at home.  His mother reassures him that he will love school once he starts and it is not so strange and scary any more, and then she shares a secret with him – the secret of The Kissing Hand. I think this book is just as much for those mamas who are worried about being sad at missing their child as it is for the little ones.

The Invisible String: Best Books on Starting School

The Invisible String by Patrice Karst
This simple, novel idea for helping children overcome separation anxiety from family members is perfect for children worried about missing a caregiver as they start school.

RELATED: For more books that help children face their fears, check out our big list of books about being afraid.

More Starting School Resources

For more handy starting school resources, check out these related posts;

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9 Tips for Starting Child Care, Preschool or Kindergarten https://childhood101.com/9-ways-to-prepare-your-child-for-family-day-care-child-care-preschool-or-kindergarten/ https://childhood101.com/9-ways-to-prepare-your-child-for-family-day-care-child-care-preschool-or-kindergarten/#comments Thu, 08 Aug 2024 02:35:53 +0000 https://childhood101.com/?p=21185 The first time your little one leaves you to spend time being cared for by someone else is a big day for everyone. And the when, how and why will be different for each of us. However, whatever age or stage your child is in, preparing for this transition is a really important step in...

The post 9 Tips for Starting Child Care, Preschool or Kindergarten appeared first on Childhood101.

The first time your little one leaves you to spend time being cared for by someone else is a big day for everyone. And the when, how and why will be different for each of us.

However, whatever age or stage your child is in, preparing for this transition is a really important step in this big life change.

For us, it was Immy starting kindergarten. And despite my experiences as an early childhood teacher working in both child care centres and kindergarten, helping hundreds of families with this very transition, I cried buckets! Immy, well, she was just fine!

9 tips for starting childcare or preschool

Many children start at an early learning service with very few experiences of being cared for by anyone other than their parents or other immediate family members and so it is reasonable to expect a degree of separation anxiety as they settle in.

However, every child can experience periods of anxiety around attending care at some stage – it might be on the first day, or some time later. It might be because of a change of service, or changes within the staffing team at your regular center.

Think about the anxiety you feel about starting a new job. In the same way, it takes time for children and families to form bonds and feel comfortable with new adults, with different groups of children, and to adjust to new settings and routines. There are however a number of things you can do to help your child (and family) prepare for this new stage.

9 Tips for Starting Day Care, Preschool or Kindy

1. Choose the right service for your family
The first step in easing your child’s transition is choosing the best care option for your child within your local area – whether that be family day care, center based child care, preschool or kindergarten. You will feel much more comfortable sending them off on this new adventure if you are confident that you have chosen the care option and individual service that best suits your child and family.

2. Spend time getting ready together
Talk gently with your child about the upcoming transition, being mindful that the aim is to prepare your child for what is ahead without making them overly anxious or too excited. Take them shopping for a new backpack or lunch box and drink bottle just for ‘school.’ Read stories about starting child care or kindergarten. These types of interactions will help to create a bridge between home and school.

3. Take advantage of any orientation opportunities offered by the service
The aim of orientation sessions is to provide your child with a chance to become familiar with the physical space, staff, routines and other children. It is a great idea to start visiting the service a few weeks before your child starts care, and multiple visits are very valuable.

4. Work together with your service to provide the best care and education for your child
The importance of positive family-school communication cannot be underestimated when it comes to quality early childhood programs, after all the family is the richest source of information about the individual child and a true learning community welcomes the contributions of all of its members. Both the centre/school and the individual family share responsibility for regular communication about the child.

With regards to children starting in a new program or service, many preschools will provide a survey or questionnaire about your child, their family, interests, development and routines in addition to a regular enrollment form (like the sample shown below). This information is important for helping staff welcome your child into the service and for adjusting routines and programs to incorporate their individual needs for care and the learning program.

This free printable All About Me survey sheet is available as a complimentary download for families and those providing an early education service for children. Download here.

All About Me Childcare and Preschool Parent Survey

5. Develop a morning routine
Being prepared and organized with a regular morning routine will help you to start the day calmly and without rushing. You can find out more about our morning routine here.

6. When the time comes, send them off with a piece of ‘family’
Taking along a family photo, their regular comforter or a favorite (small) soft toy is a lovely way for your child to take a little piece of familiar home and family with them on their new adventure.

Helping children settle into child care or preschool

7. Acknowledge your own anxiety privately
It’s important to model a sense of confidence and calm to your child as children are very perceptive and will sense how you feel about the upcoming transition, however it is perfectly understandable if you need to take a private moment to acknowledge your own feelings about the change.

8. Don’t be afraid to check in if you feel you need to
Do not hesitate to call your child’s service if you are worried about how they have settled. When you collect your child, ask staff how the day went and check their daily record sheet or program for further information about your child’s day. These snippets of information will help you to talk with your child about their day.

9. When your child is upset
Some children will get upset when it comes to drop off time. If this happens, try;

  • Taking advantage of any opportunity offered to go into the room to settle your child to an activity. Once children are engaged in play, it is often easier for them to separate from you.
  • Say goodbye and tell your child in a non-clock way when you will be back to pick him/her up (for example, after you’ve had morning tea or after rest time).
  • Resist the urge to hang around after saying goodbye.
  • If your child is upset, leave them with a staff member. Experienced staff will have a myriad of techniques for supporting your child through their anxiety once you are gone.
  • For children experiencing ongoing tears and anxiety at drop off time, consider if it is a general problem of anxiety about attending care or more a case of difficulty separating from Mum or Dad.  If separation from one parent is the problem then consider making short term arrangements for the other parent or another family member to assume drop off responsibility.  A short period with an alternative drop off person can work to break the anxiety cycle for some children.

More Starting Preschool Tips & Resources

For more tips for starting preschool or daycare, check out these related posts;

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Free Printable Olympic Games Worksheets for Kids https://childhood101.com/olympic-games-worksheets/ https://childhood101.com/olympic-games-worksheets/#comments Sun, 07 Jul 2024 15:13:51 +0000 https://childhood101.com/?p=45942 This pack of free, printable Olympic Games worksheets will help kids learn more about the Olympic Games – from Olympic traditions to sports, with information covering the history of the ancient Olympics to the modern day Olympic Games of today. Why learn about the Olympic Games? The Olympic Games is a major, international sporting event...

The post Free Printable Olympic Games Worksheets for Kids appeared first on Childhood101.

This pack of free, printable Olympic Games worksheets will help kids learn more about the Olympic Games – from Olympic traditions to sports, with information covering the history of the ancient Olympics to the modern day Olympic Games of today.

Olympic games worksheets

Why learn about the Olympic Games?

The Olympic Games is a major, international sporting event held every four years. It is considered the foremost sports competition in the world, with athletes from more than 200 countries competing in a wide range of sports.

There are lots of interesting facts and rituals, involving both the tradition of the ancient Olympics and the Olympic Games as we know them today, to engage children in learning about this fabulous event.

With this set of Olympics worksheets including Olympics facts and information for children, your students will have a better understanding of how the Olympic Games started and how it operates today, its relationship to the Winter Olympics and Paralympics, the important symbols and rituals of each Olympic Games event, the sports offered and the Olympic medals.

Free, Printable Olympic Games Worksheets for Middle Grades

Olympic printables

This free Olympic Games printables pack is best suited to children in elementary grades (primary school) and middle grades 3-7. The pack includes;

4 pages of interesting Olympic Games facts covering;

  • The Olympics in Ancient Times
  • The Modern Summer Olympics
  • The Paralympics
  • The Winter Olympics
  • The Olympic symbols and brand
  • The Olympic flame and torch
  • The Opening and Closing Ceremonies
  • The Sports Roster
  • Olympic Medals.

The supporting worksheets and activity sheets include;

  • Olympic Games True or False Worksheet
  • Summer Olympic Games Host Cities Research Activity
  • Two page Olympic Athlete Research Prompts and Record Sheet
  • Summer Olympics Sports Word Scramble
  • Summer Olympics Sports Word Search
  • Olympic Games Host City Word Search
  • Summer Olympic Games Crossword
  • Summer Olympics Host City Crossword
Olympic activity sheets

We have also added a set of Answer Sheets for each activity pack that also includes three handy lists of host cities for the modern Summer Olympic Games, Winter Olympics and Paralympics.

And you can download this PDF of printable Olympic Games activities as either of two versions of the worksheets – the first is US Letter sized with US spelling and the second is A4 sized with UK spelling.

Olympic printables for kids

Tips for Download & Printing : Olympic Games Worksheets

Printing Tips

  • Save the PDF to your computer.
  • Open the PDF to print the pages you require.
  • When printing, select “Fit to printable area” (or similar) to ensure the page fits with your printer type and local paper size.

Having trouble accessing or downloading the file? Please try a different internet browser.
Please note: All Childhood 101 printables are for personal use only, you may not use any part of this content for commercial purposes-that includes selling the document, giving it away to promote your business or website, or printing the file to sell. You may not share, loan or redistribute these documents. Teachers may use multiple copies for students in their own classroom.

