Inside: A great big list of fabulous picture book scientist biographies for kids celebrating a diverse range of famous nature scientists.
From the mysteries to be found at the bottom of the ocean to the sparkle of the stars in the sky, there is so much so much wonder in the natural world, especially for children. As the biographies of the many famous scientists in this collection attest, this fact has remained the same for children all over the world throughout the centuries!
These are picture book based scientist biographies for elementary students, with titles celebrating the life work of a huge selection of nature scientists in all different fields of science – exploring the lives of astronomers, botanists, ecologists, entomologists, marine biologists, ornithologists, zoologists and more!
And for most of them, their fascination in their chosen scientific field began in childhood.
Perfect for sharing on Earth Day or World Wildlife Day, the stories contained within these titles are tales of passion, courage, determination and perseverance and they have the capacity to inspire our children, and not only those already interested in science!
21 Famous Scientist Biographies for Kids: Nature Scientists
Each title below is linked to Amazon (these are affiliate links) where you can find reviews and age recommendations for those you are not personally familiar with.
Me…Jane by Patrick McDonnell is a gorgeous book for introducing children to inspiring naturalist and activist, Jane Goodall. It showcases Jane’s childhood imagination and dreams, and beautifully illustrates how our dreams can translate into adult achievements. Available: Amazon
The Watcher by Jeanette Winter is an introduction to Jane Goodall’s work with chimpanzees. It encourages children to take time to observe and ask questions about the world in order to better understand it. Available: Amazon
Joan Proctor, Dragon Doctor: The Woman Who Loved Reptiles by Patricia Valdez is the story of Joan Proctor and her fascination with reptiles. Following her childhood passion for slithery, scaly, unusual animals to an internationally renowned career at London’s Zoo and the Natural History Museum, this is a fascinating biography. Available: Amazon
Seeds of Change: Wangari’s Gift to the World by Jen Fullerton Johnson is the story of Wangari Maathai who grew up loving the land, plants, and animals of Africa, her home. Wangari went on to become the first African woman, and environmentalist, to win a Nobel Peace Prize, for her work towards saving her homeland and it’s people. Available: Amazon
List of scientist biographies for kids continues below.
Out of School and Into Nature: The Anna Comstock Storyby Suzanne Slade shares how Anna Comstock defied society’s ideal that girls should not study science to go on and pioneer a movement to encourage schools to conduct outdoor science and nature classes for children. Available: Amazon
Gregor Mendel: The Friar Who Grew Peas by Cheryl Bardoe is the story of the man considered the world’s first geneticist, Gregor Mendel. He discovered one of the fundamental aspects of genetic science that animals, plants, and people all inherit and pass down traits through the same process. Available: Amazon
Manfish: A Story of Jacques Cousteau by Jennifer Berne shares the story of the famous oceanographer from his first curiosity and questions about the sea as a child, to his inventions, his movies and his conservation efforts. Available: Amazon
List of scientist biographies for kids continues below.
Charles Darwin’s Adventure Around the Worldby Jennifer Thermes is a fascinating retelling of the discoveries made by Charles Darwin when he spent five years exploring South Africa by ship. Available: Amazon
Star Stuff: Carl Sagan and the Mysteries of the Cosmos by Stephanie Roth Sisson introduces Carl Sagan Sagan as a child stargazing out the window, following his life changing trip to the 1939 New York World’s Fair, through his love of speculative science fiction novels, to his work as an internationally renowned scientist, working on The Voyager space missions. Available: Amazon
Reaching For the Moon by Buzz Aldrin is the story of how Buzz Aldrin held tight to his dream and with determination and a belief in himself walked on the moon. Available: Amazon
My Journey to the Stars by Scott Kelly shares Scott’s own story about becoming an astronaut (with his twin brother) and living in the International Space Station for almost a full year. Available: Amazon
Christie Burnett is a teacher, author and mother of two. She created Childhood 101 as a place for teachers and parents to find engaging, high quality learning ideas.