Alphabet Printables for Hands-On Learning

Are you looking for alphabet printables? From alphabet board games to play dough mats to card games, all of these alphabet printables will make teaching the alphabet engaging and fun.

Alphabet printables that are fun and hands-on. These are perfect for preschoolers and kindergarten students.

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Make doing alphabet activities very easy while still being hands-on and playful with these awesome alphabet printables that kids absolutely love!

These are not worksheets or busy work. They are alphabet games and activities that will excite and engage young learners. They are perfect for alphabet or literacy centers, small group instruction, independent review and even assessment.

Don't forget to check out my alphabet activities Pinterest board. I pin all kinds of fantastic, hands-on ideas there. I also have lots of other printables in my shop.

I would definitely recommend that you bookmark this page and come back often because I have BIG plans to add a lot more alphabet printables to my blog and you will be able to find them all right here on this page!

Get my Alphabet Printable Pack

Alphabet printables and activities for preschool and kindergarten.

These alphabet printables and activities are perfect for preschool and kindergarten students. They cover letter recognition, letter sounds and more! With over 300 pages of printable alphabet activities, this printable pack is sure to keep the kids engaged!

Are you looking for alphabet printables that are both fun and effective for kids? Then you have come to the right place! I wanted to develop a fun set of hands-on printables that would be great for pre-k and kindergarten students to use to learn the alphabet. And they also had to be activities that would be simple and easy for teachers and parents to set up and use.

These printable alphabet activities would be great to use in alphabet or literacy centers in the classroom as well as at home with parents. Save time prepping and planning fun ways to teach the alphabet. These alphabet printables and activities are going to make it so much easier on you!

My hope is that these alphabet printables and activities will lead to lots of fun and learning for your kids!

If you buy this pack, you will have a bunch of pre-planned alphabet activities and games for your kids or students to enjoy! This will require little prep from you. Just print, cut and laminate (if you would like).

I even made many of the printables in a way that would limit the amount of cuts you need to make. All in an effort to make this as quick and easy as possible for you!

I hope you and your kids enjoy it!

Click the button below to head over to the purchase page.

Here is a list of all of our best alphabet printables!

Insect theme beginning, middle and ending sounds mats for literacy centers this spring.

Insect Letter Sounds Mats for Preschool and Kindergarten

Butterfly alphabet activity for learning letter sounds and letter identification in preschool and kindergarten.

Free Printable Butterfly Find and Cover Beginning Sounds Mats

A free printable flower theme editable word work activity for kids in kindergarten and first grade.

Editable Flower Bump Game Printable for Word Work

Frog find and cover alphabet mats for kids. A fun way to learn letters and sounds.

Frog Find and Cover Beginning Sounds Letter Mat Printable

Community helpers theme alphabet activity for kids.

Community Helpers Free Printable Beginning Sounds Mats

Free printable Valentine's Day alphabet activity for kids.

Valentine’s Day Beginning Sound Find and Cover Letter Mats

Printable Groundhog Day learning activity for kids.

Editable Groundhog Spin and Build Word Work Mats

Snowman letter sounds write the room alphabet activity.

Snowman Beginning Sounds Write the Room Alphabet Printable

Fall alphabet activity mats for learning letters and beginning sounds.

Free Printable Fall Alphabet Activity Mats

Palm tree letter sounds alphabet activity.

Palm Tree Find and Cover the Letter Mats for Preschool and Kindergarten

Spring bee theme beginning sounds alphabet game.

Spring Bee Find and Cover the Letter Printable for Preschool

Free editable insect theme board game.

Editable Insect Four in a Row Game Free Printable

A fun snowman theme editable four in a row game for winter.

Editable Snowman Four in a Row Game Free Printable

Fall theme letter sounds activity.

Free Printable Fall Letter Sounds Mats for Preschool and Kinder

Pumpkin letter sounds alphabet mats.

Pumpkin Theme Beginning Sounds Printable Mats

Fall 4 in a Row Game

Editable Fall Four in a Row Game Free Printable

Apple alphabet mats

Apple Theme Beginning Sounds Matching Mats Printable

Alphabet matching mats for preschool, pre-k and kindergarten alphabet centers.

Beginning Sounds Letter Match-Up Mats Printable

A fun camping theme activity for math and literacy centers.

Editable Camping Theme Board Game Free Printable

Free printable robot board game to teach sight words, alphabet, math facts and more!

Editable Robot Board Game Free Printable

Free printable rainbow alphabet activity mats.

Rainbow Find and Cover the Letters Alphabet Printable

Valentine's Phonics Board Games

Valentine’s Day Phonics Board Game Printable

Valentine's Day beginning sounds write the room.

Valentine’s Day Beginning Sounds Write the Room Printable

A fun dental health theme activity.

Dental Health Editable Tracing Cards Printable

Snowman Free Printable Alphabet Writing Mats

Snowman alphabet activity

Snow Globe Find and Cover the Letters Alphabet Printable

Gingerbread theme alphabet letter formation mats for pre-writing and beginning handwriting instruction.

Gingerbread Free Printable Alphabet Writing Mats

Gingerbread write the room alphabet activity with differentiated recording sheets.

Gingerbread Beginning Sounds Write the Room Alphabet Printable

A fun Christmas alphabet activity with a tree and spots to cover letters of the alphabet.

Christmas Tree Find and Cover the Letters Alphabet Printable Mats

Thanksgiving alphabet activity

Turkey Find and Cover the Letters Alphabet Printable

How I use these alphabet printables.

I like to print them on durable cardstock and in many cases I also laminate them so that I can use them down the road with my daughter. If you plan to use these often or with more than one child, I would highly recommend laminating them. This laminator is awesome and very affordable.

You can simply laminate after printing and then cut apart afterward. I haven't had any issues doing it this way and it saves me from having to cut the printables out twice.

Check these out for even more alphabet printables!

Teaching the Alphabet with Printables from 1+1+1=1

Free ABC Printables Packs from This Reading Mama

You can also check out these hands-on printables for learning from Life Over C's. This page includes printables for alphabet learning, counting and more!

Here are my favorite manipulatives for alphabet learning and play.

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Alphabet beads

Alphabet magnets

Play dough

Alphabet stamps

Alphabet letter tiles

Bear counters


Alphabet printables that are fun and engaging ways to teach the alphabet and letter sounds.