More Learning Around the World Resources

For related resources, check out these geography posts;

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Bubble Painting with Bubble Blowers https://childhood101.com/bubble-painting/ https://childhood101.com/bubble-painting/#comments Thu, 04 Jul 2024 06:15:14 +0000 https://childhood101.com/?p=18906 POP! There is something just so magical about bubbles and your kids will absolutely LOVE this bubble painting activity. You only need a few simple supplies to try this amazing bubble art for kids. Bubble painting is a fun and easy art activity that kids of all ages will love! It’s a great outdoor art...

The post Bubble Painting with Bubble Blowers appeared first on Childhood101.

POP! There is something just so magical about bubbles and your kids will absolutely LOVE this bubble painting activity.

You only need a few simple supplies to try this amazing bubble art for kids.

Bubble painting is a fun and easy art activity that kids of all ages will love!

It’s a great outdoor art activity and a perfect summer activity for creative kids, and if you do it outside it’s really easy to clean up too!

Bubble painting is a fun and creating activity that encourages kids to use their imagination, experiment with colors, and create unique patterns and designs.

While they are making bubble art they will also be working on lots of motor skills as they manipulate the bubble blowers and blow air to make bubbles, and problem solving skills as they discover how hard to blow to make a bubble and how to get them to pop just right onto the paper. It’s also a great time to learn about the science of bubbles!

Kids will love experimenting with blowing paint bubbles and making a bubble blowing painting.

Bubble Painting: Painting Ideas for Kids

Bubble Painting for Kids

Bubble painting is a super fun and super easy to do!

We used just two ingredients – bubble mixture and liquid food colouring – and my kids made painting after painting, and stayed engaged and busy creating for a very long time.

Bubble Painting Supplies

To do some bubble blowing paintings you will need:

  • Bubble mixture – we used a commercial mix from a bubble blowing set (similar to this one)
  • Food colouring
  • Bubble wands
  • Cups and/or trays to dip your wands into
  • Large sheets of painting paper
Bubble Blower Painting

How to Do Bubble Painting with Kids.

  1. Start by mixing up your bubble paint solution by tipping a little bubble mixture into each tray or cup – one for each colour. Then add a little food colouring to each tray and stir gently – you don’t want to make too many bubbles in your cup because the bubbles don’t work so well when the mixture is all bubbly. We made red, blue, yellow and pink bubble paint solution.
  2. Set out a large piece of paper onto a flat surface. If you are working inside make sure to cover the surface so you don’t get paint on it.
  3. Dip the bubble wand into the bubble paint solution then gently blow bubbles downwards so they land on the paper and pop.
  4. Blow more paint bubbles and add more and more to your paper until it is covered in popping painted bubbles! Place the paper somewhere flat to dry and make another bubble painting!
Bubble Blower Painting: Painting Ideas for Kids

Bubble Painting Hints & Tips:

  • The activity is a little messy but our mixture did not stain at all, in fact it was really easy to clean up thanks to the soapy bubbles!
  • This is perfect for an outdoor art activity so no stray bubbles pop anywhere you don’t want them too.
  • I would suggest wearing art aprons and covering work surfaces too.
  • If your colourful bubbles are not showing up on the paper, be sure to use food dye with nice strong pigments, or you can try adding a small amount of nontoxic paint to the mixture to add more colour.
  • For younger children have them practice blowing bubbles with plain bubble solution before you add the food dye as it can be tricky for little ones to remember to blow and not to put the bubble wand too close to their mouth.

The effect the bubbles make on the paper is amazing and the experience was lots and lots of fun!

2 ingredient Bubble Blower Painting

For even more fun activities exploring colour, check out Kaleidoscope.

This is STEM, art and literacy like you’ve never seen it before – dressed up in all the colours of the rainbow!

color activities

Kaleidoscope: Hands-On Explorations in Colour (and Color!) includes 25 awe-inspiring color activities that integrate learning across a range of subject areas, including the STEM topics of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, as well as art, literacy and cooking. This is a great resource for teachers, parents, camp organisers, youth and community group leaders, homeschoolers, out of school care educators and more. Click here to find out more.

Bubble Painting Activity

Do you have a favourite bubbly activity that your children love?

More Art Activities for Kids

You might also like these art activities:

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https://childhood101.com/bubble-painting/feed/ 25
21 Free, Printable Memory Matching Games for Kids https://childhood101.com/matching-games-kids/ https://childhood101.com/matching-games-kids/#respond Thu, 27 Jun 2024 03:13:49 +0000 https://childhood101.com/?p=31347 Whether you call it Concentration or Memory, Matching Pairs or something else completely, playing a matching memory game is one of the best first games to teach a young child, and this collection of 15 free, printable matching games for kids offers a great place to get started! Our list of free printable memory games for kids...

The post 21 Free, Printable Memory Matching Games for Kids appeared first on Childhood101.

Whether you call it Concentration or Memory, Matching Pairs or something else completely, playing a matching memory game is one of the best first games to teach a young child, and this collection of 15 free, printable matching games for kids offers a great place to get started!

collage of 21 different free printable matching games for kids

Our list of free printable memory games for kids includes matching card games for lots of different learning themes, seasons and holidays so there is a matching game for everyone! All of these matching game printables make perfect memory games for preschoolers, and older kids too.

Simply choose your set of memory cards from the list, print, cut, and you are ready to play!

Free Printable Matching Games for Kids

What are the benefits of playing matching games with kids?

With a deck of matching pairs cards and just a few simple game rules you are set to help your child develop observational skills, visual discrimination, memory and concentration – to name just a few of the benefits of this great, first game.

A memory matching game is a also a wonderful way to teach children important game playing skills such turn taking, and through regular game play with older role models young children will also learn how to be a gracious winner…and loser!

Depending upon your choice of cards, memory matching games can also reinforce learning about a range of concepts such as colour recognition, letter names or sounds, counting, number recognition, alongside improved vocabulary and even reading skills. We have included details of all of our free, printable matching game sets below, many of which help to develop these important learning concepts.

Children from the age of 3 years can start playing these matching pairs games, and they are perfect for preschoolers and kindergarten aged children.

RELATED: 10 Kids Memory Games to help improve memory, concentration and thinking skills.

Printable Kids Memory Matching Games

How to Play Concentration or Memory Card Game

Playing the concentration card game is easy! Once your children learn the rules they will be able to set up and play these matching games independently.

Once you’ve chosen your set of memory cards, shuffle the cards well and spread them face down across the table.

Players take turns to turn over two cards, searching for a matching pair. If the cards selected are a match, the player keeps the matching pair and takes another turn. If they are not the same, the cards are turned back over in the same location and play moves to the next player.

Once all cards have been matched, the player with the most pairs wins the game.

collage of free printable memory games for kids

21 Free Printable Memory Matching Games for Kids

Chose from this list of fun, free, memory game printables that your kids will love.

Visual discrimination game: Cupcake memory matching

 Cupcake Memory Matching Game

This adorable cupcake memory game printable is a fabulous challenge for developing visual discrimination skills, great for kindergarten age children.

Monster Shadows Memory Matching Game

 Monster Shadows Matching Game

This fun monster matching game is another great challenge for visual discrimination skill development. Kids will love the challenge of matching each of these cute monsters with their very individual shadows!

Opposites memory matching vocabulary game

Opposites Memory Game

This free printable opposites pair matching game is a fun way to revise learning about antonyms with preschool, kindergarten and first grade children.

Fruit Memory Matching Concentration Game

Fruit Memory Matching Game

Your kids will love this fun, tutti fruity, fruit memory matching game with both pictures and words. Free to print and easy to play.

Garden matching game printable

Garden Matching Memory Game Cards

Play with pictures or pictures and words! This garden themed matching game is great for Earth Day, Spring, growth or gardening learning themes.

Alphabet matching game

Alphabet Memory Matching Game

Choose from 5 fun matching game suggestions to get your preschooler or kindergartener playing with beginning letter sounds.

Just for fun: Try this Alphabet Matching Snack for a tasty treat!

Free printable emotions cards and memory game

 Printable Feelings & Emotions Cards

Concentration/Memory is just one of eight game suggestions included with these printable emotions cards.

Emoji emotions matching cards

Emoji Emotions Matching Cards

Inspired by the super popular emoji craze, these emotions matching cards are great for inviting discussion about big emotions with young children, and a fun memory game to play.

Winter Animals Matching Pairs Game

Winter Animals Matching Pairs Game

These cute Winter animals memory cards make working on visual discrimination skills and concentration so much fun!

Yoga for kids poses printable

Yoga Poses Matching Game

For concentration with a physical challenge, print two copies of our yoga poses cards to play a memory game. When a player matches a pair they can perform the body shape challenge shown on the cards.

Printable Star Wars Memory Game with seven ways to play

Star Wars Memory Game

May the Force be with you as you attempt to outplay your opponent with these cool Star Wars character matching pairs game cards.

Snow Globe Counting Memory Game

Counting Matching Game 0 to 20

Use this matching game printable to develop counting and number recognition skills with preschool and kindergarten age children.

Multiplication memory matching game printable

Times Tables Memory Matching Card Game

This times tables memory card game is perfect for reinforcing learning multiplication tables with students in grades 3 to 6.

Compound word matching game

Compound Words Matching Game

This memory matching game has a fun vocabulary twist! Develop vocabulary skills by forming compound words with pairs of cards.

