Free, Printable Verb Charades Game

Combine literacy learning with laughs as you engage students with learning about verbs with this fun, free printable verb charades game.

Verb Charades Game Printable

Printable Verb Charades Game

Like all of our charades ideas cards, this printable set is available as an easy-to-print PDF (download and printing instructions below). It includes a total of 17 cards, each with three verbs for play, for a total of 51 action verbs. The PDF also includes printing instructions and a copy of the following instructions for play.

How to Play Verb Charades

1. Begin with the prepared charades cards placed facedown in a pile on the tabletop.

2. In turn, each player draws a card from the pile and acts out the first word shown using hand signals and/or body motions but no spoken words or sounds.

3. The other players try to guess the verb being portrayed. The player who guesses correctly is allocated one point.

4. If a card is selected from the pile for a second (or third time), the player acts out the second (or third) word on the card.

5. When playing with a larger group, divide students into two teams before playing. One representative from the team acts out the verb for the opposing team. If the opposing team does not guess the verb correctly within an agreed time limit, the actor’s own team can try to guess the word to steal the point.

6. The player or team with the most points wins the game. Alternatively, the first player or team to attain an agreed number of points, e.g. ten or fifteen, wins the game.

Variation for Play: Speed Charades Game

Speed charades moves fast and works well when acting out single words, like the verbs included with this game. It’s a fun way to inspire older students to engage with the game too. Using a time limit, players work in teams to score as many points as possible before time runs out

Get Ready to Play
Start by dividing players into two teams and deciding which order team members will play in.

Then agree a time limit – limits may vary according to the age of players but less time makes things more fun and competitive. Two minutes per team is a great place to start. Place printed charades cards face down in a pile on the table.

Time to Play
To begin set a timer for the agreed time limit (e.g. two minutes), with team one ready to play.

Once the timer starts, the first team member jumps up, takes the first charades card from the pile and acts out the verb prompt as quickly as they can. Their own team members try to guess the prompt. If successful, the team scores a point and the first player sits down.

The next team member from the same team jumps up, takes the next charades card from the pile and repeats the process. Play continues in this manner until the timer sounds. The team’s score is the number of successful words identified within the time period.

Then it’s time for the second team to attempt to better team one’s score. Play can continue for as many rounds as you like. The team with the most points at the end is the winning team.

Charades Action Verbs Game

Download & Printing Instructions

Click here to download: Verb Charades Game . Save the PDF to your computer. Open the PDF to print the pages you require. Please carefully read any printing instructions included within the document.
Having trouble accessing or downloading the file? Please try a different internet browser.
Please note: All Childhood 101 printables are for personal use only, you may not use any part of this content for commercial purposes-that includes selling the document, giving it away to promote your business or website, or printing the file to sell. You may not share, loan or redistribute these documents. Teachers may use multiple copies for students in their own classroom.

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