55 Powerful Mindful Affirmations for Kids: Printable Cards
There is no doubting that the way we speak to, and about, ourselves directly affects how we feel. Affirmations can help children learn to speak kindly to themselves and to believe in their own abilities, and this collection of 55 powerful, mindful affirmations for kids – available as printable cards – has been specifically developed to do just that.
Affirmations are positive statements that can help to promote self acceptance, belief in one’s own strengths, positive mindset, and they can provide a positive step towards making changes to habits or achieving goals. The affirmations included in our printable affirmation cards are linked to important core values such as kindness and confidence, with strong themes of
- growth mindset
- emotional intelligence
- positive thinking
- self acceptance, and
- friendship and family relationships.
They have been developed with tweens and young teens in mind, around the age of 8 to 14 years. There are 55 positive affirmation cards included in the set with each including a clear statement of affirmation and an engaging animal graphic, and one instruction card.
How to use the Mindful Affirmations for Kids Cards
The cards are simple to use towards positive change. We suggest you;
- Choose one affirmation card for the week.
- Say the affirmation to yourself as you wake up or as you brush your teeth in the morning, and then repeat it again at nighttime.
- Say the words to yourself 8-10 times and believe the words to be true.
- Think about what this affirmation means in your life. What does it;
– Feel like in your body?
– Look like in action?
– Sound like when you communicate with others? - Commit to one action that you could make that day to show your affirmation in action and remind yourself of this action each morning and night.
The cards can also be used as lunch box notes or bookmarks, prompting children to revisit their chosen affirmations regularly.
Get Your Mindful Affirmations for Kids Cards
You can purchase and download the printable cards right now for just $5USD.
PLEASE NOTE: This resource is received via a digital download which means there is no waiting, as soon as payment is received you will be emailed a link to the PDF file to download and get started. This download link is active for just 72 hours so please do not delay in downloading your purchase. It is important to download the file when on a laptop or desktop computer and not to a mobile device.
Having trouble accessing or downloading the file? Please try a different internet browser.
Please note: All Childhood 101 printables are for personal use only, you may not use any part of this content for commercial purposes-that includes selling the document, giving it away to promote your business or website, or printing the file to sell. You may not share, loan or redistribute these documents. Teachers may use multiple copies for students in their own classroom.