65 Picture Books About Diversity & Difference
Teaching children to recognize and celebrate diversity and accept differences is essential to healthy development – it not only helps children be more inclusive of others, but to also accept themselves and their own strengths and weaknesses. This collection of picture books about diversity is about identifying what makes you special, celebrating who you are, and better understanding the uniqueness of those around you – family, friends, and those in the wider community, with the hope of creating a tolerant, inclusive society.
This is a big and diverse list. It includes picture books that are suited to reading with toddlers right through to older elementary/primary school, even middle school, students. It includes books about accepting differences in gender, race, religion, culture, family structure, appearance and abilities.
I think this might just be one of my all-time favorite booklists in our Best Books for Kids collection!

65 Picture Books About Diversity & Accepting Difference
If you are unfamiliar with a particular title, or would like more information, each book listed includes links to an Amazon page (these are affiliate links) where you can find further information and age recommendations.
Diverse Picture Books
The following diverse picture books are important for generating discussion about the importance of diversity within our communities. These are big conversations and a well constructed picture book is the perfect tool for helping children to begin understand complex issues, such as racism and inclusion.
All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold
Follow a group of children through a day in their school, a place where everyone is welcome and kids in patkas, hijabs, and yarmulkes play side-by-side with friends in baseball caps. A school where students grow and learn from each other’s traditions and the whole community gathers together to celebrate.
The Big Umbrella by Amy June Bates
This simple, stunningly shared story about an umbrella with room to shelter all provides a beautiful conversation starter for important topics including inclusion, diversity and tolerance.
An ABC of Equality by Chana Ewing
A is for ability, b is for belief, c is for class. All people have the right to be treated fairly, no matter who they are, what they look like or where they come from and An ABC of Equality introduces social justice issues through simple, thoughtful definitions children can understand.
Mixed: A Colorful Story by Arree Chung
A story set in the fabulous world of colors provides a relatable and valuable basis for examining prejudice and the importance of diversity with children – not only on the basis of color, but also culture, ability, faith, gender, etc.
All the Ways to Be Smart by Davina Bell
A sweet, rhyming ode to all of the different ways a person can be smart – not just book smart but clever at making crafts or drawing pictures, or dancing, or even being brave.
The Day You Begin by Jacqueline Woodson
“There will be times when you walk into a room and no one there is quite like you.” This award winning, positive and affirming book about the many reasons you might feel different, and starting in a new place when you know no one, and so much more. A great picture book for kids right up into middle grades.
We Are Together by Britta Teckentrup
“On our own, we’re special, and we can chase our dream. But when we join up, hand in hand, together, we’re a team.” A beautiful book exploring themes of teamwork and friendship with children of many races represented in the illustrations.
Whoever You Are by Mem Fox
All around the world children are laughing, playing and living,though their lives may be quite different, inside they are all alike and in this book both similarities and differences are recognized and celebrated.
The Capybaras by Alfredo Soderguit
At first glance this is a simple, heartwarming animal tale but it is also perfect for reflecting with children upon the importance of accepting others even when they are different to what we are used to, overcoming prejudice and creating community.
Neither by Airlie Anderson
A curious green creature is born in the Land of This and That, but as it is neither a blue bunny nor a yellow bird, it finds it difficult to fit in. Eventually driven away by unkindness, Neither finds the Land of All, where everyone is welcome. Shares the important message that it’s much more fun to be inclusive of everyone, not just those who are like you.
The Smeds and the Smoos by Julia Donaldson
Alien Smeds and Smoos are absolutely not allowed to play with each other, but Janet, the Smed, and Bill, the Smoo, meet and fall in love! A wonderful story exploring important topics such as unknown ‘others’, differences, empathy, acceptance, friendship and teamwork.
A Kids Book About Racism by Jelani Memory
This book takes a complicated topic and makes it accessible to children. A great resource for facilitating conversations about race and racism.
Children In Our World: Racism and Intolerance by Louise Spilsbury
A sensitive introduction to racism and intolerance are and how they affect children all over the world.
Say Something by Peter H. Reynolds
Say Something is a wonderful conversation starter for children in elementary and middle school, encouraging children to be unafraid to stand up and speak out, to express themselves and all of their unique qualities.
Books About Differences
The books in this section feature a range of diverse characters – differences may be related to appearance, race, culture, family structure, gender identity or disability.