Holiday Matching Card Games

These free printable memory matching games are a great way to include a little extra learning into holiday celebrations, and a fun game to play at holiday parties and get togethers.

Halloween activities for kids: Free printable memory match game

Halloween Matching Game

Have fun playing memory with these not-so-spooky, free printable, Halloween matching cards!

Halloween memory matching game printable

Halloween Pumpkins Matching Cards

Download our free Halloween Pumpkins Matching Cards Game for a not-so-spooky way to develop visual discrimination skills.

Easter Memory Card Game Printable

Easter Egg Matching Cards

Learn to match patterns with these great Easter egg cards. Play a memory matching game or try one of the three other game options for these cards.

Easter matching game color matching

Easter Matching Game

Explore all the colours of the rainbow while playing this fun Easter Matching Game with your toddler or preschooler.

Chinese New Year Memory Matching Game

Chinese New Year Matching Game

Celebrate Chinese New Year with this fun set of memory cards. The kids will love learning about Lunar New Year while working on concentration skills.

Christmas Nativity Matching Game

Christmas Nativity Matching Game

Reinforce learning about the Christian origins of Christmas with preschool, kindergarten and first grade children with this set of nativity matching game cards.

Snowflake matching game

Snowflake Memory Matching Game

This Winter Snowflake Memory Matching Game is trickier than many in our matching games collection as players need to be on the lookout for subtle differences between the game cards to find the matching pairs of snowflakes.

RELATED: These Logical Thinking Games for Preschoolers are sure to get them thinking!

Printing Instructions for Matching Games

Click on the link for the memory game you wish to download and print. This will open a prompt for you to save the PDF to your computer. For best results, download directly to a computer, not a phone or tablet. Open the PDF and print the pages you require. When printing, select “Fit to printable area” (or similar) to ensure the page fits with your printer type and local paper size (these have been created at A4 size). I suggest printing onto card stock or matte photo paper. Most of the card sets include a backing sheet. Flip and then re-insert your printed pages into your printer to print onto the reverse side. Cut apart the printed cards and then laminate for durability.

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Please note: All Childhood 101 printables are for personal use only, you may not use any part of this content for commercial purposes-that includes selling the document, giving it away to promote your business or website, or printing the file to sell. You may not share, loan or redistribute these documents. Teachers may use multiple copies for students in their own classroom.

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65 Tween & Teen Books Made Into Movies https://childhood101.com/teen-books-movies/ Wed, 05 Jun 2024 13:23:31 +0000 https://childhood101.com/?p=35253 Inside: 65 of the best tween book to movie adaptations and teen books made into movies. Connect your tween or teen with a book they can really identify with, one that resonates with their inner dreams or takes them on the most thrilling adventure, and you’ll have a reader for life. Choosing a book is...

The post 65 Tween & Teen Books Made Into Movies appeared first on Childhood101.


Inside: 65 of the best tween book to movie adaptations and teen books made into movies.

Connect your tween or teen with a book they can really identify with, one that resonates with their inner dreams or takes them on the most thrilling adventure, and you’ll have a reader for life. Choosing a book is a movie can help encourage even the most reluctant reader to take that leap. Plus reading a book and watching the movie provides lots of opportunities for comparing and contrasting the two…how often does the movie live up to the book, after all!?!

Middle school and teen books made into movies

And teachers, within this huge list of book and movie pairs you’re sure to also find the perfect choice for your middle school or high school class English project.

If you’re looking for book to movie adaptations for younger children, combine this list with our 75 Kids Books That Are Movies post for a total of well over 120 books made into movies for kids of all ages -that’s family movie night sorted for a good long time!

65 Tween & Teen Books Made Into Movies

I suggest checking out the reviews on the Common Sense Media website for more information regarding titles you are unfamiliar with. They provide helpful age recommendations from experts, parents and children. Each book and movie listed below is linked to an Amazon store page – these are affiliate links and I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases.

Classic Books Made Into Movies for Middle School

Enjoyed by many generations, these classic books made into movies are great for discovering (or rediscovering) with children in the middle grades.

Narnia book and movie adaptation

1. The Chronicles of Narnia
Four siblings journey through the back of a wardrobe to a magical world cursed with an eternal winter, where they encounter an evil snow witch, make new friends, meet a majestic king and learn important lessons about courage, honor and loyalty.

A Wrinkle in Time

2. A Wrinkle in Time
When a mother and her two children come down for a late-night snack and find a stranger speaking of tesseracts that allow travel through space and time, it stirs up memories of the children’s father and his disappearance, and sets them on a journey to find him.

Bridge to Terabithia tween book to movie adaptation

3. Bridge to Terabithia
Unlikely friends Jess and Leslie love to play in their amazing enchanted world in the woods called Terabithia. When tragedy strikes, Jess is heartbroken and must learn to deal with his grief, thanks to the support of his family and the lessons his friend left with him..

I Am David

4. I Am David
Twelve year old David has only ever known life in a concentration camp. When he is given the opportunity to escape the camp he struggles to cope in the outside world, facing danger, fear, loneliness and hunger, David must learn to trust others in the face of many challenges.

Little Women book and movie for teens

5. Little Women
A classic tale exploring the lives of four very different sisters growing up in the late 1800s as they each discover their own sense of self, the importance of family and friends, and their place within their community and the wider world, all while wondering if their father will return safely home from war.

The Neverending Story book and movie

6. The Never-ending Story
Bastian finds an old book called The Never-ending Story and, as he reads, Bastian discovers himself as an actual character in the book! He discovers the magical land in the book, Fantastica, is in grave danger and that he is the only one who can save it.

The Golden Compass book made into movie

7. The Golden Compass
Lyra is a strong, young girl from a world that feels very familiar but is also very different from our own. Hers is a world of magic, where each person is paired with a “daemon”, an animal connected to them. But Lyra must journey to the cold, far North, where witch clans and armored bears rule to save her friend, Roger, who has been stolen by the evil Gobblers for sinister purposes..

Alice in Wonderland book made into movie for tweens

8. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
When Alice spies a  little white rabbit who is very much in a hurry she follows him and finds herself in the magical land of Wonderland on an odd adventure with a cast of strange characters, including Tweedledum and Tweedledee, the Mad Hatter, the Cheshire Cat and the Red Queen.

The Giver book and movie

9. The Giver
Twelve year old Jonas finds nothing odd about his colorless world of conformity and contentment, until he receives his life assignment as the Receiver of Memory. As he learns more about the world through the memories he realizes there are dark secrets deciding the fate of the community.

Get the Book Get the Movie
The Witches book and movie for tweens

10. The Witches  
In this creepy recreation of Roald Dahl’s classic, a boy and his Grandmother fight a group of witches who threaten to rid the world of children.

The House With a Clock in Its Walls book and movie for preteens

11. The House With a Clock in the Walls 
10 year old Lewis is sent to live with his uncle in a creaky old haunted house with a mysterious tick-tocking heart. But the town’s sleepy facade is not all as it seems and when Lewis accidentally awakens the dead, the town springs to life revealing a secret, dangerous world of witches, warlocks and deadly curses.

Storm Boy tween book made into a movie

12. Storm Boy 
When strange visions of the past begin to reappear for Michael he is encouraged to retell the story of his childhood discovery and care for a little pelican known as “Mr Percival” in a touching tale of friendship, love, hate, loneliness and loss.

When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit classic books made into movies for preteens

13. When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit 
As Jewish family flee from the Nazis in Berlin in the days before the Second World War; traveling first to Zurich, then to Paris and finally to London, a ten year old girl and her brother must overcome the challenges of new surroundings, new languages, new classmates, and new friends, again and again.

Goosebumps books made into movies for tweens

14. Goosebumps 
When Zach moves with his mother to what he considers the dullest town in the world, he couldn’t be more wrong! As he tries to find out what’s up with his unusual new neighbors, he unwittingly unleashes a ventriloquist dummy named Slappy and an army of strange monsters. Slappy’s plan? To wreak havoc on the town of author, R.L. Stine, who sealed the creatures into the manuscripts of his books!

Modern Tween Books Made Into Movies

Our list of modern books with movies for tweens includes comedy, dark humor, action, adventure, fantasy and more!

Holes book and movie

15. Holes
Stanley Yelnats is fighting his family’s generational curse of being the bad kid when sentenced to dig holes at a boy’s detention camp. Stanley then discovers the warden has a reason for all these holes, he’s trying to find something…but Stanley is on to him!

Because of Winn Dixie book to movie adaptation for tweens

16. Because of Winn-Dixie
One summer’s day, a lonely, ten-year-old, India Opal Buloni, goes down to the local supermarket for some groceries—and comes home with a dog. But Winn-Dixie is no ordinary dog.

Middle school movies based on books

17. Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life  
On starting at his new school, Principal Dwight makes it clear to Rafe that the school operates under a very strict set of rules. A creative kid, Rafe finds the rules frustrating and unfair. When Principal Dwight destroys Rafe’s artbook, Rafe and a friend seek revenge through a series of silly pranks.

