Free Printable Olympic Games Worksheets for Kids

This pack of free, printable Olympic Games worksheets will help kids learn more about the Olympic Games – from Olympic traditions to sports, with information covering the history of the ancient Olympics to the modern day Olympic Games of today.

Olympic games worksheets

Why learn about the Olympic Games?

The Olympic Games is a major, international sporting event held every four years. It is considered the foremost sports competition in the world, with athletes from more than 200 countries competing in a wide range of sports.

There are lots of interesting facts and rituals, involving both the tradition of the ancient Olympics and the Olympic Games as we know them today, to engage children in learning about this fabulous event.

With this set of Olympics worksheets including Olympics facts and information for children, your students will have a better understanding of how the Olympic Games started and how it operates today, its relationship to the Winter Olympics and Paralympics, the important symbols and rituals of each Olympic Games event, the sports offered and the Olympic medals.

Free, Printable Olympic Games Worksheets for Middle Grades

Olympic printables

This free Olympic Games printables pack is best suited to children in elementary grades (primary school) and middle grades 3-7. The pack includes;

4 pages of interesting Olympic Games facts covering;

  • The Olympics in Ancient Times
  • The Modern Summer Olympics
  • The Paralympics
  • The Winter Olympics
  • The Olympic symbols and brand
  • The Olympic flame and torch
  • The Opening and Closing Ceremonies
  • The Sports Roster
  • Olympic Medals.

The supporting worksheets and activity sheets include;

  • Olympic Games True or False Worksheet
  • Summer Olympic Games Host Cities Research Activity
  • Two page Olympic Athlete Research Prompts and Record Sheet
  • Summer Olympics Sports Word Scramble
  • Summer Olympics Sports Word Search
  • Olympic Games Host City Word Search
  • Summer Olympic Games Crossword
  • Summer Olympics Host City Crossword
Olympic activity sheets

We have also added a set of Answer Sheets for each activity pack that also includes three handy lists of host cities for the modern Summer Olympic Games, Winter Olympics and Paralympics.

And you can download this PDF of printable Olympic Games activities as either of two versions of the worksheets – the first is US Letter sized with US spelling and the second is A4 sized with UK spelling.

Olympic printables for kids

Tips for Download & Printing : Olympic Games Worksheets

Printing Tips

  • Save the PDF to your computer.
  • Open the PDF to print the pages you require.
  • When printing, select “Fit to printable area” (or similar) to ensure the page fits with your printer type and local paper size.

Having trouble accessing or downloading the file? Please try a different internet browser.
Please note: All Childhood 101 printables are for personal use only, you may not use any part of this content for commercial purposes-that includes selling the document, giving it away to promote your business or website, or printing the file to sell. You may not share, loan or redistribute these documents. Teachers may use multiple copies for students in their own classroom.

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One Comment

  1. There are lots of interesting facts and rituals, involving both the tradition of the ancient Olympics and the Olympic Games as we know them today, to engage children in learning about this fabulous event.

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