Reading books that feature a diverse range of characters that look or behave differently allows children both the opportunity to see themselves represented in a story, and encourages empathy and inclusivity as their view of the world expands to consider the experience of others. These children’s books about accepting differences are wonderful for sparking conversations about the self love, being inclusive of others and the importance of diversity in our communities.
What If We Were All the Same by C.M. Harris
How boring the world would be if we were all the same! From our skin color, interests, hair type and abilities, our differences make life interesting and unique. A celebration of our unique characteristics and abilities alongside acceptance and inclusivity for all people.
The Colors of Us by Karen Katz
A celebration of the many different colors of skin from an artist’s perspective – Lena is going to paint a picture of herself. She wants to use brown paint for her skin. But when she and her mother take a walk through the neighborhood, Lena learns that brown comes in many different shades.
Same Difference by Calida Garcia Rawles
Lida and Lisa are first cousins who love the same things and look the same…until one day they notice they don’t! With the help of their wise grandmother, the girls learn that their bond is deeper than what they see, and that it is our differences that make us both beautiful and unique.
Amazing Grace by Mary Hoffman
Grace loves to play pretend and act our stories, so when her school is putting on a performance of Peter Pan, Grace longs to play the part of Peter. But Peter was a boy. And he wasn’t black. A beautiful story about being true to yourself and not letting anyone hold you back.
Under My Hijab by Hena Khan
Grandma wears it clasped under her chin. Aunty pins hers up with a beautiful brooch. Zara styles hers to match her outfit. A young girl celebrates the differences between how each of the important women in her life wears their hijab, and how it reflects the unique person they are.
The Proudest Blue by Ibtihaj Muhammad
A younger sister watches with pride as her older sister wears her hijab to school for the first time. She becomes horrified and confused when her sister is bullied by other children, resolving to stand tall with her sister and refusing to be diminished by the nastiness of others in a beautiful story of bravery and strength with important anti-bullying messages.
Laxmi’s Mooch by Shelley Anand
A sweet addition to your body positivity book collection. Laxmi is playing with friends when one suggests she could be a cat because she has whiskers above her top lip. When Laxmi rushes to the mirror she spots a black fuzz. She shares her concerns with her parents, who are wonderfully supportive, explaining that everyone has hair everywhere and listing wonderful role models who also have ‘mooches’.
The Arabic Quilt: An Immigrant Story by Aya Khalil
When Kanzi is teased by a classmate at her new school for her mother’s use of an Arabic term of endearment she returns home, wraps herself in the beautiful quilt her grandmother made her and writes a poem all about it. When her teacher reads the poem she asks Kanzi to share the quilt with the class. Kanzi and her mother show the class, and show each child how to write their own name in Arabic. These decorated names are used to create a beautiful artwork for the school. A wonderful book about inclusion.
My Two Blankets by Irena Kobald
An award winning story sharing how people can live together despite coming from the most diverse backgrounds: one of hardship, deprivation and want, the other a place of peace, abundance and prosperity, with important messages of hope, acceptance and friendship.
The Sandwich Swap by Rania Al Abdullah
Will these two best friends ever make up after an epic falling out over the differences in their lunch boxes? A wonderful children’s book about cultural diversity.
Spaghetti In A Hot Dog Bun: Having The Courage to Be Who You Are by Maria Dismondy
A fabulous story about being different, standing up for yourself and being proud of who you are.
Alma and How She Got Her Name by Juana Martinez-Neal
“Alma Sofia Esparanza Jose Pura Candela had a long name- too long if you asked her.” But when Alma learns where each of the pieces of her name come from, and the traits she shares with her ancestors, she is proud to carry their name.
The Name Jar by Yangsook Choi
Being the new child at school is hard enough. But what if no one could pronounce your name? Unhei is worried the American children will not like her because of her Korean name and so begins the hunt for a new name that will help her to fit in.
The Boy Who Tried to Shrink His Name by Sandhya Parappukkaranand
A young boy shortens his name to make it easier for his classmates to say. When he makes a new friend, she takes the time to teach him to skateboard as he slowly teaches her how to say his full name.
Respect by Aunty Fay Muir & Sue Lawson
Respect reflects a deep concern for taking care of each other, and acknowledging cultural heritage and traditions. It beautifully shares a deeply important part of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture with the wider community. The words are simple and sparse but carefully chosen and perfect for fostering deep thinking and conversation with children of all ages.