Get the Book Get the Movie
Wonder Struck book and movie adaptation for 10 year olds

28. Wonderstruck
Wonderstruck shares two parallel stories about hearing impaired children living in different historical time periods. Both are alone and isolated, from troubled homes, and run away to New York City seeking to find an absent parent. Both Rose and Ben will need resourcefulness, luck and more than a little magic to achieve their goal and survive in the big city.

Ella Enchanted

18. Ella Enchanted 
A new take on the tale of Cinderella, Ella is a girl who is cursed with the gift of obedience. After losing her mother, her father weds again and Ella is determined to survive both her new step-mother and her horrible step-sisters but tired of being taken advantage of, Ella sets out to break the curse that binds her.

A Series of Unfortunate Events

19. Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events Series
A trio of young orphans face down just about everything that could go wrong for a group of kids. From losing their parents to fighting bad guys (including their mysterious and ruthless Count Olaf), they defy death and more to overcome a truly horrible series of unfortunate events.

City of Ember

20. The City of Ember
The lights of the City of Ember are said to provide the last place safe for the human race, however after centuries of use the embers are starting to dim. When Lina finds an ancient message, she’s sure it holds a secret that will save the city, but first she and her friend Doon must race to figure out the clues that will stop the lights burning out and keep the darkness away.

Eragon book made into movie

21. Eragon
Eragon believes he’s just a poor boy living on a farm until he discovers that he’s actually the last of the Dragon Riders. With only a sword, a fiercely loyal dragon, and the wise words from a friend he begins his journey as one fated to play an essential role in an upcoming war – along the way enduring perilous travels, sudden battles, capture and escape.

Lemonade Mouth book made into movie for tweens

22. Lemonade Mouth
The tale of five outcasts who make plans in detention to pool their hidden talents form a band. Along the way they become the pride of the socially awkward at their high school (and far beyond) as their band, Lemonade Mouth, becomes legendary – changing rock and roll in Rhode Island, and high school, forever.

Are You There God? Its Me Margaret. Book to Movie Adaptation for Tweens

23. Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret
This faithful book to movie adaptation of Judy Blume’s popular novel, sees 11 year old Margaret grapple with puberty and personal questions resulting from being raised without a religion.

The Breadwinner book and movie adaptation for 12 year olds

27. The Breadwinner  
11 year old Parvana lives in Taliban controlled Afghanistan. When her farther is wrongfully detained, the family are left alone, unable to work or buy food as women are not allowed to leave their homes unaccompanied. There is only one dangerous solution – Parvana must cut her hair and change her identity to find work and bring home bread for the family.

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

24. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
As a group of four 16-year-old girls face their first summer apart, they promise to rotate a pair of seemingly magical jeans among them, at the summer’s end sharing their favorite adventure while wearing the pants. The jeans travel the world, tying together the four girls as they face new love, unexpected friendships, a father’s remarriage and more.

The Tigers Apprentice book and movie for teens

25. The Tiger’s Apprentice 
15 year old Chinese American Tom Lee discovers he is part of a long lineage of magical protectors of an ancient stone called the Phoenix. This magic stone has the power to destroy worlds and is sought after by the villainous sorceress, Loo. Tom is trained by Mr Hu, one of twelve Zodiac animal warriors who watch over the guardian of the stone, and with guidance from the mythical tiger takes on the evil Loo and her plan that threatens all of humanity.

Miss Peregrine's book to movie adaptation

26. Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
A teenage boy is sent to a relative’s home on an island after a family tragedy. When he discovers an abandoned orphanage he also discovers that the children that have lived there were more than a bit different, and potentially dangerous and that they may in fact still be alive.

Teen Movies Based on Books

With so many great YA books being published it is not hard to find characters teenagers will relate to, whatever their interests. This list of new teenage books that are movies includes our pick of the best young adult fantasy, science fiction, romance and comedy teen movies based on books.

Enola Holmes book to movie adaptation

29. Enola Holmes: The Case of the Missing Marquess  Sleuthing is in the blood for Enola Holmes, the teenage sister of Sherlock. In this first installment in the series, Enola proves to be both smart and resourceful as she searches for her mother, who has disappeared on Enola’s fourteenth birthday, leaving only the gift of a book of ciphers behind.

The Boy in Striped Pajamas book to movie for teens

30. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Set during World War II in Germany, Bruno moves with his family to a new location for his father’s work. Bruno, bored with his surroundings, finds a friend but his new friend is separated by a fence and he just doesn’t understand why. The forbidden friendship has startling consequences for Bruno and his family.

The Maze Runner book and movie for teens

31. The Maze Runner
Thomas remembers only his name as he wakes inside a lift that takes him up to meet a group of boys who also only know their names. They have formed a community within the confine of the high walls. What faces them on the outside – death, monsters, and more, they know little of. All they know is they have to survive somehow.

Moxie book and movie for teens

32. Moxie
Teen girls show courage by standing up to the longheld sexist and racist traditions of their school through an anonymous zine called Moxie. Alongside strong feminist messages, the story includes teen experimentation with sex and alcohol and chauvinistic behavior.

The Book Thief book and movie for teens

33. The Book Thief
When a small, lost and broken German girl living through war learns to read, and love and treasure books, she finds comfort and strength between their pages and shares this comfort with those she shelters with.

The Hate U Give book made into a movie for teens

34. The Hate U Give
Starr moves freely between her poor neighbourhood and the rich prep-school she attends, until the night her whole world is shattered when a police officer kills her best friend. Starr is the only one who really knows what happened that night and the information she holds could not only destroy her community but also put her whole family at risk.

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl book to movie

35. Me and Earl and the Dying Girl  
An awkward high school senior is encouraged by his mother to spend time with a classmate who has been diagnosed with leukaemia in this quirky coming of age story that includes a balance of drama and comedy in the face of tragedy.

Looking for Alibrandi book to movie for teens

36. Looking for Alibrandi
Josephine is nearing her final year at her Catholic high school and her traditional, Italian family is set on keeping her away from the world. But this will be the year she falls in love, the year she discovers her family’s secret and the year she grows up.

The Darkest Minds YA movies inspired by books

37. The Darkest Minds  
Teens who survive a fatal virus and left with mysterious powers are declared a threat by the government and must band together to fight for their lives and the future of society.

Divergent book to movie adaptation for teens

38. Divergent
In a futuristic Chicago it comes time for Beatrice to decide her faction. Should she stick with that destined by her family or choose a new destiny. When the results of her choice aren’t quite what she planned, Beatrice finds herself on the run to hide a secret. Ultimately she must decide – stay and endanger her family or unleash the truth and endanger her new friends..

The Hunger Games book and movie

39. The Hunger Games
Panem is a nation divided into districts, those districts must send a child to fight to the death yearly for supplies to survive. But this year it all changes when an older sister volunteers to save her younger sister from being part of the Hunger Games. Katniss becomes a beloved star in the Capitol, finding allies and making plenty of enemies along the way. A great book series turned into movies.

For more books like this check out our collection of YA Dystopian Book Series for Teens.

A Monster Calls books made into movies for teens

40. A Monster Calls
Exploring powerful themes of anger, grief and the power of unconditional love, a boy faced with the loss of his mother is guided through his emotions by an unexpected visitor: a startling, supernatural tree monster.

Nerve YA movies inspired by books

41. Nerve  
A great example of movies inspired by books, Nerve introduces teens playing a live streamed social media game that initiates crazy dares in rewards for prizes. When Vee is teamed with Ian she is exhilarated as they take on riskier and riskier dares, each with higher stakes. But how far will the players go before they lose their nerve?

Ready Player One book made into movie for tenns

42. Ready Player One
In the year 2045 the Earth is an ugly place and its residents seek relief in the virtual world known as OASIS. When the creator of the OASIS dies, he leaves behind a series of puzzles based on his obsession with the pop culture of decades past. The first to solve them will inherit his vast fortune and control of the OASIS itself..

Romance is a popular genre with teens and these are our pick of the best YA romance books that are also movies.

Five Feet Apart books made into movies for teens

43. Five Feet Apart
Can you really fall in love with someone you can never touch? When teenagers Stella and Will defy the rules of their illnesses – being closer than six feet apart could endanger both of their lives, to be together, could it really be worth it?

If I Stay book and movie for teens

44. If I Stay
17 year old Mia has no memory of the accident, only recalling driving along the snow covered Oregon road with her family. Then she finds herself watching as her own damaged body is taken from the wreck. With her whole family gone Mia must make a choice – does she stay or does she go?

Everything Everything books made into movies for teens

45. Everything Everything
Maddy has a rare medical condition – she’s allergic to the world and has never left her home, cocooned in the sterile sanctuary of her home. That is until Olly moves in next door. They quickly become friends and it is then Maddy begins to question everything she has ever known about herself and wonders if just being alive is enough.

For more books like this check out our collection of YA Medical Fiction Books for Teens.

Love Simon book to movie adaptation for teens

46. Simon Vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda
When sixteen year old, not-yet-openly gay Simon discovers that his secret has fallen into the wrong hands he learns to embrace his truth and tell his own story – tricky to do without alienating family and friends and scaring off the boy he likes, rather than letting someone else tell it for him.

The Fault in Our Stars book and movie

47. The Fault in our Stars
When Hazel finds that her tumor has shrunken it gives her parents hope, but Hazel isn’t so sure. She’s accepted her diagnosis no matter how grim until Augustus Waters appears at her Cancer Support Group, now Hazel must rethink the ending of her story.

