St Patrick’s Day Jokes Fortune Teller

What is even more likely to bring a smile to your students’ faces on St Patrick’s Day than a holiday themed joke or two? That would be combining them with a paper fortune teller! Which is exactly what we have done with this free printable St Patrick’s Day Jokes Fortune Teller.

St Patricks Day Fortune Teller with Jokes

St Patrick’s Day Jokes Fortune Teller

With St Patrick’s Day falling on March 17, what better way to engage students with the holiday than with a little humor

The free printable file includes two separate fortune tellers, each with four St Patrick’s Day jokes for kids (download instructions can be found at the bottom of this post).

Instructions for Making Your Fortune Teller

If you have never tried making your own fortune teller before, it is a little fiddly but not too hard;

  1. Cut out the fortune teller square. Turn the square over to the non-printed side.
  2. Fold one corner over to meet the opposite corner, fold on the diagonal and then unfold.
  3. Repeat with the remaining corners. Lay the creased paper flat.
  4. Fold in each of the four corners so that their points meet in the middle.
  5. Flip the fortune teller over.
  6. Again, fold in each of the four corners so that their points meet in the middle.
  7. Flip the fortune teller over again.
  8. Fold the fortune teller in half (the numbered flaps should be on the inside).
  9. Insert your thumbs and pointer fingers, one into each of the four folded pockets on the outside of the fortune teller. Work your fingers into the four corners and, using the creases, push the corners together to form four points in the middle of the fortune teller. Now you are ready to play.

St Patricks Day Chatterbox with Jokes

More St Patrick’s Day Activities

Have fun exploring our collection of 25 St Patrick’s Day Books for Kids – which includes both picture books and chapter books related to the holiday.

St Patricks Day Books

Extend your student’s interest in and engagement with St Patrick’s Day with these fun learning activities;

St Patricks Day Jokes Fortune Tellers for Kidss

Download Instructions: St Patrick’s Day Jokes Fortune Teller

Click here to download: St Patrick's Day Jokes Fortune Tellers . Save the PDF to your computer. Open the PDF to print the pages you require. Please carefully read any printing instructions included within the document.
Having trouble accessing or downloading the file? Please try a different internet browser.
Please note: All Childhood 101 printables are for personal use only, you may not use any part of this content for commercial purposes-that includes selling the document, giving it away to promote your business or website, or printing the file to sell. You may not share, loan or redistribute these documents. Teachers may use multiple copies for students in their own classroom.