Say My Name by Joanna Ho
A delightful reflection on the important of names and their connection to our own history and culture, portrayed through the experiences of six children from different cultures – Chinese, Tongan, Persian, Navajo, Mexican and Ghanaian.
Where Are You From? by Yamile Saied Mendez
Her abuelo gives a young multicultural girl a beautiful series of answers to the question, “Where are you from?” That draw from the past and the heart. An important story to share with students at the beginning of the school year to build unity in the classroom.
Islandborn by Junot Diaz
Lola’s school is multicultural so when Lola’s teacher asks the students to draw a picture of where their families immigrated from, all the kids are excited. Except Lola. She can’t remember The Island as she left when she was just a baby. But with the help of her family, Lola’s imagination takes her on an extraordinary journey back!
RELATED: For more stories featuring children from countries all around the world, be sure to check out our collection of 75 Picture Books From Around the World.
We’re All Wonders by R.J. Palaccio
I know I can’t change the way I look. But maybe, just maybe, people can change the way they see…a wonderful picture book sharing the remarkable story of Auggie – a boy who feels like any other kids but is not always seen that way.
Abdul’s Story by Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow
Abdul loves to tell stories, but his problem is in writing them down. His letters get all mixed up and he keep erasing until the paper rips. And whats the point of trying when there aren’t any stories about people that look like him anyways? When an author comes to visit his class, he shows Abdul his messy notebook, telling him that writers try again and again until they find the story hidden within the mess.
The Dot by Peter H Reynolds
Vashti thinks she can’t draw. But her teacher is sure that she can. She knows that there’s creative spirit in everyone and her encouragement helps Vashti look differently at herself and her abilities.
My Brain is a Race Car by Nell Harris
A wonderful explanation of the various, common ways a neurodivergent brain works, and the tools it might need for a ND person to make it through the race track of a day.
Nerdy Birdy by Aaron Reynolds
Nerdy Birdy likes reading, video games, and reading about video games, which immediately disqualifies him for membership in the cool crowd. One thing is clear: being a nerdy birdy is a lonely lifestyle. Or is it?
My Shadow Is Pink by Scott Stuart
Touching on gender identity, self acceptance, equality and diversity, My Shadow is Pink introduces a boy who struggles with his preferences for princesses and fairies and things ‘not for boys.’
My Shadow is Purple by Scott Stuart
A heartwarming and inspiring book about gender diversity, being free to express yourself in whatever way you want, and that it is okay to be different and not to fit in with what others are choosing.
Molly’s Tuxedo by Vicki Johnson
A wonderful book for celebrating individual difference, body autonomy and self acceptance. Molly has lots of sensible reasons for not wanting to wear the fancy dress her mother has bought for school picture day – not least because she wants to look like someone going on an adventure, not someone going to a tea party! However will Molly convince her mother that she be allowed to wear her brother’s tuxedo? And how will her school mates react?
Julian is a Mermaid by Jessica Love
When Julian sees three women dressed spectacularly as mermaids he dreams of making his own fabulous mermaid costume. But what will his abuela think of his transformation? A beautiful celebration of creativity, individuality and self love.
Big by Vashti Harrison
An award winning, emotional story exploring being a bigger person in a world that prizes being small, with themes of self love and the power of words to hurt and heal.
Mirror by Jeannie Baker
All of Jeannie Baker’s wordless picture books, featuring her creative collage illustrations are spectacular. Mirror compares the lives and stories of two families who are a world apart – one in Sydney, Australia, the other in a small village in Morocco.
Home by Tonya Lippert
This thoughtful story follows siblings as they experience homelessness and uncertain housing – moving from their house, to a motel, to a shelter and finally to a more permanent home. A great addition to your collection of books about different families.
Stellaluna by Janell Cannon
Stellaluna is a young fruit bat who is separated from her mother and adopted by a family of birds, and along the way learns that although we may be very different, we are also very much the same.
A Family is a Family is a Family by Sara O’Leary
When a teacher asks the children in her class to think about what makes their families special, the answers are all different in many ways. The class is introduced to interracial couples, adopted and foster children, single parents, two moms/dads, a parent in a wheelchair, families with lots of kids and grandparents raising a grandchild.
RELATED: For more books about family structures of all different shapes and sizes, check out our collection of 25 Families Books.