Paper towns book and movie for teens

48. Paper Towns  
A teenage boy goes on an epic quest to find his mysterious longtime crush after she suddenly vanishes following a prank-filled night of misadventures.

The Duff YA books turned into movies

49. The Duff
This irreverant high school comedy movie about a girl labeled the Designated Ugly Fat Friend by her more popular frenemies is insightful but has some spicy moments.

The Sun is Also a Star romance book to movie adaptation for teens

50. The Sun Is Also a Star 
Opposites attract when a college-bound romantic and a Jamaica-born pragmatist meet and fall in love over the course of one magical day in New York City. A wistful story about finding love against all odds.

Teen book to movie: Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe

51. Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe  
In this tender YA coming of age novel adaptation, Mexican American teenagers Aristotle and Dante become friends whilst each struggling with their racial and ethnic identity, sexuality and family relationships in 1987 El Paso, Texas.

Classic Teen Books Made Into Movies

There are so many great classic novels that have survived through decades (and much longer) that are still popular with today’s teens, many now with fabulous movie adaptations.

Ender's Game book and movie

52. Ender’s Game
In order to create a secure defense against a hostile alien race’s attack, the government breeds child geniuses and trains them as soldiers. Growing up in this environment, child genius Ender Wiggin suffers greatly due to the isolation, rivalry, pressure and fear. Ender’s siblings are also gifted – with other unique gifts and it is going to take the combined talents of all three to remake the world…if it survives.

Tomorrow When the War Began book to movie adaptation for teens

53. Tomorrow When the War Began
Coming home from a camping trip with friends, Ellie discovers that everyone in her small, country town has disappeared. The friends are left with many questions – what has happened? Are their families and friends alive or dead? Do they stay and fight or do they hide or do they run?

The Hobbit book and movie

54. The Hobbit
The tale of a place called Middle-Earth where elves, humans, orcs, and dwarfs are at war for their homes and treasures. Bilbo Baggins is a comfort loving hobbit who finds himself on the wrong end of adventure when recruited to help a family of dwarves raid the home of a dragon.

The Lord of the Rings book and movie

55. The Lord of the Rings
Join Frodo Baggins as he gathers together a courageous band representing the different races of Middle-Earth for a journey to destroy the legendary One Ring and stop an evil ruler. The fellowship is broken as the true battle for Middle-Earth begins… who will survive.

The Outsiders book to movie adaptation for teens

56. The Outsiders
When a group of poor, outcast “greasers” is ongoingly harrassed by the rich boys in town who always get away with everything, it eventually all goes more than a little too far, and before they know it, for Ponyboy, his brothers and friends,  there’s no going back.

For more books like The Outsiders, check out our list of Young Adult Books for Social Emotional Learning

Romeo and Juliet movie and book

57. Romeo and Juliet
A town divided into two families, but the teens from both families have a secret affair and are pried apart and sworn never to see each other. How will they survive without the other, what secret plans will they make to see each other?

To Kill a Mockingbird book and Movie

58. To Kill a Mockingbird
Based in the 1930s, a tale of the unjust and cruel things people faced and put others through. A young girl watches as her lawyer father puts it all on the line to defend a young black man in the south during these times when that’s unheard of.

List continues below.

War Horse book to movie adaptation for teens

59. War Horse 
Teenager Albert is devastated when his family is forced sell his beloved horse, Joey, to an officer headed to fight in the First World War. When Albert is old enough to enlist he sets out on a perilous journey to find his friend. This heartfelt story of perseverance, loyalty and friendship does not shy away from the harsh realities of war.

Dune books made into movies for teens

60. Dune
The son of a noble family travels to a dangerous planet to avenge his father’s death and protect the most precious resource in the galaxy in a stunning adaptation of Frank Herbert’s classic sci-fi novel..

Cruella book to movie adaptation for teens

61. Cruella  
Set amidst the 1970’s London fashion scene, Cruella provides an alternative origin story for 101 Dalmations’ villain, Cruella de Vil. In this great example of movies inspired by books, apprentice designer, Estella, discovers that her high powered boss is responsible for her mother’s death and seeks retribution for her loss, transforming into the edgy, unconventional designer – Cruella.

Biographies Turned Into Movies for Teens

Biographies are a fabulous way to inspire teens through real life stories and this collection of books with biopics offers a great first introduction to this genre.

Soul Surfer movie and book for teens

62. Soul Surfer
An inspiring true story of grit and determination – Bethany Hamilton was just a teen when she lost her arm in a shark attack. Seemingly with saltwater in her veins, she survived the attack and went on to fight against all odds to become a world surfing champion.

He Named Me Malala book to movie documentary for teens

63. He Named Me Malala 
This inspiring documentary shares the story of teenager Malala Yousafzai, who survived a Taliban attack in Pakistan to emerge as a global voice for the rights of all children to an education.

Hidden Figures book and movie for teens

64. Hidden Figures
Before man walked on the moon, a group of dedicated four female NASA mathematicians known as human computers used pencils, rulers and adding machines to calculate the numbers that would launch rockets and astronauts into space. This is their story.

Lion book to movie adaptation for teens

65. Lion
Five year old Saroo lived in a poor village in India, in a one-room hut with his mother and three siblings, until the day he boarded a train alone and got lost. For twenty-five years. In those years Saroo went from the streets of Calcutta all the way across the world to Tasmania. And then he found his way back home again.

More Best Book & Movie Resources

For more book and movie suggestions, check out these related posts;

The post 65 Tween & Teen Books Made Into Movies appeared first on Childhood101.

75 Kids Books That Are Movies https://childhood101.com/kids-books-movies/ https://childhood101.com/kids-books-movies/#respond Thu, 30 May 2024 02:00:16 +0000 https://childhood101.com/?p=35129 One great way to get kids reading is to choose books that are paired with movies. There are so many wonderful kids books that are movies – classics and newer titles that are based on some of the most popular children’s books – including picture books and chapter books, so there’s truly is a kids...

The post 75 Kids Books That Are Movies appeared first on Childhood101.

One great way to get kids reading is to choose books that are paired with movies. There are so many wonderful kids books that are movies – classics and newer titles that are based on some of the most popular children’s books – including picture books and chapter books, so there’s truly is a kids book made into a movie for every reading age and stage.

75 Kids Books That Are Movies

If you’re homeschooling or sharing a book and movie pair in the classroom, these combinations provide a great basis for compare and contrast activities.

Also, reading kids books made into movies can be an effective strategy for motivating reluctant readers. You canwatch the movie before the book to provide important context for reading, or read the book aloud together before watching, or watch the movie once your child has finished the book as a reading reward.

Whether your children enjoy action, adventure, fantasy or even a little bit of a scare, there is a book with movie duo for them!

75 Kids Books That Are Movies

While the book/movie combinations below range in suitability for children from age five through to twelve years, I suggest checking out the reviews on the Common Sense Media website for titles you are unfamiliar with where you will find age recommendations from experts, parent reviewers and children.

If you are looking for book and movie combinations for older children, combine this list with our Tween & Teen Books That Are Movies post for more than 100 children’s books made into movies that are suitable for kids of all ages and their families!

Each book and movie listed below is linked to an Amazon store page – these are affiliate links and I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases.

Kids Picture Books That Are Movies

We love so many of the titles on this list of kids picture books that have been made into movies. How many do you recall reading?

Where the wild things are book and movie

1. Where the Wild Things Are 
Follow Max on his adventure in his beloved wolf suit! Off to faraway islands where he finds a group of Wild Things who call him King. Together they cause havoc until Max smells something wonderful calling him back home.

Peter Rabbit book and movie

2. Peter Rabbit 
The tale of a very mischievous rabbit who finds his way into trouble in the gardens of Mr. McGregor who hates animals raiding his vegetables!

The Gruffalo kids book made into a movie

3. The Gruffalo 
A mouse who faces being eaten by a range of forest foes invents a creature that is sure to strike fear in anyone –  but little does the little mouse know, that the Gruffalo actually exists!

For more Julia Donaldson and short movies like this, check out our fun collection of Short Films from Children’s Books.

Horton Hears a Who movie and book

4. Horton Hears a Who
The classic tale of Horton, a pretty large elephant, who swears he hears the smallest of voices on a flower calling for help… but no one else believes him. Horton sets out to help the voices he hears.

Dumbo movie and book

5. Dumbo
The tale of a young elephant with ears bigger than he can carry and his fiercely protective mother. Nicknamed Dumbo on account of his ears, he faces new adventures when he discovers his ears can help him to fly!

The Cat in the Hat book made into a movie

6. The Cat in the Hat
When a brother and sister are stuck inside on a rainy day, the Cat in the Hat appears to add fun to the day, and in the process makes a huge mess. With mother on her way home soon the children despair – how will they clean ever it all up in time?

Chicken Little kids book made into a movie

7. Chicken Little
When an acorn drops on Chicken Little’s head, he thinks the sky is falling and dashes off to tell the king, taking his feathered friends along with him. Unfortunately Foxy Loxy learns of the plan and tries to trick them all into becoming his dinner!

