Snowman Theme Phonics Board Game Printables
These snowman theme phonics board games are free printable phonics games for kids who are learning letter sounds. Great for winter literacy centers!

Snowman Theme Phonics Board Games
Printable board games (and board games in general) have been such a huge hit with my kids and many of my readers’ students as well.
The editable board games I’ve been sharing all year are a staple in many classrooms now.
So I created another print and play board game for students to use in addition to those.
This one is super low-prep for teachers and also quite simple for students to use independently.
And just like last time, I am giving you the whole phonics set for FREE! This includes beginning sounds, middle vowel sounds, and ending sounds – for a total of nine different board games!
Setting Up this Phonics Game
Supplies Needed:
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- The Snowman Theme Beginning Sounds Board Games (button to download at the bottom of this post)
- Transparent spinners
- Counting bears or another small manipulative to use as game pieces
Setting Up the Game:
- Print the game boards and slip into write and wipe pockets (or laminate).
- Place a transparent spinner over the snowman spinner on the game board.
That is all! It’s crazy easy to prep!
Using the Snowman Letter Sounds Games
Students will place their game pieces on the top left square.
The first player will spin the spinner and identify the letter the spinner landed on. Then they will determine what sound that letter makes.
Next, they will look at the pictures on the game board and try to find the next instance of one that starts with that sound. This is where they will land until their next turn.
For example, if they land on the letter “b” they will move from space to space and ask themselves if that object starts with the “b” sound. Once they get to a space that does start with a “b” they will keep their game piece at that space until their next turn.
Students will take turns spinning the spinner and moving to the next corresponding space on the board until one person lands on the last space on the board. OR, they can keep going around and around the board until time is up.
This is perfect for literacy centers or for small group instruction. Students will have lots of fun spinning and moving around the board!
Click the button below to get the FREE snowman theme beginning sounds game!
Here are some more winter activities for kids!
Snowman Find and Cover the Letters Mats
Snow Globe Roll and Cover Mats
Winter Fine Motor Pom Pom Mats