Books About Differences for Toddlers & Preschoolers
This series of simple picture books about differences are fabulous for beginning conversation with young children and difference and diversity. Of course, many of these titles are also great books for children in kindergarten and the early grades of elementary or primary school.
Froggy Green by Anna Walker
A fabulous first book for talking about differences with toddlers and preschoolers, Froggy Green was on high rotation with both of my children when they were small.
We Are All Equal by P. Crumble
A gentle, joyful book about equality to share with your toddler or preschool book lover.
I Love Me by Sally Morgan and Ambelin Kwaymullina
“I love my eyes, I love my nose, I love the way my curly hair grows!” A celebration of individuality and joyous self-esteem in bouncy, rhythmic prose and lively color. Perfect for young story lovers.
It’s Okay to Be Different by Todd Parr
Whatever your shape, size, color, family makeup, likes or dislikes, in classic Todd Parr style young readers are reminded that it’s perfectly okay to be uniquely you!
The Same But Different Too by Karl Newson
A wonderful book exploring the countless differences, big and small, between us all – with excellent rhyming text and beautifully vibrant illustrations. A great read aloud for younger children.
The Skin You Live In by Michael Tyler
The Skin You Live In presents themes of social harmony such as acceptance, diversity and friendship in a simple manner that is easy for preschool children to relate to.
Hair Love by Matthew H. Cherry
This picture book is a wonderful celebration of loving your own natural beauty and the hair you have through the gorgeous story of a girl whose Dad is tasked with styling her hair for a special occasion.
Different: A Great Thing To Be! by Heather Avis
Macy is a young, enthusiastic girl who loves to try new things and investigate the world, often in unconventional ways. When other children view her behavior as different, Macy feels left out in this sweet book encouraging us all to change the way we think and act towards people we perceive as different.
A Friend for Henry by Jenn Bailey
A young boy very much wants to find a friend in his class, but is struggling to find someone who might fit with his needs and personality. He knows it can’t be the class goldfish or his teacher, and he carefully considers various children. Just as he’s about to give up, he notices a quiet girl sitting nearby who might just be the right friend for Henry.
Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes
A classic story about learning to love what is uniquely yours, in this case an unusual name, even in the face of teasing by other school students.
I’m a Girl by Yasmeen Ismail
This girl likes to win, she likes to be spontaneous, fast and strong, and because she also likes to dress in t-shirt and shorts, she is forever getting mistaken for a boy! A great way to challenge gender stereotypes with younger book fans.
Pink is for Boys by Robb Pearlman
Pink is for Boys re-frames the stereotypical blue/pink gender binary and empowers kids to express themselves in every color of the rainbow, encouraging both girls and boys to enjoy what they love to do, whether it’s racing cars or playing baseball or loving unicorns or dressing up!
Lovely by Jess Hong
We are all different and we are all lovely is the premise of this wonderful book that challenges what we see as lovely in the world – with bold, colorful images and pairs of opposites. Lovely really can be different, weird and wonderful!
You Are Enough: A Book About Inclusion by Margaret O’Hair
This ode to self-esteem encourages kids to appreciate everything about themselves–inside and out.
We All Belong by Nathalie & Alex Goss
A simple, positive, rhyming book about differences that is perfect for toddlers and preschoolers.
Love Makes a Family by Sophie Beer
Love is baking a special cake, lending a helping hand, reading one more book! A sweet book showing different families busy together in happy activities. Whether a child has two moms, two dads, one parent, or one of each, this simple story demonstrates what’s most important in each family’s life – the love the family members share.
I Like Myself by Karen Beaumont
This ode to self-esteem encourages kids to appreciate everything about themselves–inside and out.
It’s Okay to Make Mistakes by Todd Parr
With Todd Parr’s unmistakable and colorful signature style, we learn that mistakes happen and that they’re not all bad.
Giraffes Can’t Dance by Giles Andreae
Gerald the tall giraffe would love to join in with the other animals at the Jungle Dance, but everyone knows that giraffes can’t dance…or can they?
Thelma the Unicorn by Aaron Blabey
Thelma dreams of being a unicorn but when her dream unexpectedly comes true she learns a lesson in loving yourself…even without sparkles.
Even at 65 books, this list of diverse picture books only scratches the surface of titles now available for children to learn more about diversity and differences. Feel free to add to our list with your suggestions in the comments below so we can continue to grow this great books on diversity booklist.
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Great books! These are great picture books relating to children in a way they can understand. Thank you!