Curious George movie and book

8. Curious George
A young monkey named George is taken from the jungle by the man in the yellow hat and starts a new life in the city. George however is a curious little one and gets into trouble just by being curious. Follow the pair along with all their misadventures.

The Lorax book and movie for kids

9. The Lorax
A classic story from Dr. Seuss about The Lorax, a creature who speaks for the trees when their environment is threatened, reminding us all of the importance of speaking up for those that can’t speak for themselves.

Eloise kids book to movie

10.  Eloise
Eloise is a young girl growing up in The Plaza Hotel in New York. She’s only six but has courage and self-confidence beyond her years. She loves interacting with the many interesting people visiting the hotel, and has so much to teach everyone.

Madeline kids book to movie

11. Madeline
Madeline lives in the beautiful city of Paris. She has no fear and is always the first to try to save the day with her kind words and actions, jumping into action when a friend falls ill and must go to hospital.

The Night at the Museum kids book made into movie

12. The Night at the Museum 
When Larry becomes a nighttime security guard at the museum he thinks it’s going to be a piece of cake. After waking from a nap he finds all the  dinosaur exhibits are missing, only to then discover them… ALIVE!

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs childrens book made into movie

13. Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs
What if it was raining spaghetti noodles instead of rain! Listen to the tale a grandfather tells his grandchildren of a town where food rains from the sky.

Ferdinand kids movie and book

14. The Story of Ferdinand
A friendly bull named Ferdinand is forced back into bullfighting after being free, but makes new friends along the way and teaches them some very important lessons.

The Polar Express book and movie

15.The Polar Express
Billy has started to doubt that Santa is real. A magical train ride to the North Pole to make Christmas wishes helps Billy to rediscover the true magic of the holidays.

Grinch movie from a children's book

16. How the Grinch Stole Christmas
The age-old tale of The Grinch who hates Whoville and all its joyful residents. He’s determined to destroy the holiday cheer of Christmas until discovering that he might actually enjoy Christmas himself.

Looking for family friendly Christmas movies? Check out this collection Christmas Movies for Kids.

Classic Children’s Books That Are Movies

We love so many of the titles of these classic children’s books that have been made into movies – with both novels and picture books making the list. These are books that have survived decades (even over a century in some cases!) and been enjoyed by generations of children, and re-imagined for the screen for modern audiences.

Mary Poppins book and movie

17. Mary Poppins
When the East Wind blows the magical Mary Poppins over Cherry Tree Lane and into the lives of the Banks children, life becomes a wonderful adventure.

Wizard of Oz book and movie

18. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
When a young girl named Dorothy finds herself in a strange place after a tornado rips through her home in Kansas she must travel through the land, making friends and dodging a wicked witch, to find a way home.

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory book and movie

19. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Charlie Bucket is excited to find the last of five golden tickets to tour the famous Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. What he and the four other winners don’t know is that they are about to be taken on the wildest of sweet rides with many important lessons to learn.

Pinocchio kids book made into movie

20.The Adventures of Pinocchio
The classic tale of a wooden puppet named Pinocchio who wishes for nothing else than to be a real boy. He gets into all sorts of mischief – running away to join a puppet show, teaming up with a rascally fox and wily cat, and playing truant from school, until a talking cricket and his guardian fairy help restore Pinocchio to good behavior.

Peter Pan children's book made into a movie

21. Peter Pan
When Wendy helps Peter chase down his shadow and reattach it, he offers her and he brothers the adventure of a lifetime – fly with him to his home in Neverland.

The Secret Garden movie and book

22. The Secret Garden
When Mary comes to live with her great uncle she discovers the gardens are a great place to escape the strange house and its mysterious noises. And then she discovers the key to a locked portion of the garden and then the adventures really begin.

The Iron Giant kids book and movie

23. The Iron Giant
A young boy discovers a giant made of iron eating anything metal in a  junkyard, and is set out to save him from the world intent on destroying him.

The Borrowers kids movie and book

24. The Borrowers
A family of tiny beings lives behind the walls “borrowing” their household items from the human beans above the floorboards. All is well until one member of the family is spotted upstairs by a human boy.

Harriet the Spy movie and book

25. Harriet the Spy
Harriet investigates and reports in her journal every day, writing down anything and everything about everyone. When her journal falls into the wrong hands and everyone reads what she has to say about them, life becomes a lot more complicated for Harriet.

Mrs Frisby book and movie

26. Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH
When faced with the task of moving her whole family sooner than expected, Mrs. Frisby has to enlist help from whomever she can find. The rats of NIMH set out to help her and her family, and she in turn repays them greatly with something dear to them all.

Beezus and Ramona book and movie

27. Beezus and Ramona
Having a little sister like Ramona isn’t always easy for Beezus Quimby. With a crazy imagination and an appetite for chaos, Ramona makes it hard for Beezus to be the responsible older sister she knows she ought to be…especially when Ramona threatens to ruin Beezus’ birthday party!

Get the Book Get the Movie
James and the Giant Peach childrens book and movie

28. James and the Giant Peach
When tragedy strikes James is sent to live with two nasty aunts. He’s very lonely until one day something peculiar happens. At the end of the garden a peach starts to grow and grow. Inside that peach are seven insects waiting to take James on a magical adventure.

A Little Princess book and movie

29. A Little Princess
A wealthy, imaginative young girl attends a strict girls boarding school. When her father is assumed dead in the war, Sara struggles as a penniless orphan, moving in to the servant’s quarters at the school. Ultimately Sara proves both resilient and kind to others in the face of her own struggles.

Matilda book and movie

30. Matilda 
Matilda faces a whole new set of challenges when her dreadful parents send her off to a school with a horrid principal. Fortunately, a kind teacher takes her under her wing and together they find a way to get our from under those that are confining them.

Journey to the Center of the Earth classic books made into movies

31. Journey to the Center of the Earth 
When Professor Lidenbrock discovers a 16th-century manuscript that reveals a route to the earth’s core, he can’t resist the chance to investigate. Together with his whiz-kid nephew and an Icelandic guide, the professor heads for the crater of an extinct volcano. What bizarre creatures may lurk below? Will their supplies last? How will they return to the surface? A beloved classic science fiction story!

The Incredible Journey book and movie

32. The Incredible Journey  
An inquisitive Labrador retriever, friendly bull terrier, and courageous Siamese cat set out on an incredible journey through the Canadian wilderness to find their owner.

Stuart Little movie book

33. Stuart Little
A kind couple adopt a sweet, humanlike mouse, who faces danger from the couple’s cat and the disappointment of his new human brother. When two mice show up claiming to be his birth parents, Stuart learns an important lesson about family. A great movie for families, Stuart Little is very different from the likewise wonderful book of the same name.

Anne of Green Gables book and movie

34. Anne of Green Gables
Anne, an eleven-year-old orphan, is sent to live with a lonely, middle-aged brother and sister on a Prince Edward Island farm where she proceeds to make an indelible impression on everyone around her.

How to Eat Fried Worms book to movie adaptation

35. How to Eat Fried Worms  
Billy is a normal kid with no money who wants a new minibike. To earn the money his friend Alan bets Billy $50 that he can’t eat 15 worms in 15 days. Billy and his friend Joe get creative with ways to prepare the worms so they’re more edible- boiled, fried, topped with ketchup, mustard, horseradish, even whipped cream!

The Nutcracker and the Four Realms book to movie adaptation

36. The Nutcracker and the Four Realms  
A mysterious gift from her mother launches Clara on a journey to four secret realms where she discovers her greatest strength could change the world.

75 Kids Books to Movie Adaptations

Recently Published Children’s Books Made Into Movies

I love seeing titles that my children enjoy reading now being transformed from book to movie too!

The Bad Guys Books Made Into Movies

37. The Bad Guys
They sound like bad guys, they look like bad guys and they smell like bad guys, but Mr Wolf, Mr Piranha, Mr Snake and Mr Shark are out to update their image one good deed at a time!

Get the Book Get the Movie
Mr Stink book and movie

38. Mr Stink
Mr Stink stinks! Chloe makes friends with Mr Stink, the local tramp and decides to hide him in the garden shed when it looks like he might be driven out of town.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

39. Diary of a Wimpy Kid
When Greg nervously enters middle school he is happy to have his somewhat daggy best friend by his side. But what happens when his friend becomes more popular than he is?

Dragonkeeper book to movie for kids

40. Dragonkeeper
The fate of ancient China rests on the shoulders of one young girl, Ping, who goes on a quest to save a dragon and finds a crucial and mysterious stone that’s vital to the dragon legacy.

Hoot book to movie adaptation for kids

41. Hoot
DRoy is the new kid in town and it’s hard enough trying to make friends but now he will learn a lesson in standing up for what is right as well as he helps his new friends stop a pancake house being built on land that is home to a colony of endangered owls.

The Spiderwick Chronicles movie and book

42. The Spiderwick Chronicles
When twins Jared and Simon and their older sister Mallory discover that there’s a magical world existing parallel to our own- the world of faerie – crazy things start happening, much to the bewilderment and frustration of their mother. Now the kids must figure out what (or who) is behind the mischief.


43. Coraline
A young girl explores her new home while her parents work, only to discover a secret, alternative world complete with a new set of parents. Not everything is as it seems though with a spooky turn of events that leave Coraline to make an important choice.

Harry Potter books and movies

44. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone  
A young boy discovers on his eleventh birthday that he is the orphaned son of two powerful wizards and possesses unique magical powers.

The Tale of Despereaux

45. The Tale of Despereaux
The intertwined story of Desperaux Tilling, who loves music, a princess, Miggery Sow, who has just one simple wish, and Roscuro, who just wants a life in the light. Follow the trio as they each find their own way until their stories all combine.

Legends of the Guardians book and movie

46. Guardians of Ga’hoole
A young owl named Soren is kicked from his nest by his older brother and adopted by a mysterious school for orphaned owl. There is more to his new home than meets the eye and he and his friends must find a way to escape and save their kind from grave danger.

Inkheart movie and book

47. Inkheart
A surprising adventure begins when Meggie’s father is reading a story and the evil character comes to life in their living room. The family must figure out a way to use the same magic that brought evil to their world to overcome and conquer it.

The Invention of Hugo Cabret kids book made into a movie

48. The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Hugo lives in the walls of a busy Paris train station, where his survival depends on secrets and anonymity. Until a mechanical person, a key, notebook, and a hidden message all lead to a much bigger adventure for Hugo.

Train Your Dragon

49. How to Train Your Dragon
Follow the adventures of a Viking boy known as Hiccup as he discovers the world of dragons, and even befriends one and begins to train it so he and his fellow Vikings can ride them.

Captain Underpants Book to Movie

50. Captain Underpants 
George and Harold are best friends who enjoy making their own comic books. Together they’ve created the greatest superhero in the history of their elementary school: Captain Underpants! His true identity is SO secret, even HE doesn’t know who he is!

Howls Moving Castle movies from books for kids

51. Howl’s Moving Castle
Sophie finds her life changed when she is literally swept off her feet by the handsome, mysterious wizard Howl. In search of a cure to a witch’s curse, Sophie boards his magnificent moving castle into a new life of wonder and adventure.

Flora and Ulysses book to movie

52. Flora and Ulysses 
An engaging and very funny story of 10 year old, natural-born cynic, Flora and her friend Ulysses, a squirrel who suddenly acquires superpowers. The two of them become instant soulmates, with Ulysses a wonderful antidote to the family difficulties Flora faces..

Artemis Fowl book and movie

53. Artemis Fowl  
Artemis Fowl is a 12-year-old genius and a criminal mastermind. He finds himself in an epic battle against a race of powerful, high-tech fairies, who may be behind his father’s disappearance!

Better Nate Than Ever book and movie

54. Better Nate Than Ever
Thirteen-year-old Nate has big Broadway dreams. But when he isn’t cast in the school play, he and his best friend Libby sneak off to the Big Apple, where Nate’s journey is turned upside down..

Swindle book and movie

55. Swindle
After a mean collector named Swindle cons him out of his most valuable baseball card, Griffin Bing must put together a band of misfits to break into Swindle’s compound and recapture the card. A team of six clever kids enact a daring plan to track down a swindler and bring him to justice.

Rise of the Guardians

56. Rise of the Guardians
A fun-filled, magical adventure featuring the legendary guardians of childhood – Jack Frost, the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and Sandman. When the evil Pitch threatens to take over the world, it’s up to these beloved heroes to protect the hopes and dreams of children everywhere.

The Princess Diaries book to movie for kids

57. The Princess Diaries
A young girl from New York learns her father is the prince of a small, European country, and she’s the only heir to his throne. Forced to endure princess lessons from the grandmother she’s just met, Mia thinks there is just no way she’s princess material…or is she?

Percy Jackson and the Olympians The Lightning Thief

58. Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief  
A young boy discovers he’s the descendant of the Greek god, Poseidon. When he is accused of stealing Zeus’ ­lightning bolt – the most powerful weapon ever created, he sets out on an adventure to prove his innocence, recover the bolt and prevent a war amongst the gods that could destroy the human world!

Stargirl book to movie for kids

59. Stargirl 
An unassuming high schooler finds himself inexplicably drawn to a free-spirited new girl, whose unconventional ways change how they see themselves and each other.

Kids Books That Are Movies for Family Movie Night

These kids book to movie adaptations are perfect for family movie night!

Nim's Island childrens book made into a movie

60. Nim’s Island
Nim is a modern day Robinson Crusoe so she’s not worried when her dad sails away for three days, leaving her alone on their island. But when her dad doesn’t return she’ll need to be strong, resourceful and brave in her search for him.

Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good Very Bad Day book to movie

61. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day 
From starting the day with gum in his hair to just about everything going wrong, Alexander experiences the absolute worst day ever. What do you do on a day like that? Well, you may think about going to Australia, or you may just be glad to find that some days are like that for other people too.

Get the Book Get the Movie
Fantastic Mr Fox movie and book

62. Fantastic Mr. Fox
A clever fox by the name of Mr. Fox has been stealing from the area farmers and they team up to corner and get rid of the thief. Little do they know they’ve gone a fight on their hands against the fantastic Mr. Fox!

Freaky Friday book to movie adaptation

63. Freaky Friday  
Annabel wants nothing more than her mother to leave her alone. She doesn’t want to do chores, babysit, or do anything her mother asks. One day she wakes up to find she has switched bodies with her mother, requiring her to take on all the tasks her mother usually does. Can she do it?

Mr Popper's Penguins book and movie

64. Mr Popper’s Penguins
Mr Popper wants to be an explorer so much! When his favorite arctic explorer sends him a surprise, he isn’t sure what to do with it! And before he knows it he has a whole flock of penguins living in his home and he couldn’t be happier…or could he?

Paddington movie and book

65. A Bear Called Paddington
When the Brown family discover a small bear named Paddington in a train station they are not prepared for the trouble he’d find thanks to his curious nature.

The One and Only Ivan Book to Movie

66. The One and Only Ivan
Having spent 27 years behind the glass walls of his enclosure in a shopping mall, a captive gorilla, Ivan, is accustomed to humans watching him. He hardly ever thinks about his life in the jungle anymore. But when he meets Ruby, a baby elephant taken from the wild, he is forced to see their home through new eyes. A wonderful story of friendship and the significance of the place we call home.

Jumanji movie and book

67. Jumanji
Peter and Judy find a mysterious game that warns once the game is started it will never end. Little do they know how true that really is! A story of epic adventures, with many twists and turns.

The BFG movie and book

68. The BFG
When the BFG (the Big Friendly Giant) carries Sophie off into the night little do they know that they are at the beginning of an adventure to stop nasty giants from enacting a horrible plan..

Charlottes Web book and movie

69. Charlotte’s Web
The story of a runt of the litter piglet named Wilbur, Fern (the girl who saved him), and Charlotte (the spider who weaves words into her webs). Follow the group as they learn about friendship, life, and even death, together.

Zathura book and movie

70. Zathura
When the Budwing brothers discover a new game in their basement they are hurled into a space-filled environment that tests their bond as family and teaches them to work together.

The Jungle Book book to movie

71. The Jungle Book 
Saved from the jaws of the evil tiger Shere Khan, a young man-child, Mowgli, is adopted by a wolf pack and taught the law of the jungle by lovable Baloo the bear and Bhageera the panther.

Lyle Lyle Crocodile book and movie

72. Lyle, Lyle Crocodile
After moving to New York City, the Primm family’s life changes forever when they discover, Lyle, a singing crocodile, hiding in the attic.

Wonder book and movie

73. Wonder 
Auggie has been home-schooled by his parents his whole life. Now, for the first time, he’s being sent to a real school – and he’s dreading it. All he wants is to be accepted – but can he convince his new classmates that he’s just like them, behind his terrible facial abnormality?

Paper Planes book to movie for kids

74. Paper Planes 
A young Australian boy named Dylan realises he has a talent for making paper planes and becomes determined to win the World Paper Plane Championships. Along his journey, he makes friends, finds out who his enemies are, and deals with family issues he’s been avoiding.

The Peanuts Movie

75. The Peanuts Movie 
Based on the beloved Peanuts comic strips, The Peanuts Movie shares the sweet story of Charlie Brown’s crush on his red haired neighbor.

For more ideas for family movie night, be sure to check out our list of Best Family Movies.

More Great Book & Movie Resources

For more book and movie suggestions, check out these related posts;

The post 75 Kids Books That Are Movies appeared first on Childhood101.

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101 Things To Do Outside with Printable Poster https://childhood101.com/101-things-to-do-outdoors-a-fun-printable-poster/ https://childhood101.com/101-things-to-do-outdoors-a-fun-printable-poster/#respond Thu, 23 May 2024 11:00:45 +0000 https://childhood101.com/?p=18675 Whether school’s out for summer for your family, or you are just looking for kid friendly, fun things to do outside at home, we’ve created a great list of 101 Ways to Play Outdoors that is perfect for inspiring kids to head out into the backyard to play! Plus we’ve listed these on a handy...

The post 101 Things To Do Outside with Printable Poster appeared first on Childhood101.

Whether school’s out for summer for your family, or you are just looking for kid friendly, fun things to do outside at home, we’ve created a great list of 101 Ways to Play Outdoors that is perfect for inspiring kids to head out into the backyard to play! Plus we’ve listed these on a handy outdoor play poster that you can print for your home or out of school care program.

101 things to do outside

The poster lists all 101 fun outdoor games and activity ideas, that are perfect for playing in your backyard, with the simplest of equipment – if any.

I suggest printing the 101 ways to play outdoors poster out, and then hanging it on the front of the fridge – or some other obvious place in your home …it makes an awesome prompt for kids complaining, ‘I’m bored!’ Download and printing instructions can be found at the bottom of this article.

101 Things to Do Outside

Below you will find guidance for trying out many of the ideas alongside links to even more fun ideas for things to do outside! Click on the links to get started with some of our favorite outdoor activities for kids.

Things to Do Outside for Kids: Sensory Play Ideas
mud pies, puddle jumping, bubbles, washing toys, bubble painting, water painting, sand castle building, wash the dog, make a rainbow, watch a sunset

Outdoor Sensory Play Ideas

Sensory play is a wonderful way to encourage exploration and learning through the sense. Here are some fun outdoor sensory play ideas to try in your own backyard.

  1. Catch raindrops on your tongue
  2. Play with playdough outdoors
  3. Make a rainbow with the garden hose
  4. Build a sand castle
  5. Paint a fence with water
  6. Eat breakfast outside
  7. Decorate mud pies: Check out our list of 15 fun ways to play with mud and this simple idea for making a mud play kitchen in your backyard.
  8. Toast marshmallows
  9. Blow bubbles
  10. Try bubble painting: Here’s out tutorial for super cool bubble painting.
  11. Wash the dog
  12. Wash your toys: This one really is good, clean fun, and check out our other easy water play ideas.
  13. Jump in puddles
  14. Watch a sunset
Outdoor literacy ideas

Outdoor Literacy Ideas

Support literacy learning across all areas of language development – reading, writing, listening and speaking, with this super fun list of engaging outdoor literacy ideas.

  1. Make a set of story stones
  2. Make your name with sticks: Explore more ideas for learning about letters outdoors in our Alphabet Fun ebook. It includes hands-on alphabet games and activities for 3 -6 year olds.
  3. Start a nature journal: We share our top tips for starting a nature journal with young children.
  4. Read a field guide: Here are some useful tips for reading field guides with kids and our pick of the best field guides for kids.
  5. Write in damp sand with a stick: Check out this collection of 20 ways to play with sticks.
  6. Share a story inspired by the shapes you see in the clouds
  7. Make a tin can telephone: Check out our instructions for making a DIY tin can telephone – it’s lots of fun!
  8. Make a collection of some kind
  9. Write a letter on a leaf to a friend
  10. Make a nature ABC book: Or try an Alphabet Scavenger Hunt.
  11. Read a book that is set outdoors
  12. Make a map of the space you are in
Outdoor play ideas for active kids

Active Things to Do Outside

Nature provides the perfect environment for active kids to play and explore, with more space to move their bodies. We’ve collected together some classic active play ideas that use simple play equipment – or no equipment at all!

  1. Jump rope
  2. Kick a ball
  3. Walk along a wall
  4. Throw a frisbee
  5. Learn to do a somersault or handstand or cartwheel
  6. Walk as you balance a small bean bag on your head: These DIY mini bean bags are great for all sorts of active play. Alternatively, grab a set of mini bean bags from Amazon.
  7. Ride a bike or scooter
  8. Spin around until you make yourself dizzy
  9. Make an obstacle course to run
  10. Climb a tree
  11. Fly a kite
  12. Roll down a hill
  13. Try hula hooping: Check out this post for fun ways to play with a hula hoop.
Outside construction play ideas: make a pinwheel, paper boats, car and truck sand play, drip castle, bug hotel, stick sculpture, bird bath

Outdoor Construction Play Ideas

If you have children who love construction play, then why not take their passion for construction outdoors – it is simple to do with this list of outdoor construction play ideas.

  1. Build a fort
  2. Make a pinwheel: Here you’ll find instructions for making a sweet DIY paper pinwheel.
  3. Make a paper boat to float
  4. Dig a deep hole and fill it with water
  5. Make a drip castle with wet sand: You’ll also find this idea on our big list of things to do at the beach!
  6. Build the tallest stick tower you can
  7. Take wooden blocks or toy cars outdoors
  8. Make a bird bath: Here’s a simple idea for making a DIY bird bath.
  9. Make a bird feeder
  10. Build a bug hotel
Creative things to do outside: Outdoor art, feather painting, stick sculpture, photography, nature collage, leaf rubbing, leaf prints, tree decorating

Outdoor Art Ideas for Creative Play

Taking art outdoors generally means less stress about mess – which is great for kids. Try one or all of these fun, hands-on outdoor art ideas at home, camp or the classroom and enjoy seeing your children create.

  1. Create a nature collage
  2. Make texture rubbings with crayons
  3. Draw on the pavement with chalk
  4. Make a stick sculpture
  5. Try leaf printing: Find instructions for leaf printing in our collection of Preschool Autumn Activities.
  6. Trace a shadow on the ground
  7. Take photographs of the clouds
  8. Find some tapping stones to make music outdoors
  9. Make a sand sculpture
  10. Paint with feathers: Find more ideas like this in our post, 20 Outdoor Art Activities for Kids.
  11. Decorate a tree
  12. Dance and sing

For more ideas for encouraging children’s creativity outdoors, check out our collection of outdoor art activities.

Things to do outside in nature - bug hunt, hug a tree, bird watching, grow herbs

Things to Do Outside in Nature

Nature play encourages the development of physical, mental and emotional health. To experience all the great benefits of nature play you needn’t go further than your own backyard – and below you’ll find a great list of things to do outside in nature that will get kids having fun whilst playing outside and connecting with nature.

  1. Hug a tree
  2. Make a rain gauge: Here are our instructions for making a simple rain gauge from a plastic bottle.
  3. Set up a worm farm: Check out our instructions for making a worm farm with kids.
  4. Rake a leaf maze: Inner Child Fun has a great leaf maze example.
  5. Make a compost bin: Here are out tips for composting with kids.
  6. Grow a grass head
  7. Set up a snail race
  8. Collect flowers to press
  9. Do some bird watching
  10. Grab a magnifying glass and go bug hunting
  11. Plant vegetables: See our top tips for starting a backyard vegetable garden.
  12. Plant herbs
  13. Grow a sunflower
  14. Make a sun dial
Outdoor imaginative play ideas

Fun Outdoor Ideas for Imaginative Play

Taking pretend play outdoors is a wonderful way to encourage children to develop their imagination. Kids will love using their imagination to play make-believe with natural objects they find and their usual outdoor toys. And it’s so much fun to see their imaginative play ideas come to life!

  1. Make leaf puppets
  2. Make a leaf crown: Find instructions for how to make a leaf crown at Picklebums.com.
  3. Make a pet rock
  4. Make petal perfume
  5. Set up a lemonade stand: Be sure to try our homemade lemonade recipe.
  6. Create a home for a fairy or elf
  7. Put on a cape and pretend to fly
  8. Make a cave for a dinosaur
  9. Enjoy a teddy bear’s picnic
  10. Make a teensy world for toy figurines to live in: Here are 18 imaginative small world play ideas to get you started.
  11. Make a nest for a bird
  12. Put on a show
  13. Dig for treasure: You can make it a math game too! See our instructions for Digging for Treasure Number Fun.
  14. Gaze up at the stars
Things to do outside with friends - leapfrog game, paper plane competition, daisy chains, egg and spoon race, hopscotch

Things to Do Outside with Friends

Encourage kids to spend time outside with friends with these classic game ideas that are sure to have them playing and laughing together.

  1. Play hide and seek
  2. Play leapfrog
  3. Play hopscotch: Need a refresher on how to play? Check out our How to Play Hopscotch instructions.
  4. Host an egg and spoon race: Find instructions for how to play in our collection of 21 classic yard games for kids.
  5. Play tag: For fun variations on classic tag, check out our collection of 10 kids tag games.
  6. Play torch tag: Learn how to play torch tag in our list of sleepover games.
  7. Make up a new game
  8. Have a three legged race
  9. Have a wheelbarrow race
  10. Host a paper plane throwing contest
  11. Invite a friend for a picnic
  12. Make a daisy chain for a friend

RELATED: For entertaining larger groups of children, be sure to check out our collection of kids relay races.

Of course, if you are experiencing cold weather where you live, we’ve got you covered with this helpful list for Playing Outdoors When It’s Cold or Wet.

101 ways to play outdoors poster

Printing Instructions: 101 Ways to Play Outside Poster

To download and print: 101 Ways to Play Outside Poster. To print, you may need to select “Fit to printable area” (or similar) depending upon your printer type and local paper size.

Having trouble accessing or downloading the file? Please try a different internet browser.
Please note: All Childhood 101 printables are for personal use only, you may not use any part of this content for commercial purposes-that includes selling the document, giving it away to promote your business or website, or printing the file to sell. You may not share, loan or redistribute these documents. Teachers may use multiple copies for students in their own classroom.

More fun outdoor play resources;

For more fun ideas to do outside, check out these related posts;

The post 101 Things To Do Outside with Printable Poster appeared first on Childhood101.

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